The climate disasters that are increasingly affecting Europe and with
increasing destructive force demonstrate that only idiots fail to seethe urgency of the climate emergency and the need for a profound
revision of production and development models aimed at stemming the
ever-increasing deterioration of the climate. Part of the left has
understood this and has placed the climate emergency at the center of
its political project; it is laboriously proposing an environmentalist
policy aimed at overcoming the current development model and production
system based mainly on the fossil cycle.
Despite the evidence, what is happening is denied by the right who
attribute atmospheric phenomena to the normal and ordinary course of the
climate and oppose the left and the adoption of green policies regarding
production as well as the organization of social life. To this end, they
use denialism as a tool to counter environmental policies, even though
they know that it has no scientific basis and no tool for reading
climate phenomena, and yet it continues to gain consensus, due to the
fact that the realization of a green conversion of the economy and of
the Western and European model of development and life appears
unrealistic and difficult to achieve, unless one does not accept
economic decline and poverty, due to the productive restructuring
necessary to achieve it and the costs that this entails.
When the European Commission in 2019 launched, as a strategic objective,
the realization of a green transformation of the European economy, the
economic conditions seemed to exist to achieve the necessary structural
transformations. because the costs of the economic and productive
factors were distributed in such a way as to allow the transformation,
maintaining constant profits and well-being, and indeed achieving a
further improvement in investments, technological development and growth
of the same profits. The profound transformation of the production model
should have allowed us to achieve, without resorting to war, a phase of
destruction of the existing production apparatus and its transformation
that, taking into account new technologies. would have allowed the
maintenance of accumulation and profit and indeed would have accredited
its scope by allowing the holders of investments and capital to achieve
their objectives by applying the principle of "profit from the evolution
of production factors" to the organization of production.
However, this happy condition of the economy of the European Union area
was due to the distribution of all production costs along the production
chain, which saw the factor relating to the energy cost necessary for
production reduced to a minimum thanks to the happy conditions under
which the European economy could have energy, in gas and oil, at very
low costs, supplied by Russia, obtaining in exchange investments and
involvement in the world economy market. After the political
stabilization that occurred within the Russian Federation, following the
collapse of the USSR, Western investments in the country grew to the
point of creating the production infrastructure for a market economy,
which transformed the Russian economic space into a promising economic
space for goods produced especially in the European Union area.
The existence of these conditions did not escape the attention of
capitalism located in the Anglo-Saxon world, which saw its presence in
the global market increasingly contracting, also due to the productive
and commercial growth of China and numerous other economic and political
actors, who equipped themselves with their own instrument for
coordinating their economic relations, constituted by the BRICS, which
had among its main objectives that of creating an alternative trading
area to that of the dollar. For its part, Anglo-Saxon capitalism
concentrated in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and Canada
was neither convinced nor capable of achieving a similar transformation
and, in any case, considered such a structural change inconvenient and
This depended and depends in part on the central role played by the
groups that control the production of oil and gas not only within the
productive apparatus and also the financial one, but even more on the
fact that the Anglo-Saxon production model, especially that part of it
located in the United States and Britain, was hit by the effects of a
productive restructuring that had just been undergone, characterized by
relocation to areas with low energy costs and equally low labor costs
(China for example, but not only) that had produced in their economies
and in the social structure of the societies in which they operate,
devastating social changes in the distribution of income. In other
words, the dismantling of productive activities, especially
manufacturing in these areas of ancient industrialization and
development, their displacement and their relocation, the profound
impact of information technology, automation, telematics and
technological development in general had and have produced, especially
in the USA and in Great Britain, an impoverishment of the working and
white-collar middle class that once benefited from working conditions
and medium-high incomes. Decentralization and delocalization certainly
contributed to increasing profits for a certain period of time, but at
the same time allowed the spread of globalization of the economy and
with it the growth, albeit gradual, of production systems in other
countries, different from those of the traditional areas of development,
characterized by the presence of a high rate of population growth and at
the same time by the availability of raw materials and easy access to
Moreover, this occurred while in the areas of location of the production
activities of Anglo-Saxon capitalism, the demographic decline was
becoming increasingly relevant, balanced by the immigration phenomenon
which, on the one hand, allows the availability of an immense industrial
reserve army that allows the cost of the workforce to be kept low, but
on the other hand produces increasingly serious problems of social
integration and coexistence that put social stability in crisis.
