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maandag 9 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Umanit Nova: No MUOS march toward US NAVY military base: fences cut, police launch CS gas (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

On Sunday 4 August a march took place toward the NRTF base of the US
Navy, starting from the No MUOS garrison, where the tenth edition of the
No MUOS struggle camp had taken place in the previous days. ---- The
march, called by the No MUOS movement, reached the main gate of the
base, and then continued toward the MUOS station, a geo-satellite
communication system of the US Navy that allows global communications of
all US weapon systems, including drones that depart from Sigonella.
The march repeatedly recalled Palestine in its slogans, showing
solidarity with the Palestinian people and resistance, demanding the
liberation of Palestinian lands as well as Sicily from US military
occupation. During the journey, dozens of cuts were made to the fences
of the military base, opening gaps of several meters along the perimeter
of the base, despite the large presence of law enforcement, inside and
outside the base.

The police carried out a dense launch of tear gas at head height, so
much so that it directly hit several people in the sternum and arms. The
use of CS gas was also denounced, a substance whose use is prohibited by
international law in war given its high toxicity, but used by the
Italian police during the demonstrations. Some moments of tension were
recorded when the police and the DIGOS tried to stop some demonstrators
after the demonstration, without success.

"In recent years we have denounced and highlighted the global trend
towards war. Today we can say that we are in a climate of total war" the
movement states in a statement. "With Palestine in our hearts, today's
demonstration and actions are for us the answer to total war: only
people can stop the war, starting from their own territories and from
the places that fuel the ongoing wars, such as the MUOS in Niscemi".

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