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vrijdag 31 augustus 2012
ING-bankier over ontslagen werknemer: ‘Jij hebt wel elke avond met je dikke kont op de bank gezeten’
Bij onze noorderburen is Nick Jue, de topman van ING Nederland, in opspraak gekomen nadat hij in een interview in De Telegraaf uithaalde naar sommige werknemers bij de bank. De bank voerde de voorbije jaren in Nederland reorganisatie na reorganisatie door en sneed daarbij grondig in het werknemersbestand, waardoor 8.000 werknemers hun baan verloren.
'Ik ben een keer uitgescholden door een vrouw die - volgens haar door mij - haar baan verloor toen de postkantoren werden gesloten. Ik zei het natuurlijk niet, maar dacht toen wel: 'Maar jij hebt wel elke avond met je dikke kont op de bank 'Goede tijden, Slechte tijden' zitten kijken, terwijl ik iedere avond nog aan het werk ging'.", aldus Jue. 'Inmiddels is het kwartje bij de meeste ING’ers wel gevallen,' denkt Jue. „Ik denk dat de mensen nu wel wakker zijn.”
De kritiek wordt als totaal ongepast ervaren, vooral wanneer men bedenkt dat ING in 2008 met 10 miljard euro aan belastinggeld werd gered nadat de ellende met rommelhypotheken het concern deed wankelen. Ook vorig jaar voerde de ING-directie een paar typische noodingrepen door: terwijl de ING-gepensioneerden te horen kregen dat ze voor het tweede achtereenvolgende jaar geen indexatie kregen, werden de miljoenenbonussen voor de directie wel werden gehonoreerd.
In een reactie noemde Jue zijn uitspraken gisteren een ’uitglijder’. „Ik kan mij goed voorstellen dat deze uitspraak bij mensen in het verkeerde keelgat is geschoten en eventueel als kwetsend wordt ervaren. Dat is zeker nooit mijn bedoeling geweest”.
Bron : De Telegraaf / Express.be
Nick Jue,
Spaanse tapas nu ook al 'made in China': Chinezen profiteren van crisis om tapabars over te nemen
Chinezen profiteren van de Spaanse crisis om massaal tapabars over te nemen. Dat schrijft America Economia. De overnames zijn al een tijd aan de gang want begin 2010 waren volgens de zakenkrant El Economista in Valencia al meer dan 120 traditionele tapabars in Chinese handen. De Catalaanse sectorvereniging Asociación de Establecimientos de Restauración spreekt zelfs van 1.500 bars, enkel in Barcelona. De Chinezen betalen naargelang de lokatie en de grootte van de bar tussen de 10 à 15.000 en 170.000 euro voor de overname. Cash.
De Chinezen stijgen daarmee op de sociale ladder, omdat ze eerder vaak als koks tewerkgesteld waren in de zaken die ze nu overnemen. Andere slechtbetaalde jobs, zoals de doorverkoop van drank op straat, hebben ze nu aan de Pakistani’s overgelaten.
Tapabars en wokrestaurants blijven de goedkoopste handelszaken om op te starten, maar gezien de Chinezen geen leningen kunnen loskrijgen bij de banken zijn ze volledig aangewezen op financiering binnen de lokale Chinese familienetwerken.
De Chinezen ontsnappen ook aan de enorme werkloosheid in Spanje. Zo meldt een tapabareigenaar trots ‘dat alle Chinezen in Valencia werk hebben’. Toch verandert ook binnen deze gemeenschap - die ruim 1.800 handelszaken telt in de Comunidad Valenciana - stilaan maar zeker de mentaliteit: ‘Vroeger kwamen onze voorouders naar hier om te werken als Chinezen, zeg maar, de nieuwe generatie wil ook goed leven.’
Bron : Express.be
Waarom Facebook werkt en democratie niet
Facebook tekent straks zijn miljardste gebruiker op. Terwijl overheden (democratische en ondemocratische) overal ter wereld op steeds minder steun van hun burgers kunnen rekenen, blijft Facebook op spontane wijze groeien. Jeffrey Tucker van Laissez-Faire Books legt uit wat het verschil is tussen het sociale netwerk en democratie en waarom het ene werkt en het andere niet.
Facebook en democratie zijn gebaseerd op totaal verschillende principes:
Facebook is gebaseerd op vrije associatie. Je wordt lid uit vrije wil. Je deelt de informatie die je wil; de rest houd je privé. Je beslist zelf hoe je profiel eruit moet zien en baseert je op je eigen voorkeuren en je eigen leven. Elk profiel is, net als elk individu, helemaal uniek. Je voegt één of duizend vrienden toe en als die toezeggen maak je wederzijds bevredigende verbindingen.
Democratie is gebaseerd op gezag. Je wordt bij je geboorte voor altijd lid van de groep, zonder dat je die kan kiezen. Miljoenen landgenoten zijn je 'vrienden', of je dat nu wil of niet. Die posten de hele tijd op je wall en je nieuwsfeed loopt over van eisen die je niet kan deleten of als spam markeren. Je krijgt wel geen advertenties te zien, maar het geld wordt je door het systeem op voorhand al afgenomen. De staat en niet jij beslist wat er met jouw geld gebeurt.
Democratie is helemaal geografisch gebonden. Je stem over hoe de maatschappij er voor elk lid van de groep moet uitzien wordt op stedelijk, regionaal, federaal en Europees niveau samengevoegd met die van de anderen. Van je eigen wil blijft op het einde niets meer over.
Op het eerste zicht lijkt het alsof een democratische verkiezing een keuze inhoudt, maar die keuze gaat enkel over wie voor de komende jaren macht krijgt over de groep. De resultaten zijn altijd bindend en grotendeels teleurstellend.
Verkiezingen zijn gevechten tussen verschillende teams die één plan willen opleggen aan de rest van de bevolking en daarmee de onderlinge verschillen tussen individuen negeren. Het is alsof we allemaal Mark Zuckerberg zouden lobbyen om delen van alle profielen collectief te veranderen.
Facebook heeft niets te maken met de nonsens van democratische overheden. Je persoonlijk profiel en je gemeenschap van vrienden zijn extensies van je eigen wil en de harmonie ervan met anderen.
Het kan zijn dat je Facebook beu raakt. Misschien vind je het kinderachtig, tijdverlies of zelfs invasief. In dat geval stop je gewoon met het te gebruiken of delete je jezelf. Ben je echter het slecht beleid van de democratische overheid beu? Jammer, maar je kan er niet aan ontsnappen.
Tucker besluit dat we veel van Facebook kunnen leren. Facebook is een model van sociale organisatie dat traditionele modellen overstijgt. Als ons politiek leven meer werd zoals Facebook – unaniem, vrijwillig en vrijblijvend – zouden we pas echt vooruitgang zien in onze maatschappij.
Bron : Express.be
Toestel van 239 euro hackt info die zit opgeslagen in je hersenen
Onderzoekers van de universiteiten van Californië en Oxford zijn er in geslaagd om via een bestaand toestel gevoelige informatie (zoals pincodes en bankgegevens) uit de hersenen van testpersonen te plukken. Dit schrijft het lokale CBS-filiaal uit Seattle.
Het toestel in kwestie is vrij verkrijgbaar op de markt voor 299 dollar (239 euro) en heet ‘Emotiv’. De Emotiv-headsets monitoren je hersengolven en maken het mogelijk om je pc te besturen via je gedachten. Maar nu blijkt dus dat je er ook andere dingen mee kan doen.
De wetenschappers plaatsten hun testpatiënten voor computerschermen waarop foto’s tevoorschijn kwamen van banken, mensen en pincodes. Intussen hielden ze via het toestel de hersenactiviteit van de proefpersonen in de gaten, in het bijzonder het P300 signaal.
Onze hersenen activeren het P300 signaal wanneer we iets herkennen. Door specifiek op deze signalen te letten, konden de onderzoekers tal van mogelijkheden (15 tot 40% van het totaal) elimineren en de geheime informatie met relatief hoge zekerheid raden.
Een mogelijke toepassing van de technologie is leugendetectie. De wetenschappers stellen in hun paper dat “het P300 signaal veelbelovend is voor ondervragingsprotocollen omdat het kan detecteren of potentieel criminele informatie aanwezig is in de gedachten van de ondervraagde.”
De onderzoekers benadrukken weliswaar dat het proces “kwetsbaar is voor specifieke tegenmaatregelen”, maar in mindere mate dan traditionele leugendetectors.
Men verwacht dat de nieuwe methode betrouwbaarder zal worden naarmate de kwaliteit van de toestellen toeneemt.