This set of phenomena has ended up putting the social model of income
distribution in the leading production areas into crisis and this has
profoundly changed the social fabric, compromising its democratic
stability, as demonstrated by the deep rift in society in the United
States, more than evident on the occasion of the elections for the new
President, where an essential political role in the growth of populism
is played by the impoverished working class.
The strategic function of the war in Ukraine
As in all its phases of crisis of growth of the accumulation of profit,
capitalism unscrupulously resorts to the use of war to address problems
and try to resolve them to its advantage. The management of the phase
made it necessary, for Anglo-Saxon capitalism, to sever the umbilical
cord that tied the European economy to the Russian one and prevent the
further strengthening of the collaborative axis between the two economic
areas, the Russian one and that of the European Union. This would have
allowed the European economic area to achieve the green transformation
of its economy and, in perspective, could have benefited both parties,
allowing them to reach a hegemonic position in the market and therefore
to heavily influence the geostrategic balance of the entire planet in a
world that is becoming increasingly multipolar. For these reasons, an
operation was planned aimed at severing this relationship, using
Ukrainian nationalists and the oligarchs of that country as useful
idiots, eager to free themselves from the economic and cultural bond
with the Russian world. Having as a strategic objective the
fragmentation of the unity of the Russian Federation, considered a
productive and strategic economic entity of too large dimensions, such
as to call into question the hegemony of capitalism located in the
Anglo-Saxon area of the world, NATO and its expansion were used as a
potential threat to the strategic balances between the different areas.
Thus, while the American empire was breathing its last, paving the way
for a multipolar world, the operation of destabilization of the band of
neutral states, established after the dissolution of the USSR, began,
which was conducted successfully especially in Ukraine, starting in
2014, when the events in Maidan Square irreversibly shifted the
political balance of the country.[2]
Separatism on the part of the eastern oblasts of the country was
increasingly taking shape, followed by the occupation of Crimea by
Russia. while the destabilization action carried out in Ukraine by the
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in concert with the United
States Department of State was becoming increasingly consistent. Thus
the Ukrainian autocephalous Orthodox Church was created, bringing
together schismatic components of Orthodoxy into a single ecclesiastical
structure that was recognized as autocephaly by the Ecumenical
Patriarchate. This formation, blessed by the political authorities,
assumed the role of State Church and the assets and structures of the
canonical Orthodox Church, linked to the Patriarchate of Moscow, the
country's historic religious confession, accused of connivance with the
Russian State, were progressively attributed to it through actions of
force, expropriations and procedures supported by specific laws and
administrative provisions.[3]
As long as Europe had a strong and strategically aware leadership,
guaranteed by the presence of Angela Merkel on the continent's political
scene, this operation was held back, also using the Minsk one and Minsk
two agreements. However, it was only a postponement, because the
conditions were met when a weak leadership of the European Union and
Germany was installed, in the person of the inept midwife Ursula von der
Leyen, reconfirmed in her role, precisely because of her
conditionability by the strong US powers and thanks to the colorless and
catatonic Chancellor Scholz, at the helm of Germany. A histrionic and
complacent acrobat, in the person of Zelensky, and the improvident and
criminal calculations of the autocrat Vladimir Putin, were consciously
complicit. the Ukrainian conflict, which had actually been going on
since 2014, could explode in all its drama, with the start of the
so-called special operation, assuming the dimensions of a devastating
war that is causing millions of deaths and destroying Ukraine: a proxy
war by Ukraine on behalf of NATO against Russia with the aim of
weakening its economy and putting its unity in crisis, confident that
the commitment to the war effort would end up weakening the regime,
producing the implosion of the Russian Federation.
