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maandag 12 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY HAMBURG - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, FAU Hamburg: In solidarity with the strike at H&M in Barcelona (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Solidarity is our weapon! ---- Everyone knows H&M, but few people talk

about the working conditions at that company. This time it's not about
the garment workers inside the factories of Asia or Africa, but about
the H&M customer centre in Barcelona. ---- Since 25 April 2024, more
than 90 days ago, around half of the 200 wage earners there have been on
indefinite strike. The majority of the workforce is organised in the
anarcho-syndicalist Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT), meaning
that the strike is also being coordinated by the CGT. The main trigger
for the industrial action is the company's aggressive digitalisation
policy, which is increasingly affecting wage earners while H&M is raking
in record profits. In the last 12 months alone, the workforce has been
reduced from 270 to 200 workers. The computerised algorithm increases
the pressure to perform and makes those affected increasingly ill. But
read for yourself what the CGT writes about this in its leaflet.

To increase the pressure in connection with the strike, five affected
CGT comrades set off on a journey. First for a rally in front of the H&M
store in Spitalerstraße on 23 July 2024. Why there of all places?
Spitalerstraße is the location of the company's national headquarter.
Germany is also H&M's largest sales market. Several members of FAU
Hamburg, FAU Lüneburg and FAU Lübeck spontaneously joined the rally in
front of the store in Spitalerstraße and, together with the visitors
from Barcelona, braved the bad weather in Hamburg while the shopping
public was informed about the industrial action with leaflets and banners.

Two days later, the five continued with a rally in Stockholm in front of
the company's central headquarter.

Inspired by their militant stance, we wish the comrades every success in
the ongoing dispute and will be happy to stand by their side in
solidarity in the future.

Solidarity is our weapon!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
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