Bron : CBC News / Express.be
donderdag 30 augustus 2012
Zimbabwe: End Attacks on LGBT People
Police Harass Activists With Threats, Raids, Beatings, and Arrests
(Nairobi) - The Zimbabwean government should immediately stop persecuting members of Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ), Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and President Robert Mugabe.
On August 20, 2012, police officers entered and occupied the offices of GALZ in Harare for six hours, producing a warrant only after the GALZ lawyers demanded it. They confiscated documents, advocacy materials, and computers. GALZ advocates for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Zimbabwe.
“This latest police raid on the country’s leading LGBT group shows the government’s intolerance of the rights of Zimbabwe’s sexual and gender minorities,” said Monica Tabengwa, LGBT researcher at Human Rights Watch. “By intimidating and harassing members of GALZ, the authorities are violating their rights to freedom of expression and association.”
In the past decade, Zimbabwean authorities have intensified attacks against members of GALZ including intimidation, arbitrary arrests, and beatings. Mugabe, in office since 1980, has been at the forefront of anti-gay harassment, repeatedly using his office to insult and denigrate gay and lesbian Zimbabweans. He has vowed not to allow the inclusion of LGBT rights in Zimbabwe’s new constitution, which is being drafted.
The August 20 incursion was the second raid on GALZ this month. On August 11, police raided the group’s office without a warrant after the group issued its 2011 LGBTI Rights Violations Report and a briefing on the draft constitution. During the raid, police briefly detained 44 GALZ members, assaulting them with batons, slaps, and punches. A number of injured members needed medical treatment. Police took the names and addresses of all 44 members before releasing them without charge. The following week, police went to some of the members’ homes and took them to police headquarters for further questioning.
In May 2010, police arrested two GALZ staff members on spurious charges, including “insulting the president,” after the group displayed a letter from the mayor of San Francisco criticizing Mugabe for being homophobic. Police assaulted the two and detained them for six days, pressing them to provide a list of GALZ members. Both were acquitted six months later. One has since fled the country out of concern for her safety.
In July 2012, the police summoned the director of GALZ to confirm that they were continuing to pursue the “insulting the president” charge because the letter is still on display. Under section 33 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, it is an offense to insult the president or bring the office of the president into disrepute. Police said they would prosecute the GALZ director for displaying the letter unless GALZ volunteered the name of another member who would take liability for this action.
The government’s actions against GALZ are contrary to basic rights in both Zimbabwe’s existing constitution and the draft constitution under review. They violate Zimbabwe’s obligations under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which guarantee the rights to non-discrimination, liberty and security of the person and privacy, freedom of expression and thought, and association and peaceful assembly.
Prime Minister Tsvangirai and Mugabe should honor the coalition government’s Global Political Agreement to allow all Zimbabweans to participate freely in all national processes, Human Rights Watch said. They should ensure that the review of the constitution results in a document that is tolerant and promotes equality and human rights for all without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity.
“The government and people of Zimbabwe should consider the ongoing constitutional review a critically important opportunity to embrace and promote the human rights of all, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity,” Tabengwa said.
Bron : Human Right Watch
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe (r) and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai attend a joint meeting of senior members of their respective parties in Harare, on November 11, 2011.
© 2011 Reuters
This latest police raid on the country’s leading LGBT group shows the government’s intolerance of the rights of Zimbabwe’s sexual and gender minorities. By intimidating and harassing members of GALZ, the authorities are violating their rights to freedom of expression and association.
Monica Tabengwa, LGBT rights researcher
On August 20, 2012, police officers entered and occupied the offices of GALZ in Harare for six hours, producing a warrant only after the GALZ lawyers demanded it. They confiscated documents, advocacy materials, and computers. GALZ advocates for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Zimbabwe.
“This latest police raid on the country’s leading LGBT group shows the government’s intolerance of the rights of Zimbabwe’s sexual and gender minorities,” said Monica Tabengwa, LGBT researcher at Human Rights Watch. “By intimidating and harassing members of GALZ, the authorities are violating their rights to freedom of expression and association.”
In the past decade, Zimbabwean authorities have intensified attacks against members of GALZ including intimidation, arbitrary arrests, and beatings. Mugabe, in office since 1980, has been at the forefront of anti-gay harassment, repeatedly using his office to insult and denigrate gay and lesbian Zimbabweans. He has vowed not to allow the inclusion of LGBT rights in Zimbabwe’s new constitution, which is being drafted.
The August 20 incursion was the second raid on GALZ this month. On August 11, police raided the group’s office without a warrant after the group issued its 2011 LGBTI Rights Violations Report and a briefing on the draft constitution. During the raid, police briefly detained 44 GALZ members, assaulting them with batons, slaps, and punches. A number of injured members needed medical treatment. Police took the names and addresses of all 44 members before releasing them without charge. The following week, police went to some of the members’ homes and took them to police headquarters for further questioning.
In May 2010, police arrested two GALZ staff members on spurious charges, including “insulting the president,” after the group displayed a letter from the mayor of San Francisco criticizing Mugabe for being homophobic. Police assaulted the two and detained them for six days, pressing them to provide a list of GALZ members. Both were acquitted six months later. One has since fled the country out of concern for her safety.
In July 2012, the police summoned the director of GALZ to confirm that they were continuing to pursue the “insulting the president” charge because the letter is still on display. Under section 33 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, it is an offense to insult the president or bring the office of the president into disrepute. Police said they would prosecute the GALZ director for displaying the letter unless GALZ volunteered the name of another member who would take liability for this action.
The government’s actions against GALZ are contrary to basic rights in both Zimbabwe’s existing constitution and the draft constitution under review. They violate Zimbabwe’s obligations under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which guarantee the rights to non-discrimination, liberty and security of the person and privacy, freedom of expression and thought, and association and peaceful assembly.
Prime Minister Tsvangirai and Mugabe should honor the coalition government’s Global Political Agreement to allow all Zimbabweans to participate freely in all national processes, Human Rights Watch said. They should ensure that the review of the constitution results in a document that is tolerant and promotes equality and human rights for all without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity.
“The government and people of Zimbabwe should consider the ongoing constitutional review a critically important opportunity to embrace and promote the human rights of all, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity,” Tabengwa said.
Bron : Human Right Watch
Syria Neighbors: Keep Borders Open for Refugees
Despite Numbers, Host Countries Should Respect Right to Seek Asylum
(New York) – Syria’s neighbors should keep their borders open to the large and growing number of refugees fleeing Syria, while donor countries should generously support them. Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon have mostly opened their borders to more than 200,000 refugees from neighboring Syria, but in the past week some officials in these countries have said they are reaching their limit and may soon close their borders.
Syrian refugees, most from Abu-Kamal, Syria, take shelter in one of 17 schools located in al-Qaim. The Iraqi government has been confining them there since late July. The schools, and one tent camp in al-Qaim where they are being transfered, are guarded by the Iraqi police and military. August 9, 2012. © 2012 Human Rights Watch
© 2012 Human Rights Watch
For many years, Syria kept its borders open to Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iraqis fleeing conflict in their countries and allowed them free movement. Today, as Syrians flee horrific violence, neighboring countries should extend them the same hospitality.
Bill Frelick, Refugee Program director
Despite the pressure of numbers, refugees from Syria should be allowed to cross into neighboring countries and remain there legally without fear of detention, confinement in closed camps, or deportation, Human Rights Watch said.
“For many years, Syria kept its borders open to Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iraqis fleeing conflict in their countries and allowed them free movement,” said Bill Frelick, Refugee Program director at Human Rights Watch. “Today, as Syrians flee horrific violence, neighboring countries should extend them the same hospitality.”
As the numbers of refugees have grown and the pace of arrivals has accelerated, host governments have felt increased pressure to block refugees and try to minimize their presence by keeping them in closed encampment or by not providing them secure legal status. The Turkish foreign minister has said that the United Nations should create camps in a so-called safe area inside Syria. If such a safe area were to be established, it should not be used to prevent people from fleeing Syria to seek asylum in other countries.
So far, Syria’s neighboring countries – with the exception of Israel – have mostly kept their borders open. Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak has said that Israel would prevent “waves of refugees” from fleeing Syria to the occupied Golan Heights. Such a step would constitute unlawful forced return to persecution, Human Rights Watch said.
About 9,000 Syrians are amassed on the Syrian side of the Turkish border because screening procedures at two key border crossings have ground to a virtual halt. On August 20, 2012, Turkey’s foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, told the daily Hurriyet that the UN should establish camps inside Syria, saying that Turkey is having difficulty hosting the 65,000 Syrian refugees who were already there and suggesting that Turkey could accept no more than 100,000. Since Davutoglu’s statement, the number of Syrian refugees registered in Turkey has grown by about 15,000.