To demonstrate what we are saying, it is worth remembering that one of
the main objectives of the war was constituted, as put by the actors of
the conflict themselves, by the destruction of the Nord Stream Two,
which has been persistently pursued by the Biden administration since
its construction.
The Objectives of the Russian-Ukrainian War
In the eyes of any minimally honest observer, it was already clear at
the beginning of the hostilities that there was an unequal balance of
power between the two belligerents in terms of men and means, which the
West promised to compensate for by providing Ukraine with weapons and
economic resources necessary to sustain the war. on the condition that
the Ukrainian people would make men available on the field. As is
increasingly evident. with the passage of time, while Russian war
capabilities grow, those of Ukraine deteriorate.
Since the beginning of the hostilities, approximately 10 million
Ukrainians have left the country, hosted and supported by Western
countries, while the number of Ukrainians residing in the territories of
the Russian Federation is estimated to be in the order of 8 million,
adding those who were already residing there before the beginning of the
hostilities, those who chose to find refuge there to escape the war, to
which must be added the 20% of the inhabitants who remained in the
Ukrainian territory currently occupied and annexed by the Russian
It is therefore not wrong to estimate that there are no more than 22
million Ukrainians currently present on the territory of the State, and
under the control of the Kiev government, from whom the government can
draw for the mobilization of the army, with the result of resorting to
compulsory conscription carried out in a forced manner by recruiters who
are responsible for forcing rebellious citizens to take up arms,
resulting in poor professionalism and lack of motivation of the
soldiers, desertions, abandonments.
Despite the fact that the Ukrainians have been supplied with weapons of
all kinds, as we approach three years of war, the situation on the
battlefields is increasingly disastrous for Ukraine. The propaganda
operation of the Ukrainian attack in the Kurk oblast is heading for
failure, after having dragged more than 20,000 men into the adventure,
half of whom were "volunteer" troops from all over the world.
The war fronts in Donbass see the Ukrainian strongholds fall one by one,
following the enveloping maneuvers conducted by the Russian army which,
after having conducted a war of position, is developing a strategic
initiative aimed at the systematic destruction of the Ukrainian army.
Currently there is no military analyst who does not recognize the
growing Ukrainian difficulties and the possibility of a defeat. The
demographic situation of the country, already serious before the
beginning of hostilities, appears today as catastrophic considering that
the birth rate is reduced to 1%, and that the majority of the population
still present in the territory controlled by Kiev is made up of old
women and children. In any case, today Ukraine has already lost that
part of the country's territory richest in mineral resources and in
which the majority of industrial and productive activities were
concentrated and this process will be even more profound if, as is
probable, the Russian army manages to take possession of Zaporizhia and
Dnipro and even just part of the territories of the respective oblasts.
If this were to happen, the investments of Western investors who
purchased the goods and production activities located in these
territories would be considered as dead losses, since they will never be
returned. Not only will a downsized Ukraine present a high cost for the
reconstruction of the country and its infrastructure, with the
aggravating factor that any defeat would prevent its militarization and
therefore entry into NATO, imposing on the country a neutrality that
would also be an obstacle to a complete entry of the country into the
European Union, entry that would be impossible if even the minimum
parameters required of a member country were respected, as Ukraine is
characterized by an illiberal regime in conflict with the community aequis.
For a relaunch of left-wing politics The restoration
The parties of the left must take note that the facts just described
constitute the cause of the situation of deep crisis in which it finds
itself and which sees the ever-increasing growth of the climate-denying
right. Exploiting the contradictions constituted by the growth of the
economic crisis resulting from the productive restructuring, which has
imprudently begun after having cut off the sources of financing that
should have accompanied it, by the uncontrolled and uncontrollable
growth of emigration, which sees the convergence of refugees from the
climate crisis, food crisis, of those trying to escape the war, whether
they are refugees from Middle Eastern countries or from Ukraine, towards
the European territory, destabilizing it and creating the conditions for
the populist right to promote the transformation of liberal states into
democracies, implementing its political and social management project.
