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donderdag 29 februari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ANIMALS USA CONNECTICUT - care2PETITIONS - News Journal Update - 55 animals were kept in filth and neglect at this kennel


WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #346 - Antipatriarchy, Antivalidism: ESAT, pretenses and real exploitation (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

After the December issue of AL which focused on anti-disabled struggles,we continue to look at the oppression suffered by disabled people. Atthe heart of the subject this month, the exploitation of workers in"work support establishments and services" (ESAT). ---- A recent decreefinally gives disabled ESAT workers the right to unionization andcollective representation. This progress allows France to giveassurances to the UN, which has condemned it several times for theflagrant violations of respect for people that this institution produces.If this law brings some progress (new labor rights), much more will beneeded to modify existing social relations within ESATs. Indeed, theESAT is an institution that is both involved in the relationshipsbetween the medico-social world and those of the world of work. Thisresults in disabled workers having access to certain services on theirwork site (for example, training on administrative tasks).However, the "work" part is almost completely hidden by the institution.The most visible symptom is that workers are considered simple users.It's difficult to describe the extent to which this simple word is asource of alienation and frustration for many workers because it shapestheir relationship to work and implies that they are receiving a service.Can you imagine doing a job and seeing it denied by the institution thatasks you to do it?There is a lot of talk about suffering within bullshit jobs: how can wedescribe necessary work, which is passed off as a simple pastime grantedto you?Workers told me they had already asked for a pay increase. Remember thattheir salary is well below the minimum wage and cannot exceed it!Management refused them this increase on the grounds that it would leadto a reduction in their Disabled Adult Allowance which supplements theirincome.The excuse is true but reveals the paternalism of the institution,gently explaining to you that your work has no value.Users without payHowever, it does generate significant added value. A significant portionof ESATs specialize in industrial subcontracting for tasks deemed toorepetitive or difficult, which local companies prefer to pass on todisabled people. This subcontracting even allows them to pass the 5%threshold for the employment obligation for disabled workers (OTEH) incompanies. Why then would companies make an effort to employ disabledpeople if they can benefit from their work for not even half a salary instructures subsidized by the ARS?To conclude, let us remember that for many ESAT workers, work in anordinary environment constitutes the Holy Grail. The work ethic of oursociety makes them understand that this would be the only way to provetheir complete worth as an individual. But "the social elevator" issabotaged at the start because no company has any interest in thesehires. Their status, their salary and the recognition of society must beacquired through struggle. The strategy of the State and Capital isprecisely to keep these people isolated, it is therefore important thatunions and anti-validist associations look towards the workers and theiraspirations because, like everywhere, solidarity is our weapon .Corentin (UCL Kreiz-Brezh)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Antivalidisme-ESAT-faux-semblants-et-veritable-exploitation_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, FDCA, il Cantiere #23: YEMEN - The escalation of the war - Anarchist Hyenas (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On the night of January 12, the United States and the United Kingdom