Hundreds of Syrians are also clustered on the Syrian side of the Iraqi border, where they are at risk of air and artillery attacks. Many are stranded at the bus station on the Syrian side of the Bab al-Salama crossing because the Iraqi government closed crossing point at al-Qaim. They are sleeping on the pavement in what has become a makeshift camp. Iraqi authorities have announced that they will re-open the border after expanding the capacity of a camp at al-Qaim, though an official at Iraq’s Ministry of Displacement and Migration told Human Rights Watch on August 27 that the ministry had not recommended closing the border and described the decision as purely a “security measure.” An official from a nongovernmental organization involved in the camp’s administration told Human Rights Watch that the camp was not filled to capacity.
“Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon deserve great credit for having kept their borders open to Syrian refugees,” Frelick said. “As violence in Syria escalates and the number and pace of refugee arrivals accelerates, it is all the more critical for borders to remain open and the fundamental right to seek asylum outside one’s country to be respected.”
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), more than 200,000 refugees from Syria have been registered or are in the process of being registered in the region, with a dramatic increase in the rate of the new arrivals in late August. The actual number of refugees may be much higher, as many have not registered.
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkeyhave granted Syrians and others fleeing Syria various types of legal status, including short-term renewable visas, asylum-seeker status, and temporary protection. However, none have formally recognized Syrians as refugees and some have either restricted their movement to refugee camps from the beginning or have recently begun to do so. Most of the host countries refer to Syrians as “guests” or “brothers” rather than refugees, the latter being a term with a distinct meaning in international law that carries with it specific rights.
To date, the international community has donated US$64 million to UNHCR, in response to the UN refugee agency’s appeal for US$193 million to respond to the crisis, about a third of total needs. In addition, the Arab League and the United States have each pledged US$100 million in assistance to host countries, while Saudi Arabia has raised at least US$72.5 million. It is essential for donor countries to generously assist countries that are host to the largest numbers of refugees, including providing support to open camps, Human Rights Watch said.
Turkey is host to the largest number of refugees, about 74,000 as of August 27. The authorities have opened nine camps near the border and are building seven more. Turkey has allowed the refugees in the camps to come and go for short periods of time, and has informally permitted refugees who decline humanitarian assistance to live outside the camps.
Jordan has registered or was in the process of registering about 61,000 refugees, as of August 24. The authorities have opened a refugee camp at al-Za’atri, with about 16,500 refugees. When Human Rights Watch visited al-Za’atri camp on August 8, Syrian refugees there told Human Rights Watch they were not allowed to leave the camp. A small number told Human Rights Watch that people who had found a Jordanian guarantor and who knew influential Jordanians had been able to leave the camp permanently. According to media reports, on August 13, Jordanian riot police prevented 60 refugees from leaving the camp. On August 26, a government spokesman, Samih Maaytah, told the Jordan Times that the number of refugees fleeing the violence “has surpassed what the camps can tolerate and necessitates extra efforts beyond the capacity of the institutions managing the camps.”
Iraq has about 16,000 Syrian refugees. About three-fourths are under the jurisdiction of the Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq, which has kept its border with Syria open and set up open refugee camps from which refugees are free to come and go or which they can leave entirely.In Anbar governorate, authorities of the Iraqi central government have periodically closed the border and have said that new refugee arrivals will be confined to camps. On August 9, Human Rights Watch visited five of the 17 schools where refugees are being held temporarily, and found that they were being guarded by the police and military and that the refugees were not allowed to leave. As of August 27, over 4,250 refugees were confined to schools and a camp in al-Qaim. An official from the Ministry of Displacement and Migration told Human Rights Watch that dozens of families have been allowed to cross the border since it was closed after their cases were assessed individually.
In Lebanon, the High Relief Council and UNHCR have registered or are in the process of registering and assisting about 51,000 refugees from Syria. However, registration does not grant Syrians legal status, only a right to receive assistance. People who enter at an official border crossing are entitled to a 6-month entry visa that is renewable twice. Those who enter other ways risk imprisonment, fines, and deportation as illegal immigrants. Large numbers of Syrians have entered Lebanon illegally because they feared arrest at Syrian border checkpoints and therefore are at risk of detention and possibly deportation. Lebanon deported 14 Syrians in August, four of whom said they feared persecution upon return.
“Refugee camps are an expedient that can provide shelter and save lives in an emergency, but closed camps, particularly over time, can erode refugee rights and cause anger and frustration,” Frelick said. “After proper security screening, host governments should provide refugees legal status and free movement to enable them to be self-sufficient and to contribute to their host country’s economies rather than to be a drain on them.”
Bron : Human Rights Watch
(New York) – Syria’s neighbors should keep their borders open to the large and growing number of refugees fleeing Syria, while donor countries should generously support them. Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon have mostly opened their borders to more than 200,000 refugees from neighboring Syria, but in the past week some officials in these countries have said they are reaching their limit and may soon close their borders.
Syrian refugees, most from Abu-Kamal, Syria, take shelter in one of 17 schools located in al-Qaim. The Iraqi government has been confining them there since late July. The schools, and one tent camp in al-Qaim where they are being transfered, are guarded by the Iraqi police and military. August 9, 2012. © 2012 Human Rights Watch
© 2012 Human Rights Watch
For many years, Syria kept its borders open to Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iraqis fleeing conflict in their countries and allowed them free movement. Today, as Syrians flee horrific violence, neighboring countries should extend them the same hospitality.
Bill Frelick, Refugee Program director
Despite the pressure of numbers, refugees from Syria should be allowed to cross into neighboring countries and remain there legally without fear of detention, confinement in closed camps, or deportation, Human Rights Watch said.
“For many years, Syria kept its borders open to Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iraqis fleeing conflict in their countries and allowed them free movement,” said Bill Frelick, Refugee Program director at Human Rights Watch. “Today, as Syrians flee horrific violence, neighboring countries should extend them the same hospitality.”
As the numbers of refugees have grown and the pace of arrivals has accelerated, host governments have felt increased pressure to block refugees and try to minimize their presence by keeping them in closed encampment or by not providing them secure legal status. The Turkish foreign minister has said that the United Nations should create camps in a so-called safe area inside Syria. If such a safe area were to be established, it should not be used to prevent people from fleeing Syria to seek asylum in other countries.
So far, Syria’s neighboring countries – with the exception of Israel – have mostly kept their borders open. Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak has said that Israel would prevent “waves of refugees” from fleeing Syria to the occupied Golan Heights. Such a step would constitute unlawful forced return to persecution, Human Rights Watch said.
About 9,000 Syrians are amassed on the Syrian side of the Turkish border because screening procedures at two key border crossings have ground to a virtual halt. On August 20, 2012, Turkey’s foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, told the daily Hurriyet that the UN should establish camps inside Syria, saying that Turkey is having difficulty hosting the 65,000 Syrian refugees who were already there and suggesting that Turkey could accept no more than 100,000. Since Davutoglu’s statement, the number of Syrian refugees registered in Turkey has grown by about 15,000.
Hundreds of Syrians are also clustered on the Syrian side of the Iraqi border, where they are at risk of air and artillery attacks. Many are stranded at the bus station on the Syrian side of the Bab al-Salama crossing because the Iraqi government closed crossing point at al-Qaim. They are sleeping on the pavement in what has become a makeshift camp. Iraqi authorities have announced that they will re-open the border after expanding the capacity of a camp at al-Qaim, though an official at Iraq’s Ministry of Displacement and Migration told Human Rights Watch on August 27 that the ministry had not recommended closing the border and described the decision as purely a “security measure.” An official from a nongovernmental organization involved in the camp’s administration told Human Rights Watch that the camp was not filled to capacity.
“Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon deserve great credit for having kept their borders open to Syrian refugees,” Frelick said. “As violence in Syria escalates and the number and pace of refugee arrivals accelerates, it is all the more critical for borders to remain open and the fundamental right to seek asylum outside one’s country to be respected.”
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), more than 200,000 refugees from Syria have been registered or are in the process of being registered in the region, with a dramatic increase in the rate of the new arrivals in late August. The actual number of refugees may be much higher, as many have not registered.
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkeyhave granted Syrians and others fleeing Syria various types of legal status, including short-term renewable visas, asylum-seeker status, and temporary protection. However, none have formally recognized Syrians as refugees and some have either restricted their movement to refugee camps from the beginning or have recently begun to do so. Most of the host countries refer to Syrians as “guests” or “brothers” rather than refugees, the latter being a term with a distinct meaning in international law that carries with it specific rights.
To date, the international community has donated US$64 million to UNHCR, in response to the UN refugee agency’s appeal for US$193 million to respond to the crisis, about a third of total needs. In addition, the Arab League and the United States have each pledged US$100 million in assistance to host countries, while Saudi Arabia has raised at least US$72.5 million. It is essential for donor countries to generously assist countries that are host to the largest numbers of refugees, including providing support to open camps, Human Rights Watch said.
