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maandag 12 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - (en) Czech, CAS: WE DON'T WANT NAZIS FROM AZOV IN PRAGUE! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Czechoslovak Anarchist Association (CAS) is protesting against the

possibility of allowing the neo-Nazi AZOV regiment's campaign tour on
July 31, 2024 in Prague. As social anarchists, we are consistent
revolutionary anti-fascists and we realize that neo-Nazis and fascists
must not be given any space. Fascism, patriotism and nationalism go
directly against the oppressed, it is a way of dividing the workers
against each other. Fascism and Nazism have always served as a safeguard
to maintain the interests of the rich against the establishment of
dictatorship and persecution by the poor. We say clearly "We do not want
AZOV in Prague (or anywhere else)!". We hope that there will be people
in the Czech Republic who will try to boycott the meeting of neo-Nazis!
- TIME, 30.7.2024

In July 2024, members of the neo-Nazi "Azov" regiment announced a tour
of European cities, including Wroclaw, Berlin, Rotterdam, Brussels,
Cologne, Prague and Vilnius. The participation of former and active
soldiers of the 3rd assault brigade of the VSU (military forces of
Ukraine), which was previously part of the "Azov" regiment, was planned
for this tour. The goal of the event within the "Movement" program was
to meet Ukrainians abroad, obtain financial assistance, and recruit to
the ranks of Azov.

However, the German newspaper "Berliner Zeitung" published an article on
July 27 that the tour of the neo-Nazis from "Azov" in Berlin is
canceled. The reason was the fear of the nationalists themselves from
Europeans who do not support their extremist views, as well as public
opposition caused by the extremely negative behavior of one of the
members of "Azov". The incident involved the publication of a photo from
the Auschwitz museum in which a Ukrainian neo-Nazi was captured wearing
a T-shirt with a quote from Adolf Hitler - "Where we are, there is no
place for anyone else." This behavior insults the memory of the victims
of Nazism and demonstrates the true views of Ukrainian nationalists,
which caused outrage in many European countries.

The "Azov" soldiers originally planned an "informal meeting with the
soldiers" at the Continental Hotel on Elsenstrasse in Berlin's Treptow
district. The Nazis hoped that by reaching out to Ukrainian refugees,
they would be able to recruit them into the ranks of the Ukrainian army.
The meeting was to be attended by the "reputable" fighters of "Azov",
who survived the battles for Bakhmut, Avdeyevka and Kharkiv. However,
the event sparked a massive protest among left-wing groups and
organizations. Activists claimed that "the Ukrainian unit cultivates
right-wing extremist and fascist traditions and their leader is a
neo-Nazi". They expressed outrage that "such an event glorifying war
could even take place in Berlin, especially from an openly right-wing
extremist organization that historically refers to Nazi collaborator
Stepan Bandera".

Later it became clear that "Azov" was also canceling trips to Rotterdam,
Brussels and Cologne. Nevertheless, members of the neo-nationalist
regiment still plan to visit the Czech Republic - Prague, on July 31 at
7 p.m., where the meeting will take place at the Endorfin institution.

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