Let's first get back to simple things that will take us out of the
current media maelstrom. We must not confuse immigrants and foreigners.An immigrant is born abroad and comes to settle in France. A foreigner
does not have French nationality, wherever he or she was born. Some
immigrants are naturalized French citizens. There are foreigners
residing in France who are not immigrants, simply because they were born
there. According to INSEE estimates, there are 7.3 million immigrants in
France (i.e. 10.7% of the population), including 2.5 million French
nationals. There are 800,000 foreigners born in France. There would
therefore be a total of 5.6 million foreigners in France (2023 figures).
While we're at it, let's continue with definitions. A "native French
person" is a far-right expression that doesn't really have a definition.
However, from the moment we wanted to look at the trajectories of
populations from immigrant backgrounds, we had to define. For a while,
the INED and the INSEE defined a native French person as a person born
in France to two parents who were themselves French and born in France.
Because we still have to agree on how many generations we go back when
we talk about "native French people". Let's remember that the Nazis were
content to go back to their grandparents to define who was Jewish. Let's
also remember that for the law, the Constitution and the "values of the
Republic", there are no half or quarter French people. You are either
French or not.
INSEE estimates the number of immigrants based on censuses, and
therefore does not have the same figures as the Ministry of the
Interior, which relies on residence permits. INSEE makes an estimate
based on a survey of each dwelling (but not exhaustive). It is not
certain that those who are in an irregular situation will declare
themselves, but in principle anonymity allows it. INSEE figures are
probably the most reliable (or the least questionable) among those
available. The Ministry of the Interior only records entries, not exits.
Indeed, a normal person is not going to report to the prefecture that
they are leaving. And the entries recorded by the prefecture do not
concern entry into the territory, since you can obtain a residence
permit even though you have been here for quite a few years.
INSEE estimates that 331,000 immigrants entered France in 2022, while
the Ministry of the Interior indicates that 319,000 first residence
permits were issued that same year. These figures may seem similar, but
be careful, they do not necessarily include the same people. A first
residence permit can be issued to someone who has been here for several
years. In addition, Europeans do not need a residence permit. Finally,
residence permits are generally issued to parents, so children are not
In 2023, 47.7% of immigrants living in France were born in Africa. 32.3%
were born in Europe. The most common countries of birth for immigrants
are Algeria (12.2%), Morocco (11.7%), Portugal (7.9%), Tunisia (4.8%),
Italy (3.9%), Turkey (3.3%) and Spain (3.2%). Nearly half of immigrants
come from one of these seven countries (47%).
In 2022, there was an increase in immigration with the arrival of
Ukrainians (their number increased 30-fold) and Russians (their number
doubled). 40% of immigrants who arrived in France in 2022 were born in
Europe and 35% in Africa. The most common countries of birth for
immigrants who entered France in 2022 are Ukraine (12.6%), Algeria
(6.4%), Morocco (6.2%) and Tunisia (4.4%). According to Eurostat, France
welcomes very few immigrants (in proportion to the population) compared
to other countries in the European Union: only Bulgaria and Slovakia
welcome fewer than us. Even Hungary and Poland are doing much better!
According to Eurostat, 5.1 million immigrants entered the EU in 2022,
compared to the 331,000 who arrived in France. On average in the EU,
11.1% of the population entered the fortress in 2022. In France, these
arrivals represent 0.6% of the population.
The residence permits issued are increasingly short. Of the 320,000
issued in 2022, only 84,000 (a quarter) were permits for more than a
year, and 39,000 for less than a year.
The share of immigration in the population has increased. It decreased
between 1931 and 1946, then increased until 1975; it then stabilized
until the end of the 1990s and began to increase again since the 2000s.
Between the mid-1940s and the mid-1970s, immigration flows were
predominantly male. Since 1974, the share of women in immigration flows
has increased, whether for family reunification or migration for other
reasons (to pursue studies, find a job, etc.). In 2023, 52% of
immigrants living in France are women, compared to 44% in 1975 and 45%
in 1946.
Let's beware of clichés. In 2022, among immigrants who arrived after the
age of 25, half had a higher education degree. Overall, between 23.5%
and 32.5% (depending on the continent of origin) of immigrants have a
degree higher than bac + 2, compared to 27.1% of populations without
migratory ancestry. So yes, the proportion of people without a diploma
is higher among immigrants (especially Asians and Africans) than among
the French. But this reminds us of one thing: immigrants don't mean
anything, they don't form a homogeneous whole, and this heterogeneity is
not limited to their geographical or religious origins.
Mixed marriages are becoming more and more frequent as the generations
go by. 63% of immigrants living in a couple have an immigrant spouse, so
this is not the case for more than a third of them. In the second
generation, on the other hand, unions with people without immigrant
ancestry largely predominate (66% of couples). Many families today have
a link to immigration because the mixing of unions in each generation
multiplies the immigrant presence in ancestries. Conversely, there are
few genealogies that include only immigrant ancestors. In short, France
is becoming mixed, to the great displeasure of our ideologues.
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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