Turkey is host to the largest number of refugees, about 74,000 as of August 27. The authorities have opened nine camps near the border and are building seven more. Turkey has allowed the refugees in the camps to come and go for short periods of time, and has informally permitted refugees who decline humanitarian assistance to live outside the camps.
Jordan has registered or was in the process of registering about 61,000 refugees, as of August 24. The authorities have opened a refugee camp at al-Za’atri, with about 16,500 refugees. When Human Rights Watch visited al-Za’atri camp on August 8, Syrian refugees there told Human Rights Watch they were not allowed to leave the camp. A small number told Human Rights Watch that people who had found a Jordanian guarantor and who knew influential Jordanians had been able to leave the camp permanently. According to media reports, on August 13, Jordanian riot police prevented 60 refugees from leaving the camp. On August 26, a government spokesman, Samih Maaytah, told the Jordan Times that the number of refugees fleeing the violence “has surpassed what the camps can tolerate and necessitates extra efforts beyond the capacity of the institutions managing the camps.”
Iraq has about 16,000 Syrian refugees. About three-fourths are under the jurisdiction of the Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq, which has kept its border with Syria open and set up open refugee camps from which refugees are free to come and go or which they can leave entirely.In Anbar governorate, authorities of the Iraqi central government have periodically closed the border and have said that new refugee arrivals will be confined to camps. On August 9, Human Rights Watch visited five of the 17 schools where refugees are being held temporarily, and found that they were being guarded by the police and military and that the refugees were not allowed to leave. As of August 27, over 4,250 refugees were confined to schools and a camp in al-Qaim. An official from the Ministry of Displacement and Migration told Human Rights Watch that dozens of families have been allowed to cross the border since it was closed after their cases were assessed individually.
In Lebanon, the High Relief Council and UNHCR have registered or are in the process of registering and assisting about 51,000 refugees from Syria. However, registration does not grant Syrians legal status, only a right to receive assistance. People who enter at an official border crossing are entitled to a 6-month entry visa that is renewable twice. Those who enter other ways risk imprisonment, fines, and deportation as illegal immigrants. Large numbers of Syrians have entered Lebanon illegally because they feared arrest at Syrian border checkpoints and therefore are at risk of detention and possibly deportation. Lebanon deported 14 Syrians in August, four of whom said they feared persecution upon return.
“Refugee camps are an expedient that can provide shelter and save lives in an emergency, but closed camps, particularly over time, can erode refugee rights and cause anger and frustration,” Frelick said. “After proper security screening, host governments should provide refugees legal status and free movement to enable them to be self-sufficient and to contribute to their host country’s economies rather than to be a drain on them.”
Bron : Human Rights Watch
Immigration waivers leave migrant children behind
Any American who has turned on the news lately could watch many young immigrants taking a first step toward the American dream. The Department of Homeland Security began taking applications on Aug. 15 for "deferred action for childhood arrivals," temporary relief from deportation for unauthorized immigrants who were brought to the USA as children.
Cultivating Fear
US: New Deportation Policy Recognizes Ties to US
US: Child Farmworkers’ Dangerous Lives
But what you did not see in the stories of thousands lining up in Chicago or packing churches in New York were the many children who should benefit but won't. Deferred action is intended for children who are "American" in everything but legal status, but the program's idea of "American" is unlikely to include the children who picked the oranges for your juice or the tomatoes on your hamburgers.
It is common knowledge that the U.S. agricultural industry depends on immigrant labor. What is less well-known is that hundreds of thousands of children, often starting full-time at age 11 or 12, are working in the fields. Under federal law, children can legally work in agriculture at younger ages, for longer hours and under more hazardous conditions than other working children. Many of them are U.S. citizens, but there are also plenty of unauthorized migrant children.
We learned, for example, of Ingrid Perez, a 17-year-old migrant farmworker who is unlikely to benefit from deferred action. To be eligible, applicants must be in school, have graduated from high school or have a GED, or be an honorably discharged veteran. But Ingrid, an honor roll student, dropped out of school to work. Children who move with their parents from state to state with planting and harvest change schools, on average, three times a year. They are also often under financial pressure to help support their families. As a result, child farmworkers drop out at four times the national average.
Applicants must also prove they have been in the country since June 15, 2007, but the usual ways of proving "continuous presence" through utility bills and leases will be difficult for children who live in migrant housing. Child farmworkers in rural areas are less likely to find lawyers who can help them with the application, especially because federally funded legal services organizations are barred from serving unauthorized immigrants.
Even getting identification, proof of who they are, can be challenging in rural communities. Ingrid has been trying to enroll in a GED course but can't without identification, which she does not have as an unauthorized migrant. She could apply for a passport at the Guatemalan Embassy in Washington, D.C., but that would mean a trip she cannot afford.
Some of these barriers might be addressed through administrative decisions on evidentiary requirements for deferred action. But what is clear is the program of deferred action was not designed for child farmworkers who, like many immigrants throughout U.S. history, live very different lives than middle-class, suburban kids.
Given the tenor of debate over illegal immigration, it's not surprising that the Obama administration designed a program for the best and the brightest immigrant children. But the fact that deferred action will probably exclude many farmworker children underscores how much immigration law is out of sync with the reality of an economy that depends on unauthorized immigrants and American families whose loved ones are unauthorized.
The children who help feed this country have American dreams, too. Congress should create the immigration system these children deserve.
Bron :
Grace Meng is a U.S. researcher at Human Rights Watch and author of the report "Cultivating Fear: The Vulnerability of Immigrant Farmworkers in the U.S. to Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment."
by Grace Meng
Published in: USA Today
AUGUST 29, 2012
alarm: 4th september deportation to Belgrad form Düsseldorf
info comes from:
abschiebestop! düsseldorf
abschiebestop [at] risuep [dot] net
Alarm: Thuesday 4th September 2012
Charterdeportation to Belgrad
Despite the remembering of the progroms in Rostock 20 years agao:
Charterdeportation to Belgrad leaving from Düsseldorf Airport
Please warn people, organise resistance and protest!
About empty talks of politicians, abolishment of the right of asylum and deportations
While Politici@ans hold their concerned speeches infront of the cameras, talking about the progroms in Rostock (north Germany, 20 years ago), they at the same time do not want to mention the word progrom and are afraid of commemorative plaques. And behind the cameras they continue with their business of racist deportations.
(infos: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riot_of_Rostock-Lichtenhagen
And again in a fears way people are dragged out of their life to be deported. Some lived exactly this 20 years in Germany or have been born during the time of the progroms. Nevertheless the politics want to violently desplace them into another country - deport them.
Nothing has changed in this racists politics, it is only more silently, less obvious and less visible from the outside. The progroms in Rostock, Hoyerswerda (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riot_of_Hoyerswerda), Mölln and other cities in Germany in 1991/1992 where used to let pass more racist laws and the de-facto abolishment of the right of asylum 1993.
20 years ago or now, the people affected by racism have been left out, where not asked or even where found as the people in charge of what had happened. The ZAST (central housings for refugees) in Rostock-Lichtenhagen was overcrowded, instead of solutions the refugees where left alone, amongst them many Roma from Rumania. They were forced to camp without tents, washing possibilites or food infront of the ZAST. Political usefull stereoptype pictures where produced and used for deporting the people and the abolishment of the right of asylum in Germany. For the politicians the progroms where coming at the right time.
And the inhuman deportation machine is continuing. At this time or now, no sign of taking responsibility. In a capitalistic system the nation needs the splitting up of the society, creating "the others". While some people should belong to the society, "the others" should not, this leads to stigmatisation and discrimination. This does not talk about human people.
Resistance of Roma:
During the No Border Camp there had been strong demonstrations of the Roma-Alliance YAG BARI:
Big protest - during holiday time?! Your ideas are needed!
Until now there had been always protest at the Airport Düsseldorf. Because of holiday and illness, there won´t be many people?. But who knows, maybe there will be spontaneous protests? There are many possibilities: at the airport, infront of local foreigner offices or in the inner city. Protest can be broad and different, what ever you feel like doikng.
Be creative, be active, organise yourself in affinitiy groups and come to the Airport Düsseldorf or make the protest visible in your city. Maybe you want to announce your own demo? Just mail to us!
Banners hanging from bridges, visits of Air Berlin offices, observing your local foreigners office, there are many possibilities. And for sure the Airport Düsseldorf will always be thankful for help in public advertising their deportation collaboration...
The deportation flight will approx. start at gate "F",at 12a.m.,
it is a gate not visible from the outside, laying between the firebrigade and gate 36
At Terminal B, in the Airport there are the holiday check in desk from Air Berlin.
