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vrijdag 16 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #351 - Culture, Read Félicien Faury: Ordinary Voters, Investigation into the Normalization of the Far Right (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

In this book, based on his thesis in political science, Félicien Faury
offers a very enlightening reading of the driving forces behind the
National Rally vote, particularly in the south-east of France, a field
he explored between 2016 and 2022. The author sets out to explore "the
social conditions of the RN vote". ---- To understand the sociological
driving forces that motivate voters to vote for the far right, the
author has tried "through sociological research to go down to the level
of voters' experiences, the contexts in which they live, in order to
identify the logic underlying the power of attraction that a party like
the RN can exert on them".

Félicien Faury takes the opposite view of an academic position which,
since the 1990s, in an effort not to stigmatize popular social groups
from which it knows it is very distant, tends to minimize, or even
ignore the racist component of the vote for the FN/RN, in favor of other
social causalities. The author shows in fact that the determining factor
of the RN vote is racial, "the aversion maintained towards ethnoracial
minorities constitutes both the common denominator of the different
fractions of the Le Pen electorate and the link between the different
motivations of RN voters". But it is above all part of a context of
systemic racism that is deployed well beyond RN voters alone.

The voters from the south-east of France interviewed here have in common
the fact that they experience "an economic and social situation marked
by fragility and uncertainty", they contest "the redistribution and use
of common resources". Thus, tax, school and residential issues become
"the theaters of racialized social competitions, in which minority
groups, constructed and essentialized as such, are perceived and judged
as illegitimate competitors".

Made even more necessary by the latest electoral results of the National
Rally, this book allows us to understand, "from below", the motivations
of FN/RN voters. We come away convinced that this vote is fueled as much
by the systemic racism at work in our society as by liberal policies
that generate an increase in inequalities. Once these observations have
been made, it is time for political action.

David (UCL Savoies)

Félicien Faury, Des élus ordinaires. Enquête sur la normalisation de
l'extrême droite, Seuil, May 2024, 240 pages, 21.50 euros.

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