To counter this plan, the left-wing parties, whether self-styled or just
bourgeois-democratic, must decide to withdraw all support for the war,
working to open peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, even if
this should involve a drastic reduction in the territory controlled by
the Kiev government, trying to guarantee the rights of freedom of the
populations through the priority restoration of peace and the holding,
under international control, of referendums of the Ukrainian population,
both those who have fled the country and those who still reside there,
so that they can freely choose their own institutions.
A peace-restoring action cannot ignore providing guarantees to the
Russian Federation as well as to Western countries of a peaceful
coexistence that can only be guaranteed by new deterrent agreements that
provide every guarantee to the parties, avoiding strategic blackmail
from whatever side they come.
The restoration of economic and political cooperation between the
European Union and Russia, which today appears impossible, is however
the only option that would allow the European Union to have the economic
and structural conditions for the green transformation of its economy,
which would contribute significantly to addressing the climate crisis at
least with the hope of containing its disastrous effects at a global
level, for the salvation of the entire planet.
[1]The old production scheme was organized on the presence of
differentiated production areas whose composition and structure was
aimed at controlling the workforce and labor conflict. On the one hand,
capital had equipped itself with controlled and safe, privileged
production areas, located above all in the United States and Great
Britain, which guaranteed not only the most advanced levels of
production from a technological point of view, the development of
innovation, but also acted as a strategic lung, aimed at maintaining
constant production and supply to the market.
Alongside this production area, decentralized production existed and was
increasingly gaining ground, which, aided by globalization, allowed
production to take place in the weakest areas, even if politically
unstable, at lower costs through delocalization, thus performing a
rebalancing function towards the contractual capacities of those
employed in primary production.
The existence of such a structure allowed the distribution of production
to be balanced and used the relationship between production areas as a
tool for controlling the labor market and the overall conflict of the
production system.
[2]G. Cimbalo, The evolution of relations between the State and Churches
in New Ukraine. In search of Autocephaly, in "Diritto e religioni"
2-2020, pp. 252-304; ID., The Ukrainian war and the destabilization of
ecumenical relations, Coscienza e libertà, 2021, n° 61/62, pp. 135-144;
ID.; The hushed-up role of the Churches in the Russian-Ukrainian
conflict, in "Diritto e religioni" n. 2 of 2021, pp. 487-512; UCADI,
Anarchist communists, the Jewish and Palestinian question, Newsletter
Crescita Politica, n. 178, November 2023 - special issue: G. L., Putin
and Zelensky are our equals, Newsletter Crescita Politica, n. 184, 2024;
The collapse of the internal front in Ukraine, Newsletter Crescita
Politica, n. 180, 2023; Two considerations on Ukraine, Newsletter
Crescita Politica, n. 176, 2023; The damage of the Ukrainian war,
Newsletter Crescita Politica, n. 170, 2023; The economic causes of the
Ukrainian war, Newsletter Crescita Politica, n. 160, 2023; War in
Ukraine: the British track, Newsletter Crescita Politica, n. 158, 2022;
Zelensky's Ukraine before Putin, Newsletter Crescita Politica, n. 158,
2022; The beggar and the dictator, Newsletter Crescita Politica, n. 183,
2024; Parallel wars, Newsletter Crescita Politica, n. 190, 2024.
[3]The convergence of interests between the Patriarchate of
Constantinople and the West and the development of their common
collaboration in action on Ukrainian territory is dictated by the fact
that the Patriarchate of Moscow is considered an essential instrument of
the Kremlin's geostrategic policy and an instrument of influence and
control over the Slavic world. The intervention of the Ecumenical
Patriarchate in support of this strategy is also dictated by the
achievement of its own objectives which consist in the attempt to assume
the recognized representation of Orthodoxy in the European area.
G. C.
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