At Airport Düsseldorf there had always been smaller and bigger manifestations, the airport and police reacted from very easygoing to nerveous and repressive. They do not like too much publicity . This is the same with Air Berlin, one of the main deportation Airlines, working for FRONTEX.
If you make actions and have reports of it, it would be great, if you could post the links, we will publish it on our webpage (abschiebestop.blogsport.de)
please write to abschiebestop [at] riseup.net
with solidarity and antideportation greetings
abschiebestop! düsseldorf
abschiebestop [at] risuep [dot] net
no border no nation – stop all deportations!
free movement for all
some actions against deportations (looked up in the internet)
artwork Nana from Hannover deported to Kosovo?
right to stay at the chancellors house?
"visist" of a deportation doctor
communication guerrilla against deportations:
Refugee Protestcamps:
at the moment, many refugees organize against discrimination and deportations
Protestkarawane to Berlin
one highlight of the action will take part in September, when there is a prostest karawane planned, going towards Berlin it will stop in several cities accompanied by demo and actions. local support is needed
Break Isolation Camp
Resistance against Isolation, Lager and deportations
Bron : delphinium07
4th september,
London Met students face potential deportation
Outrage has today greeted the decision by UK Borders Authority to
suspend the right of London Metropolitan University to teach students
from outside the EU.
Bron : Akis Gavriilidis
Action contre les SAC (Sanctions administratives communales) : Stop à la répression contre la contestation politique
Suite à une action pour dénoncer l’inaction politique face à la situation dramatique des sans-papiers au siège du PS en avril dernier, 6 jeunes militants ont reçu récemment une sanction administrative communale de la ville de Bruxelles. Celle-ci pourrait s’élever jusqu’à 250€ par personne.
Photo : http://chengetheworld.be/fr/articles/action-contre-les-sac-sanctions-administratives-communales-stop-la-repression-contre-la
Aujourd’hui, c’est donc une trentaine de participants qui ont manifesté devant le siège de l’administration de la ville de Bruxelles. Ils réclamaient l’annulation de l’amende administrative, ainsi que l’engagement de la ville de renoncer à utiliser ce procédé arbitraire et répressif.
Outre le fait qu’ils contestent la définition de « troubler l’ordre public » (ce qu’on leur reproche), les participants dénoncent également la tendance grandissante à utiliser des sanctions administratives comme moyen détourné d’empêcher l’expression de toute forme de contestation[1]. On a ainsi vu récemment plusieurs cas où des pouvoirs publics communaux poursuivent des activistes avec de lourdes amendes.
Ce moyen de bâillonner et d’éloigner les gens (et particulièrement les jeunes) de toute forme de contestation est inacceptable et empêche clairement le débat démocratique.
L’action dénonçait donc cette tournure au moyen d’un calicot et d’un petit discours visant à interpeller les citoyens qui rentraient et sortaient du bâtiment. « Ceci n’est pas une opinion, Dit is geen opinie » pouvait-on lire sur le calicot : le sous-entendu était clair, face au pouvoir communal il semble qu’il vaille mieux ne pas vouloir émettre d’opinion contradictoire.
Contact [FR] : Charlie Le Paige, charlielepaige@gmail.com, 0474/33.79.27
[1] Surtout que l’action à la base visait à contester l’action menée par le Premier ministre socialiste, tandis que le bourgmestre de la ville de Bruxelles est lui-même … socialiste.
Bron : Jeudi 30 Août 2012
Auteur: : Charlie Le Paige (COMAC )
(en) US, Seattle, Pugetsound anarchists Call for Coordinated Action August 24-31: Solidarity with Grand Jury Resisters
Grand juries and the repression surrounding them are focused specifically on isolation in
an attempt to strike fear into the hearts of anarchists and all those associated with
them. Whether you are close to those involved in the recent wave of Pacific Northwest
anarchist repression or not, its impact has most likely touched your region. ---- In an
attempt to counter that fear and isolation the days of August 24th to August 31st are
being called as a week of solidarity with anarchists in the Pacific Northwest. Lets turn
that fear back toward our common enemies and drive the impact of their repression into
expressions of solidarity. Consider acting in ways that communicate the passion for
freedom that those in the Northwest have continued to express by their refusal to
cooperate with the State's witch hunt.
Remember that the next grand jury hearing is on Thursday August 30th at the Federal
Courthouse in downtown Seattle. If you live in the area, please come to the Courthouse on
700 Stewart St. at 12noon for a demonstration outside. If you live outside the area,
consider planning a solidarity demonstration in your city or an event about grand jury
May their attempts at repression only make our aim stronger!
Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca
(en) US, Tampa, RNC 2012 explainer: Peaceful anarchists?
Protesters took to the streets of downtown Tampa on Monday afternoon in a loosely
organized march called Occupy the RNC. ---- While following a city-mandated "parade
route," the group simultaneously chanted against corporate greed, government malfeasance
and the Republican National Convention generally. ---- Protesters ranged from as young as
14 to several men and women in their 80s. ---- It is worth noting that the approximately
1,800 police officers on the streets of downtown Tampa outnumbered the protesters by about
a power of five, making the blocks around the Tampa Bay Times Forum look more like a
police state than a convention hub. ---- Watch a sneak peak of Current's convention
coverage. ---- Toward the end of the march, a splinter group, referring to themselves as
anarchists, made their way to a side street where they regrouped and smoked rolled
cigarettes near a row of portable bathrooms while accepting water from Salvation Army
Much has been made of the anarchist protestors in Tampa.
A report surfaced days before the convention that anarchist groups had plans to wreak
havoc in Tampa by blocking roads, shutting down transit systems and harassing police and
pedestrians with eggs filled with acid and balloons full of urine and feces.
The bulletin also warned of a specific group of anarchists from New York City that had
plans for blockading bridges.
They don't look that scary in person.
We couldn't help but wonder, what exactly is an anarchist and what are they doing at the
Republican National Convention?
This group claimed they just want peace, and, in fact, when confronted by a scrum of
counter-protestors ? Christian right-wingers that spewed insults and hate speech at them ?
the anarchists stepped down.
"We will not engage with you," they said. With that, they walked away.
We asked two of them to explain exactly what they came out for in Tampa. Their ideas may
not be as fully formed as many protesters' around the country and things may change as
this week goes on, but the evidence on Monday showed that this group, at least, was fairly
benign in their intentions for violence.
"Anarchism means a system without government. And a lot of people think a system without
government would be complete chaos, but I think all governments have done for the world is
poison, corrupt and enslave society. ... Our government is taking a giant crap on the
Constitution every day," one masked and unnamed anarchist protestor explained above the
din of wails from his comrades over the arrival of what they believed was Homeland
Security, but was actually a routine drive-by of motorcycle police.
"I am hoping to accomplish peaceful protests like everyone else," he told us, before
fleeing down the street.
Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca
Swiss, Alt. media, Anarchism still inspires
Anarchists have always been a small minority on the Left. Their history is littered with
failures but their basic libertarian ideals are enjoying a resurgence in social movements
like Occupy Wall Street. ---- Anarchism has ?largely taken the place of Marxism in the
social movements of the 1960s?, according to the American anthropologist David Graeber,
one of the intellectuals most quoted by the Occupy movement. ---- ?Even those who do not
consider themselves anarchists feel they have to define themselves in relation to it,? he
wrote. ---- That may be wishful thinking on the part of a militant anarchist, but classic
libertarian thought is increasingly being picked up by today?s social movements. For
example, the principle of ?self-management? where decisions are based on consensus and
hierarchies are rejected.
Anarchism today appears to be feeling the belated after-effects of 1989 and the fall of
the Berlin Wall.
?In the last 15 years anarchism has been on the up,? says Gabriel Kuhn, an anarchist
philosopher originally from Austria.
Kuhn attended a recent global anarchists gathering in one of the ?cradles? of anarchy, St
Imier in northwestern Switzerland. The event marked the 140th anniversary of the founding
of the anti-authoritarian International Workingmen?s Association (see related story).
Kuhn believes that the fall of the communist regimes proved anarchists right to some
extent. For the anti-capitalist Left, he says, traditional Marxist thinking has lost its
?In the 1990s, many people were prepared to criticise dictatorial forms of socialism, but
still had their reservations about anarchism? he told swissinfo.ch.
?It was considered utopic, romantic and chaotic. But those same people have since ended up
taking over many of anarchism?s principles: a democracy where everyone has his or her say,
a horizontal structure, a sceptical attitude towards hierarchies and politicians, as well
as the principle of direct action.?
