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vrijdag 19 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, Avtonom: The face of enlightenment: "Trends of order and chaos", episode 164 - Prepared by the Antijob.net project. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 How to lure a teacher to school? ---- Everyone who is not too lazy is

engaged in the "fight" against the shortage of personnel in Russia.
Another man with a remarkable physiognomy named Sergei Kravtsov
distinguished himself. This is, neither more nor less, but a whole
minister of education. His face is truly enlightening. So, this minister
said that "secondary vocational education is in no way inferior to
higher education, and in some ways even superior." Meanwhile, secondary
specialized education almost died laughing. Well, more precisely, it is
literally dying. For example, the training of specialists in mechanical
engineering was discontinued in 14 regions in 2022, and in 2023 in
another 7 regions. Although it is quite possible that Kravtsov is
personally interested in another specialty.

The Ministry of Education has been complaining about the shortage of
teaching staff in the regions for several years now, and now it has
finally found a solution. He was voiced by the same Kravtsov. He warned
that soon subject teachers who have studied at colleges and received
only secondary vocational education (SVE) will be allowed into Russian
schools. According to the current rules, secondary vocational education
programs are designed only for training specialists for kindergartens
and primary schools, and subject teachers need to graduate from a
university. But when did any rules stop officials? If they are not
convenient, then they need to be rewritten, and it does not matter
whether this will be useful.

Now the number of teachers of retirement and pre-retirement age is
actively growing, as young specialists do not go to work in the system.
However, college graduates will not go to school either, says Vsevolod
Lukhovitsky, chairman of the interregional trade union "Teacher". The
teacher explained that "not only young people do not go to work at
school, but also those who already work there leave due to poor working

The typical salary of a teacher for one pay in the regions of Central
Russia is 20-25 thousand rubles in hand. Accordingly, working at one and
a half times the rate allows you to increase your income to the level of
a salesperson-cashier in Pyaterochka. But one and a half bets is not the
limit. Many teachers work at 2 pay rates, and some even at 2.5.

It is obvious that people with higher education are driven away from
schools by low salaries and huge workloads. Why the same thing will not
repel college graduates is known only to Kravtsov. By the way,
"MultiStudio", at the request of the "Teacher" trade union, made a
cartoon about this very load. A very good cartoon, we recommend everyone
to watch it.

Crooks and thieves
As we have already found out, the Minister of Education of the Russian
Federation Kravtsov is quite a typical boss, and he offers himself
completely useless solutions. But education leaders also have their own
quirks that distinguish them from crazy people in other areas. Professor
Andrei Rostovtsev pointed this out after carefully studying the data of
the Dissernet project, which specializes in searching for plagiarism in
scientific papers. Further his quote: "... one cannot help but pay
attention to the fantastically high percentage of swindlers with stolen
dissertations or scientific publications among the rectors of Russian
universities. Today, there are 264 such rectors in the Dissernet
database. It is also noteworthy that during all this time, as they say,
"not a single rector was harmed."

Actually, this is all you need to know when talking about the competence
of managers in higher education. Perhaps this is what Kravtsov was
hinting at when comparing higher and secondary specialized education?
Moreover, he himself is familiar with plagiarism firsthand, and his case
was also published by Dissernet.

Revelations from superiors
However, in the past, ministers of education in Russia expressed
themselves more openly:

"...it is necessary to explain to the authorities of gymnasiums and
pre-gymnasiums that they admit to these educational institutions only
those children who are under the care of persons who provide sufficient
guarantee of proper supervision over them at home and in providing them
with the convenience necessary for their studies. Thus, with strict
observance of this rule, gymnasiums and pro-gymnasiums will be freed
from the admission of children of coachmen, footmen, cooks, laundresses,
small shopkeepers and the like, whose children, with the exception of
those gifted with genius abilities, should not at all strive for
secondary and higher education. education."

This is a quote from the famous "circular about cook's children" dated
June 30, 1887, old style, authored by the then Minister of Education of
the Russian Empire Ivan Davydovich Delyanov.

Simultaneously with the publication of the Circular, the Ministry of
Education increased tuition fees in gymnasiums to 50 rubles and
eliminated preparatory classes. This gave an advantage to children who
had the opportunity to receive a good primary education at home. In
general, the point was to prevent children from lower classes from
entering gymnasiums, and thereby not allowing them to enter
universities, since only graduates of gymnasiums had the right to enter
them. The goal was very simple. The Tsar and his government were then
scared to death of the revolutionaries, the bulk of whom were commoners
and students. They believed that they could "cool down" Russian society
by limiting educational opportunities for the "ignoble" strata.

The "Circular on Cook's Children" was not the only measure. Delyanov, as
Minister of Education, significantly limited the autonomy of higher
educational institutions and transferred parochial schools and junior
literacy schools to the jurisdiction of the Holy Synod, thus giving all
primary education a church character.

Religion is poison, take care guys
Modern Delyanovs also act in a similar way. Thus, recently Maxim Kulaev,
a lecturer at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, was fired from
St. Petersburg State University because he protested against the
inclusion of a church minister on the examination committee.

According to Maxim, he noticed oddities in the formation of the
commission for the program "International Relations, Political Science
and Human Rights" since 2023, but could not influence it due to the
"authoritarian style of management."

"The archpriest of the Vyborg diocese was included in the commission;
this is a violation of the secular nature of education, in my opinion.
They include people who lecture the entire graduating class. The fact
that they also administer exams constitutes a conflict of interest.
Students have disagreements with teachers, and they take revenge on them
during final exams. Some are rude to students. I wrote to the members of
the commission telling them not to do this," says Maxim about his
"misdemeanor" for which he was fired.

Here is the text of the letter that Maxim sent to his colleagues: "As
you probably know, you were included in the examination committee, and
some included themselves there, despite an obvious conflict of interest.
Nevertheless, formally I must inform you that the state exam will be on
May 29. Behave decently during the exam, not like last year. Don't take
revenge on students, don't be rude to them, don't insult them, don't
stare at their phones, don't chat with each other while answering, etc."

And about. Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences Andrei
Astvatsaturov says that he considers the above a terrible insult. "I had
to call four people and apologize," Astvatsaturov describes his torment.
"The man was the coordinator of this commission, and had to simply write
to his colleagues where and when they should come. Instead, he sends
them insulting letters. The commission consists of representatives of
third-party organizations who sacrificed their free time and came to us
to take exams from our students."

According to Astvatsaturov, among them one person serves as a priest,
but at the same time, "he is a candidate of science, has been
cooperating with the university for a long time and has a good reputation."

Besides letters. Maxim decided to express his protest with the help of
Soviet posters, which he printed and hung on the faculty bulletin board.
Among them are very famous ones - for example, with Yuri Gagarin, who
floats in outer space and does not find God there, the legendary
"Religion is poison, take care of the guys" and "Let's protect the

No one at the university wanted to take care of the children, so the
teacher was fired for committing "an immoral act incompatible with the
continuation of work." Chairman of the ethics commission of St.
Petersburg State University Gennady Bogomazov said that the university
management independently decided to dismiss Kulaev, the university
commission did not consider this issue. A replacement for the courses he
taught has not yet been found.

The kings and ministers of the Russian Empire hoped that the church
would help them deceive the people into believing in the Lord in heaven
and the Lord on earth. Now we know well from history that they did not
succeed. Their two allies, as they thought, "the army and the navy," did
not help the kings either. The current tsar and his ministers, too, it
seems to us, really want to make sure of this.

Well that's all for today! We remind you that in Trends in Order and
Chaos, members of Autonomous Action and other authors give anarchist
assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and
other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe to our social
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