Our next talk debate, on Wednesday December 18 8:30 p.m. at La Commune
premises, will deal with anarcha-feminism. ---- Here is the call text:---- Anarcha-Feminism or Libertarian Feminism is a movement within the
anarchist movement specifically fighting against patriarchy as part of
the fight against capitalism and the state, hence the slogan of our
feminist banner "Boss Fatherland Patriarchy, same roots same fight!".
---- This ideology comes to us from many women, in an Individualist,
communist or ambivalent posture and from productions such as the
Argentine newspaper of 1896-1897 "La Voz de la Mujer". But the first
specifically anarcha-feminist organization was Mujeres Libres in the
context of the Spanish revolution (name taken up in French by a Radio
Libertaire program "Femmes Libres")
Anarcha-Feminism is a struggle for the liberation of women in society,
but also a struggle within a very masculine and masculine-centered
anarchist movement seeing in the condition of women either a simple
consequence of capitalism that will be brought down with it or a
non-priority subject, or even as the natural order of things.
But today in December 2024, is it still relevant? Has or should
anarcha-feminism evolve? Or even disappear? In what framework? This is
what we will be able to debate at the La Commune premises on Wednesday,
December 18 at 8:30 p.m. by taking up, among other things, the writings
of Teresa Claramunt, a great figure of Spanish anarchism and feminism,
nicknamed the "Louise Michel of Barcelona" compiled in "Femmes
unissons-nous" published by Nada."
See you and hear you during this discussion-debate!
Published by Groupe La Sociale de la Fédération Anarchiste on Tuesday,
December 03
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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