St Imier was a milestone in the initial phase of the anarchist movement, which saw
significant numbers of anarchists taking part in the workers? struggle in different
countries, getting revolutionary experience during the Paris Commune, in the Ukrainian
Soviets and finally Republican Spain.
But this phase of anarchism is considered to have ended with the Second World War.
From class struggle to social change
Anarchist thought re-emerged among the movements of the 1960s, where libertarian
inspiration was strong.
?As part of the New Left of 1968, anarchism changed its character. Cultural aspects took
on a more important role. Rebelling against the bourgeoisie replaced traditional class
struggle,? Kuhn said.
Anarchism influenced the New Left and was influenced by it in turn, and the movement
opened up to other perspectives.
?Economic issues were considered more critically, while attention also shifted to other
forms of domination: patriarchy, racism, sexual discrimination and the destruction of the
environment,? Kuhn added.
After 1968, anarchism branched out. Generational cycles followed.
?Nineteen sixty-eight was a first turning point, then perhaps the 1980s, with the punk
movement, and the 1990s, with the insurrection of the Zapatistas in Mexico, the beginning
of the anti-globalisation movement and the arrival of the Internet,? said Marianne
Enckell, archivist at the International Centre for Research on Anarchism in Lausanne.
The 19th century vision of a great revolutionary reawakening, although not entirely gone,
has now given way to the idea of living life as autonomously as possible.
?It is less and less about change, and more and more an attempt to apply anarchist ideals
in daily life,? said Edy Zarro, one of the organisers of the Ticino anarchist publishing
house La Baronata, who was also at the Saint-Imier meeting.
The concept of self-management is key.
Everyday anarchism
The self-managing organisations that have sprung up in Italy, Spain and elsewhere in
recent decades have been able to experiment libertarian theories. Thanks to their
horizontal structure and flexibility, it was possible to integrate ideas from other social
Il Molino, a self-managing social centre that started in Ticino in 1996, was strongly
influenced by the Zapatista movement in Mexico.
?Comrades went to the Chiapas region, bringing back new ideas from which we extrapolated
theories and practices that are now helping us,? said Paolo Casellini, one of the centre?s
?It is interesting for anarchists and libertarians to adopt methods of horizontal,
self-managed consensus,? added Michele Bric?la, one of the editors of the Ticino anarchist
magazine Voce Libertaria.
?You don?t have to go far ? not as far as Mexico ? it?s enough to look at what?s going on
in Val di Susa, with the NoTav movement,? he added, which is opposing a high-speed rail
link under the Alps between France and Italy.
However, among anarachists themselves, not everyone is comfortable with cosying up with
other movements or ignoring authority rather than fighting it out in the open.
Revolutionary practice
Most anarchists seem to have given up the claim to political power that was developed by
the movement?s theoreticians during the 20th century, preferring to network with other
social movements.
?Before, we would spout our theories, but now we are here to learn,? said Peter Schrembs,
an anarchist in Ticino for the past 40 years.
?In any case, anarchists are such a minority that if they aren?t willing to work with
others, they won?t achieve much,? said Michel N?mitz of the self-managing cultural centre
Espace Noir in St Imier, one of the international meeting?s organisers.
?And it won?t just be anarchists who will kick off the revolution, but also ordinary
people. We don?t want to do anything in the name of the people. We are not some kind of
revolutionary vanguard.?
Anarchism today seems to focus not so much on theory but on practical aspects, concrete
action inspired by libertarian methodology.
As Graeber has written, ?anarchism has tried to be an ethical discourse about
revolutionary practices.? This discourse is based on the assumption that freedom cannot be
achieved with authoritarian methods, and that social change begins with change in everyday
Andrea Tognina, swissinfo.ch
Peace for Colombia by Javier Orozco Pe?aranda (ca)
Time for a bilateral ceasefire, as the noise of shelling and gunfire and the screams of
the victims were not allowed to talk, and it is imperative to address and resolve the
structural problems that fuel the Colombian war. ---- Peace for Colombia ... ---- Hope
arouses the notice of initiation of the "exploratory talks" in Havana, between the FARC
and the Colombian government led by Juan Manuel Santos Calderon. Should also realize them
with the ELN and the EPL. ---- These approaches prove the failure of the proposed military
defeat of the guerrillas devised by the U.S. government, known as Plan Colombia. Over ten
years of a high-intensity war, with latest equipment technology, and advised by experts to
be financed, leaving a balance of serious violations of human rights of the civilian
population that remains resistant wild-organized capitalism and down some senior of the
insurgency, especially the emerging leaves very beaten rule of law.
Neither propaganda nor the huge armed apparatus, managed to defeat meant industrial and
military power of the empire and the most violent of the oligarchy.
Time for a bilateral ceasefire, as the noise of shelling and gunfire and the screams of
the victims were not allowed to talk, and it is imperative to address and resolve the
structural problems that fuel the Colombian war.
Issues such as political exclusion of the green left, the unequal and violent
concentration of land ownership, income and income in a few hands, the extermination of
indigenous and black communities to make way for monoculture projects and multinational
mining ... and impunity, of course.
To talk peace with social justice, which is the only peace with the possibility of being
laid will be necessary to review the economic and property rights, erected by monopolies
untouchable. For example, a profound agrarian reform urgent, and that can only be
successfully pushing the fabric of social organizations, in spite of the dirty war,
Colombia still has.
Colombia's peace is peace in South America. But we must be realistic. The "masters of the
country" will be in peace "other business opportunity", or there will be no peace.
And that is the dam must break with social mobilization, parallel talks with the
government insurgency.
Javier Orozco Pe?aranda
Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca
Javier Orozco Pe?aranda,
Peace for Colombia
Navy SEAL vertelt andere versie van de dood van Bin Laden dan Washington
‘No Easy Day’ is een nieuw boek van Mark Owen (pseudoniem van ex Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette). Het bevat een ooggetuigenis van de raid die leidde tot de dood van Bin Laden die verschilt van de officiële berichtgeving, aldus de Washington Times.
Het boek verschijnt volgende week en roept vragen op bij de manier waarop het brein achter de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 aan zijn einde kwam. Bissonnete maakte dee uitl van het team die de missie uitvoerde, hoewel hij zelf de fatale schoten niet afvuurde.
Hij beweert dat Bin Laden geen bedreiging voor de SEALs vormde toen hij vanuit de gang van zijn slaapkamer in het hoofd werd geschoten. Vervolgens duwden zijn teamleden de huilende vrouwen die zijn zenuwtrekkende lichaam probeerden te beschermen uit de weg en vuurden ze nog verschillende schoten af tot hij niet meer bewoog.
Volgens de officiële berichtgeving openden de SEALs het vuur pas nadat Bin Laden zich terugtrok in de slaapkamer, uit vrees dat hij daar wapens klaar had liggen.
Woordvoerder Tommy Vietor van het Witte Huis blijft echter bij de officiële versie en herhaalt in een e-mail de woorden van Obama: “We bedanken de mannen die deze operatie succesvol uitvoerden omdat zij een voorbeeld zijn van ongeëvenaard professionalisme, patriottisme en moed.”
Ook de bewering dat het lijk van Bin Laden met respect werd behandeld wordt door Bissonnette betwist. Hij schrijft dat één van de SEALs op zijn lijk zat tijdens de helikoptervlucht naar zijn laatste rustplaats op zee, hoewel hij weigert diens naam bekend te maken.
Tenslotte licht de auteur ook toe dat geen één van de Navy SEALs president Obama steunde en dat ze ontevreden waren over het feit dat de president de dood van Bin Laden als voorbeeld van zijn eigen leiderschap zou opeisen. Vicepresident Biden komt er nog slechter uit. Bissonnette beschrijft hem als “de dronken oom bij het Kerstdiner.”
Jihadistische Al Qaeda websites hebben ondertussen al foto’s gepubliceerd van de auteur en roepen op om hem te vermoorden.
Bron : Express.be
Viber: hoe 2 Wit-Russische informatici Skype het vuur aan de schenen leggen
Wit-Rusland roept in het Westen weinig positieve associaties op: dictatuur, censuur, corruptie. Het land is nochatns één van de meest dynamische en hoogtechnologische plaatsen van het moment. Één van de meest veelbelovende Wit-Russische bedrijven is Viber, dat volgens Bloomberg Businessweek Skype wel eens van zijn troon zou kunnen stoten.
Viber werd twee jaar geleden opgericht door Talmon Marco en Igor Magazinik. Ze leiden het bedrijf vanuit Israël, maar ontwikkelden de applicatie in Wit-Rusland. Het hele idee is eigenlijk een paradox: de applicatie draait rond vrije communicatie, maar in het thuisland zelf is daar geen sprake van.
