For almost a year, Philippe Durand met with the members of the SCTL
(Société civile des terres du Larzac). Heir to the struggle of the 1970sagainst the extension of a military camp on agricultural and pastoral
lands in South Aveyron, the author talks with those who bring it to life
today, in its complexity and specificity. ---- Indeed, the right of use
and quarry leases are in force there and allow the installation of new
farmers in very favorable conditions. ---- But the collective operation
also involves many debates and reflections: questions about land
ownership, gender relations within the agricultural world, questions
about transmission and intergenerational links, creative conflicts, etc.
The book, produced in the form of interviews, gives insight into a great
human and political adventure that has lasted for almost 40 years. The
links between the relationship to the land and peasant agriculture that
unites all these inhabitants allow us to realize that by relying on
concrete tools, solidarity and self-management are sometimes not just
wishful thinking.
Vincent (friend of AL)
Philippe Durand Larzac!, Libertalia, 2024, 138 pages, 10 euros.
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