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dinsdag 30 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #345 - Culture, Read Dahani, Delaine, Faury and Letourneur, Political sociology of the National Rally. Field surveys (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 A sociology book on the FN/RN. One again! The FN/RN is the political

party most studied in sociology and has been for more than thirty years.Two questions therefore arise immediately upon reception of this newcollective work. ---- The first is sociological, scientific: what newwill we learn from this multi-studied and commented party? What are wegoing to say, what can we say that hasn't already been said about theFN/RN? The second question is of a more practical and militant nature:what good can these multi-works be used for when we see at the same timethis party imposing its themes: "national preference", "blood rights","link between immigration and delinquency",... while the anti-fascistactivists who have been warning about the real danger of the extremeright since the mid-1980s seem to have never been heard or taken seriously?Concerning the first question, it should be noted that this work is acollective work - first good point - also carried mainly by youngresearchers - another positive point - which gives pride of place towork carried out from the inside (internalist approach ) and in the longterm. Which partly explains the quality of the work presented here. Thework, divided into three parts, territorial anchors, activism, partisanelites, thus offers a diversity of areas which are all micro-focuses ona sub-population / an activist sub-space. The choice made here to studythe FN/RN as one would study an average party allows us to see andunderstand the multiple logics of membership in the FN/RN inscribed inparticularly well-documented and transcribed individual and socialtrajectories.Based essentially on qualitative work, a large part of the chaptersallow us to take a step back from certain automatisms when it comes toqualifying activists and/or voters of the FN/RN. Several studies focuson social groups a priori distant from the representations that we canhave of them and present profiles of activists and "atypical" voters:"ethno-racial" minorities, "men gays", "teachers". These finely studiedpaths allow us to understand the multiple logics which lead tocampaigning or voting for the FN/RN, responding as much to previouslyacquired dispositions as to the existence of spaces for internalsociability allowing these "atypical" people to exist, or even make themelements of advancement within the party.Understanding the internal logic of operation and mobilization of theFN/RN allows us to highlight the strengths but also the weaknesses ofthis party which is still struggling to constitute a pool of activistscovering the territory. In this case, it is rather the electoralsuccesses which will lead to the densification of this network and notthe reverse.The work, which intends to restore to its subject "its social depth,anchoring its study in a general political sociology of the extremeright, political parties and electoral mobilizations", is a relevanttool for those seeking to understand and combat , on the ground, thisparty is fundamentally part of the extreme right.David (UCL Savoies)Safia Dahani, Estelle Delaine, Félicien Faury, Guillaume Letourneur(dir.), Political sociology of the National Rally. Field surveys,Presses universitaire du Septentrion, 2023, 326 pages, 25 euros.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Lire-Dahani-Delaine-Faury-et-Letourneur-Sociologie-politique-du-Rassemblement_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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