“Silicon Valley heeft misschien wel toegang tot de laatste technieken, maar Amerika is te rigide, te veel by the book,” zegt Magazinik. Het is ook relatief duur: met het salaris van één Amerikaanse ontwikkelaar kan het duo er zeven Wit-Russische inhuren. Wit-Russische software-exports zijn de voorbije zes jaar met liefst 2.000% gegroeid en zijn nu 215 miljoen euro waard.
Viber is bliksemsnel uitgegroeid tot een grote rivaal voor het alombekende internettelefoniebedrijf Skype. Honderd miljoen klanten versturen nu al (helemaal gratis) twee miljard tekstberichten en anderhalf miljard gespreksminuten per maand via de Viber-app op hun mobiele telefoons. Viber steekt de mobiele Skype-dienst weldra misschien voorbij.
Skype is een desktopprogramma en is er nooit in geslaagd om de overstap naar de smartphone helemaal te maken. Dit vacuüm vult Viber op: goedkope Voice-over-IP technologie specifiek voor smartphones waardoor de exorbitante kosten van langeafstandsgesprekken vermeden worden.
Viber verbindt smartphones met elkaar en gebruikt lokale servers en directe internetverbindingen via Wi-Fi of 3G om high-definition audio (met hogere kwaliteit dan gsm's en landlijnen) te versturen. De processen vinden in de achtergrond plaats, zonder dat de gebruiker er iets van merkt.
Skype had twee jaar geleden meer dan duizend werknemers en tien jaar ervaring. Viber had minder dan tien werknemers, niet eens een miljoen dollar op de bank en geen marketingbudget. Na een dolle rit vol obstakels (vooral vanwege mobiele providers) is Viber nu een globale speler geworden met een groei van tien miljoen gebruikers per maand, hoewel Skype er nog steeds tienmaal zoveel heeft.
Nu heeft Viber honderd werknemers, waarvan 40 in Belarus. De meeste van deze werknemers zijn hoogopgeleid en zeer enthousiast. Ze zijn ook enorm gemotiveerd om zich te onderscheiden op de globale markt en profiteren van het wettelijk kader dat hoogtechnologische innovatie cultiveert in het zogenaamde ‘Belarus Hi-Tech Park’ in Minsk.
Technologiebedrijven die zich daar vestigen betalen geen bedrijfsbelasting en hun werknemers moeten 25 tot 70% minder belastingen op inkomen betalen dan andere werknemers. 106 firma’s en 12.500 ontwikkelaars zijn er actief.
Van al deze dynamische bedrijven is Viber veruit de belangrijkste en meest ambitieuze. “Even goed worden als Skype is niet genoeg,” verklaart Marco, “We moeten beter worden – veel beter.”
Bron : Bloomberg Business Week /Express.be
Talmon Marco Igor Magazinik,
Topless Michelle Obama, smaakloos of domweg racistisch?
Michelle Obama heeft op een immer elegante en krachtige manier covers van tijdschriften als Time, People en Vogue gesierd. Deze week publiceert het Spaanse Magazine Fuera de Serie - dat als bijlage verschijnt bij de krant El Mundo- een afbeelding van de Amerikaanse First Lady waarop ze als slavin wordt afgebeeld, met ontblote borst.
Het gaat om een remake van de schilderij 'Portrait d'une Négresse' uit 1794 van de Franse neo-klassieke schilder Marie-Guillemine Benoiste.
In een editoriaal eert het magazine Michelle Obama als ‘een grote dame’ die het hart van de man veroverde die president wilde worden en ‘het Amerikaanse volk verleidde’. Het artikel binnenin dat de cover begeleidt kreeg de titel "Michelle, Kleindochter van een Slaaf, Vrouw van Amerika’ mee.
Aan de andere kant van de Atlantische Oceaan zijn de commentaren minder lovend. ‘Het portret ontneemt Obama haar identiteit, haar stem en intellect en maakt van haar een politiek passief object, dat berust in de rol van slavin,’ schrijft Althea Legal-Miller in The Clutch. ‘Smaakloos’, schrijft Jessica Wakeman in The Frisky, of nog, ‘Michelle Obama wordt afgerekend op het feit dat ze een onafhankelijk denkende vrouw is. Een op ras gebaseerde en achterlijke manier van denken,' aldus auteur Mikki Taylor, die een boek over de First Lady schreef.
Bron : Express.be
Het gaat om een remake van de schilderij 'Portrait d'une Négresse' uit 1794 van de Franse neo-klassieke schilder Marie-Guillemine Benoiste.
In een editoriaal eert het magazine Michelle Obama als ‘een grote dame’ die het hart van de man veroverde die president wilde worden en ‘het Amerikaanse volk verleidde’. Het artikel binnenin dat de cover begeleidt kreeg de titel "Michelle, Kleindochter van een Slaaf, Vrouw van Amerika’ mee.
Aan de andere kant van de Atlantische Oceaan zijn de commentaren minder lovend. ‘Het portret ontneemt Obama haar identiteit, haar stem en intellect en maakt van haar een politiek passief object, dat berust in de rol van slavin,’ schrijft Althea Legal-Miller in The Clutch. ‘Smaakloos’, schrijft Jessica Wakeman in The Frisky, of nog, ‘Michelle Obama wordt afgerekend op het feit dat ze een onafhankelijk denkende vrouw is. Een op ras gebaseerde en achterlijke manier van denken,' aldus auteur Mikki Taylor, die een boek over de First Lady schreef.
Bron : Express.be
Groeiende etnische conflicten binnen de EU leiden tot een terugkeer naar parochialisme
De eurocrisis beperkt zich niet tot een louter economisch of politiek probleem, want er is nu ook sprake van een escalerende identiteitscrisis en een broeiend etnisch conflictstelt professor Nicholas Sambanis (Yale) in de New York Times.
De EU was oorspronkelijk een politiek concept dat tot doel had het oorlogszuchtige Duitsland te temmen. De instituties van de Unie zouden economische verstrengeling en een gemeenschappelijke Europese identiteit cultiveren. Economische welvaart en sociale harmonie moesten daarvan het gevolg zijn.
Van deze droom blijft nu nog weinig over. De internationale status van Europa ligt aan diggelenen, de Europese identiteit blijkt fictie en economische en sociale harmonie tussen noord en zuid lijkt steeds verder af. De fiscale integratie die redding zou kunnen brengen wordt steeds onwaarschijnlijker.
Indien de Europese identiteit afbrokkelt, komen de onderlinge etnische identiteiten opnieuw naar boven. Stereotypes en ontmenselijkende stigmatisatie zullen terug hoogtij vieren. Het intra-Europees etnisch conflict zal waarschijnlijk niet gewelddadig zijn, maar wel economisch en politiek vernietigend.
Neem bijvoorbeeld de toenemende spanning tussen Grieken en Duitsers. Volgens enquêtes willen de meeste Duitsers de Grieken uit de eurozone gooien, zelfs als zo’n exit peperduur is. Volgens Sambanis is hier meer aan de hand dan enkel economisch zelfbelang.
Een studie van Bechtel, Hainmueller en Margalit verklaart de attitude van Duitsers jegens de bailouts door te wijzen op hun ‘kosmopolitisme’: hoe meer de Duitsers zich wereldburger acht en zich identificeert met geografisch of cultureel verschillende groepen, hoe makkelijker hij bereid is bailouts voor zuiderse Europeanen te steunen.
Maar zulk kosmopolitisme is meestal het eerste slachtoffer van groeiend etnisch conflict. Etnische stigmatisering is in Europa dan ook wijdverspreid. De “PIGS” zouden het Noorden kunnen “besmetten”, de Grieken noemen de Duitsers nazis, enzovoort.
Er moet volgens Sambanis een discussie op gang komen over wat het betekent om ‘Europeaan’ te zijn en hoe goede Europeanen zich dienen te gedragen tegenover hun broeders en zusters. Zonder zo’n discussie is zowel de exit van Griekenland als de terugkeer naar etnisch parochialisme onvermijdelijk.
Bron : The New York Times / Express.be
1 op 3 blijft zitten, bij allochtone jongeren 2 op 3: Vlaams onderwijs heeft fundamenteel probleem
Eén op elke drie schoolgaande tieners (29%) heeft al eens een jaar overgedaan, bij allochtone jongeren zijn er dat zelfs dubbel zoveel (65%). Eenzelfde percentage allochtonen haalt zijn diploma te laat of helemaal niet. Trieste uitschieter is de Brusselse gemeente Sint-Joost-ten-Node, waar 95% van de allochtone jongeren op zijn minst éénmaal blijft zitten.
Dat schrijft de krant De Morgen op basis van cijfers van het Vlaams departement Onderwijs.