launched a massive offensive on Yemeni territory as a response againstHouthi attacks on Israeli merchant ships - or those headed towards thatState - transiting between the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea . U.S. AirForce Commander Alex Grinkiewicz said more than 60 military targets in16 locations were hit. ---- Several Houthi military bases and airfieldshave come under British-US fire - including a military base near theairport in Sanaa, Yemen's capital. As CNN reported, (1) a senior USmilitary official said the strikes destroyed a significant portion ofthe Houthis' military facilities.The offensive was conducted by aircraft, ships and submarines; in totalmore than 100 precision munitions were used, including Tomahawk cruisemissiles.After the missile attacks against the Houthis, the price of Brent crudeoil increased by 4.1%, reaching $78 per barrel. According to SaulKavonich, (2) analyst at MST Marquee, a possible interruption of oilsupplies near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait could " be three times greaterthan that of the oil crisis of the 1970s and more than double that ofthe war in Ukraine on gas markets, with consequences for already fragilesupply chains and stock levels."The International Maritime Organization (IMO) estimates (3)      that upto a quarter of global maritime traffic passes along this route -equivalent to several billion tonnes of goods every year -, whileaccording to the US Energy Information Administration, in that part ofAbout 4.5 million barrels of oil pass through the sea every day (comingfrom the countries of the Persian Gulf and Asia).The Houthi attacks, which have intensified in recent months, have pushedthe largest transporters of containerized goods by sea, including theworld leader "Maersk", to abandon this route and move to thecircumnavigation of Africa - spending ten days longer than Before.According to Jonathan Panikoff, a former US intelligence officer andanalyst at the Atlantic Council Center, it is unlikely     (4) that theoffensive on Houthi military facilities will lead to an immediatecessation of attacks on merchant ships.Wars between capitalistsSince the massacre in Palestine began, the United States and its NATOallies have regained strength in the Middle East and parts of the Red Sea.US President Joe Biden said      (5) that the missile strikes were "defensive " and " a direct response to the unprecedented Houthiattacks,"      while White House spokesman Kirby said the US was notinterested " in a conflict with Yemen ".The thirty-year war being fought in Yemen has seen the USA, Saudi Arabiaand the United Kingdom take to the field against these rebels and, moregenerally, against the Yemeni population - carrying out countlessmassacres and destruction.On a global level, however, the attacks in Yemen, together with thedeath of Abu Taqwa al Said in Baghdad and the repeated clashes in Syriaand Iraq between US troops and armed groups supplied by Iran, are partof an ever-increasing clash between the allies of USA-EU-NATO and thoseof the Russia-China duo.The US strategy is to eliminate Iran's military allies throughout theMiddle East and, de facto, isolate it from this geographical context andpush it to depend solely on China and Russia. The agreements reached inApril between Iran and Saudi Arabia last year     (6)      will probablyfall through.The Chinese leadership, for its part, invited the USA and the UnitedKingdom to respect the territorial sovereignty of the states borderingthe Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, while Russia, however, accused Londonand Washington of having violated the UN charter following these attacksin Yemen.The fear of the governments of Moscow and Beijing is the loss ofpolitical-economic-military influence in that part of the world - infavor of the USA-NATO-EU. This translates into the following: Russia,after almost two years of war in Ukraine, finds itself having to tradeunder embargo with China and its allies (including Iran); China,however, fears that a possible escalation between the Red Sea and theGulf of Aden could endanger its trade and economic-financial agreementswith al-Sisi's Egypt.It appears clear how war and the fake opposition to it by governmentsand their bourgeois allies are measures aimed at reproducing andrenewing capitalist material conditions - through the destruction(through massacres and genocides) and the exploitation of territoriesconsidered geographically strategic (such as the Red Sea-Gulf of Aden inour case).In the world of commodities there is no room for feelings of globalpeace and prosperity. On the contrary. Only a part of this populationwill be able to benefit from this. And when this is threatened, ashappens in our case, then the intervention will be ruthless and radical.Those who will pay the price for this entire state of affairs will bethat human population that will put up with the media propaganda and/or,in the worst case scenario, the bullets and missiles of this systemicstate-capitalist aberration.Note1)https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/11/politics/us-strikes-houthis-yemen/index.html2)https://www.oedigital.com/news/510735-oil-prices-rise-over-2-5-after-us-uk-strikes-in-yemen3)https://www.nationalgeographic.it/perche-lo-stretto-di-bab-elmandeb-e-cosi-important-per-l-economia-mondiale4)https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/content-series/fastthinking/will-us-uk-strikes-against-the-houthis-halt-their-red-sea-aggression/5)https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/12/us-uk-air-strikes-yemen-houthi-rebels-red-sea-crisis6) See the paragraph "Changing Saudi foreign policy strategy" in"Normalizing the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Syria, the Arab League andthe counter-revolutionary process", 15 June 2023.            Normalizingthe regime of Bashar al-Assad. Syria, the Arab League and thecounter-revolutionary process | Galatea Anarchist Group (noblogs.org)http://alternativalibertaria.fdca.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

WORLD WORLDWIDE BELARUS News Journal Update - (en) Belarus, Pramen: SUCH A MYSTERIOUS RUSSIAN SOUL - TO THE DEATH OF NAVALNY (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, many people, including ourcollective, had hope that Russian society would not forgive Putin forsuch actions and would be able not only to stop the invasion, but alsoto destroy Putin's regime. Yes, 2 years later such thoughts look naive,and our hope for Russian society has completely melted away. In such anatmosphere, Navalny's murder seems like a logical step in stabilizingPutin's dictatorship - if the horrors of the war and the hundreds ofthousands of murdered Ukrainians were accepted by Russian society, thenthey will accept a dead Navalny and continue to keep silent.To be surprised by Navalny's murder today is to ignore the years ofPutin's rule in Russia. Murders of opponents, mass repressions andpolice lawlessness.... Take the murder of Prigozhin, who was potentiallysupported by so many "determined vatniks". Obviously, the successfulsabotage of support from the US and the military's advancement onvarious fronts in Ukraine, has somewhat emboldened the Kremlin dictator.Instead of defeat in Ukraine in 2023, we see that Russian industry hasbeen able to rebuild itself on a military footing and continues to existquite successfully despite Western sanctions and expert predictions ofthe imminent collapse of the empire.Will Russians do something about Putin this time? All this time, societyhas not responded with explosions of rage neither to politicalassassinations nor to the mass extermination of entire peoples. Maybethe assassination of one of the most popular opposition politicians willfinally stir the minds of those who disagree with the regime but havebeen doing so quietly and at home until now? Not likely. If Russians dorise up, let's all be pleasantly surprised instead of constantlydisappointed....If Navalny's death becomes just news, it will be another confirmation ofthe stability of the Putin regime itself and its readiness to escalaterepression against the remaining opponents of the war and dictatorshipin the country itself.https://pramen.io/en/2024/02/such-a-mysterious-russian-soul-to-the-death-of-navalny/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

WORLD WORLDWIDE BELGIUM BRUSSELS - vrt nws ochtend do 29 feb - News Journal Update - Goedemorgen, dit zijn de hoofdpunten van deze ochtend.


VRT NWS ochtend
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