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maandag 12 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT - Tal Mitnick is free, the fight to stop the massacres in Gaza and to free the Hamas hostages continues! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Tal Mitnick, a young Israeli "refuznik" (1) who refused to do his

military service (mandatory in Israel for both boys and girls) because
he refused to participate in the ongoing massacre of the Palestinian
population in Gaza by the Israeli army, announced on his Twitter account
that he had been released from prison on July 10 and exempted from
service in the process: ---- "I finally breathe a sigh of relief: after
six months in military prison, with no prospect of getting out, I
received an exemption from service today. The last months of
incarceration have not been particularly easy and I would like to thank
all the support I have received from my environment, family, friends and
a network of refractory people who have accompanied me in this process. "

He will have spent a total of six months (185 days), in six consecutive
sentences, incarcerated in increasingly difficult conditions in order to
make him "crack". (see the article "Direct action against the ongoing
massacres in Gaza! Let's support the young Israeli deserters

He served the longest prison term of all Israeli conscientious objectors
in the last decade.

Nevertheless, this did not succeed in breaking his determination to
refuse to be complicit in the ongoing massacre of Gazans. The military
administration therefore decided to exempt him from military service, in
order not to give his case more publicity than the repressive
relentlessness was causing. On the contrary, the case of Tal Mitnick
shows that direct action against war can win, and we hope that his
victory over military barbarity will inspire other young people in
Israel and around the world!

If Tal Mitnick is free, other refuseniks are still being pursued.
Moreover, the Hamas hostages are still prisoners.

Also the struggle to demand a stop to the ongoing massacres by the
Israeli army and the release of all hostages by Hamas continues.

Stop the ongoing massacres in Gaza, Sudan, Yemen, Congo, Burma etc ...

Not a penny, not a man for the military groups and the army, neither
here nor elsewhere,

Peace among us, war on the tyrants!

CNT-AIT (International Workers' Association) activists

(1) It is customary in Israel to call those who refuse military service
"refuznick", a term borrowed from the dissidents of the Soviet era who
were refused emigration by the communist government. Conscientious
objection is forbidden for men in Israel and barely tolerated for women.

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