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maandag 9 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, AIT: New protest of tenants in Warsaw (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Warsaw tenants, supported by anarcho-syndicalists from the Union of
Syndicalists of Poland (ZSP, section of M.A.T.) held a protest on August
5 in front of the city hall of the Polish capital on Bankowa Square.
---- The reason for the rally was the intention to evict residents of
the "Przyjazn" housing estate from the housing they occupy. Its
residents are mainly students or former students, but also refugees,
disabled people and other socially vulnerable people - both Polish
citizens and foreigners.

In April, the Academy of Special Education, where many of those living
in the housing estate studied, refused to lease land in Warsaw. The
lease expired on May 9, the authorities offered some residents an
emergency extension of the terms for three months, while others - to
sign contracts for a period of 1 year. However, in July they were
notified that they would have to leave the premises by August 10. The
worried and indignant residents of "Pshiyaznia" went out to protest.

During the rally, signatures were collected for a petition, which was
handed over to the President of Warsaw. Residents of "Pshiyaznia" demand
an end to evictions and to give students the opportunity to finish their
studies with a roof over their heads, to renovate the complex without
increasing the rent and to reopen the local club "Carousel".

The authorities promised to look into the situation. They assured that
the students will be able to stay in the premises for the duration of
their studies. 200 people with indefinite-term contracts will retain
their housing. 100 applications for fixed-term annual contracts will be
examined. The graduates will have to leave. The future of the rest is
still unknown...


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