Minister van Onderwijs Pascal Smet bevestigt de cijfers en verwijst naar de OESO die in een recent rapport stelde dat ' Vlaanderen een fundamenteel probleem heeft en dat we op een andere, meer flexibele manier met die leerlingen moeten omgaan'.
Wat betreft de opmerkelijke leermoeilijkheden van allochtone jongeren pleit onderwijswetenschapper Paul Mahieu (Universiteit Antwerpen) voor deeltijds beroepsonderwijs: "Op dit moment laten wij die tieners aan hun lot over. Hun slechte prestaties komen voort uit de zwakkere sociaal-economische positie van hun ouders.'
Bron : De Morgen / Express.be
Portugals 134.000 verdwenen peuters
Tal van Portugezen hebben de fiscus in hun belastingaangifte van valse informatie voorzien teneinde kinderbijslag te kunnen trekken. Journalist Ferreira Fernandes heeft in de liberaal-conservatieve Diário de Notícias geen goed woord over voor zijn frauderende landgenoten:
‘Gisteren raakte bekend dat een ramp nog groter dan de Grote Aardbeving van Lissabon ons land heeft getroffen. Op amper twee jaar tijd zijn niet minder dan 134.000 kinderen verdwenen. Hoewel al deze kinderen in 2009 werden geregistreerd, verdwenen er 104.000 in 2010 en nog eens 30.000 in 2011... Eén grote, mysterieuze tragedie.
Hebben we - net als Herodes - een ganse generatie geëxecuteerd? De Bermudadriehoek zou niets betekenen in vergelijking met het zwarte gat op het ministerie van Financiën, waar deze kinderen voor het laatst werden gesignaleerd.
Zei ik ministerie van Financiën? Inderdaad, deze kinderen stonden in 2009 in de belastingsaangifte van hun ouders vermeld, maar toen het verplicht werd om het aantal kinderen ten laste op te geven, waren ze plots verdwenen.
Het waren dus spookkinderen, verzonnen om maandelijks tussen de 180 en 380 euro aan kinderbijslag te kunnen claimen.
Geen holocaust, maar papierfraude slechts. Gelukkig maar. Al lijkt het er sterk op dat we onszelf nog eens belachelijk hebben gemaakt, net nu de Duitsers ons met arusogen volgen.'
Bron : Express.be
Socialisme in actie: 'Belast investeringen in bedrijfsactiva'
De regering van François Hollande heeft plannen om alle investeringen in bedrijfsactiva in Frankrijk te gaan onderwerpen aan de solidariteitsbelasting op grote fortuinen.
‘Dat zou neerkomen op de hara kiri van de Franse economie', aldus Laurence Parisot, die de Mouvement des Entreprises de France (Medef) voorzit, in een interview met de Franse krant Le Monde.
Investeringen in bedrijfsactiva zijn in Frankrijk voorlopig nog vrijgesteld van belastingen, maar de socialisten bekijken nu of ze ook daar geld kunnen weghalen om het enorme staatsapparaat in leven te houden. Uit cijfers van Eurostat bleek deze week dat in de EU-27 enkel Denemarken van overheidswege meer geld uitgeeft dan onze zuiderburen.
Bedoeling is om alle bedrijfsactiva samen te tellen en ze -in navolging van de solidariteitsbelasting op grote fortuinen (ISF), die met 75% zouden worden belast op alles wat 1 miljoen euro per jaar aan inkomsten overschrijdt- boven een bepaalde drempel te gaan taxeren.
Parisot vraagt zich trouwens af waar de economische strategie van de regering Ayrault blijft. De Franse regering moet eind september een begroting voorstellen, waarvoor de zakenwereld nu al de adem inhoudt.
Frankrijk kent voor het derde opeenvolgende kwartaal een nulgroei en de brutomarges van de bedrijven zijn tot 28,6% gezakt, vergeleken met meer dan 40% in Duitsland.
Bron : Le Monde / Express.be
François Hollande,
Courrier Attac Bruxelles 2 du 29 août 2012
1- 8-9 septembre – Université Attac Wallonie-Bruxelles %
2- 11 septembre – Formation AB2 %
3- 18 septembre – Actu&Attac %
4- 22 septembre - Manifiesta à Bredene
5- 5 octobre - Colloque sur la part salariale +%
6- Journée de mobilisation vers Alter Summit +%
7- 8-11 novembre – Firenze 10+10 et Alter Summit +%
Bloquez déjà dans votre agenda les événements importants ci-dessous !!
1- 8-9 septembre – Université Attac Wallonie-Bruxelles %
au Centre culturel de Seraing, rue Renaud Strivay, 4100
Dette ? Austérité ? NON ! Pour une Europe des peuples
Une réflexion urgente, collective, nourrie d’interventions éclairantes, à l’heure où nos gouvernements, face à une folie financière encouragée, ne parlent plus de réguler et contrôler mais d’imposer l’austérité, et se pendent haut et court en nous mettant dans la dèche.
Un soutien aux mouvements qui réclament, entre autre, un audit citoyen des dettes publiques, une organisation solidaire du travail, des services publics bien financés, une fiscalité juste.
Samedi matin, Thierry Bodson (FGTB) et Myriam Bourgy (CADTM) analyseront les mécanismes de la dette, comment elle est utilisée pour prôner l’austérité et démontreront au contraire l’urgence d’un audit citoyen et de mesures de solidarité.
Samedi après-midi, des membres d’ATTAC représentant des luttes en cours à travers l’Europe témoigneront de leur expérience.
En fin de journée (17 h.), le groupe ‘C’est des canailles’ viendra apporter son enthousiasme en chansons avec ‘Le récit des mystères’, un spectacle revigorant inspiré par Dario Fo.
Dimanche matin, Bruno Poncelet et Riccardo Cherenti feront part de leur étude critique sur le grand marché transatlantique, ensuite Jean Cornil nous expliquera les dernières trouvailles en date de nos dirigeants pour tordre le cou à la démocratie.
Dimanche après-midi, Jacques Le Cacheux examinera la concurrence fiscale et sociale au sein de l’Union en nous donnant quelques alternatives et Jacques Généreux nous parlera de la nécessité du principe Espérance.
Information et inscription au secrétariat d'ATTAC Liège : 04 3491902 ou info@liege.attac.be
(inscription 20 euros pour les deux jours ou 10 euros par jour, mais il ne faut pas qu'une difficulté financière représente un obstacle)
voir aussi notre site http://local.attac.org/liege/
2- 11 septembre – Formation Attac %
La première séance d’un nouveau cycle sur les alternatives sera dédiée à bien s’entendre sur ce qu’on appelle « capitalisme ». L’exercice ne sera pas inutile et réservera peut-être des surprises !...
Attention, changement de lieu : c’est dorénavant à L’Horloge du Sud (141 rue du Trôle, 1050 Ixelles – métro « Trône »).
A 19h30.
--> Fichier-joint
3- 18 septembre – Actu&Attac %
A L’Horloge du Sud (141 rue du Trôle, 1050 Ixelles – métro « Trône »).
A 20h00.
Pour rester au plus près de l’actualité, le sujet sera décidé plus tard.
4- 22 septembre - Manifiesta à Bredene
Samedi 22/9 à partir de 11h00.
Détails ici http://manifiesta.be/fr
5- 5 octobre Colloque sur la part salariale +%
Vendredi 5 octobre 2012
Bruxelles, ULB – Salle Dupréel
Bâtiment S - 1er étage. 44, avenue Jeanne. 1050 Bruxelles
La distribution des richesses
Quelle part au salaire?
Le réseau d'économistes hétérodoxes Econosphères et l’agence d’informations alternatives De Wereld Morgen ont le plaisir de vous inviter à une journée de réflexion et de débat sur la part des salaires dans la distribution des richesses en Belgique et en Europe.
Le partage de la valeur ajoutée entre capital et travail est au cœur de débats récurrents entre économistes. Face à la crise que nous traversons aujourd'hui en Europe et l’actualité prochaine des négociations autour d'un accord interprofessionnel en Belgique, Econosphères a décidé d'investir ce débat.
Un débat avec des personnalités du monde politique belge suivra les interventions d'économistes afin de permettre au public de faire le lien entre la théorie et l'action.
8H30-9H00: Accueil
9H00-10H30: "La part salariale en Belgique" avec Reginald Savage (Fopes-UCL) et Karel Van den Bosch (Université d'Anvers)
11H-12H30: "Le partage de la valeur ajoutée en Europe" avec Michel Husson (IRES-France) et Ronald Janssen (CES)
13H45-14H15: Interventions de Claude Rollin (CSC) et de Philippe Van Muylder (FGTB)
14H30-16H00: Débat politique
* Ce programme sera détaillé dans les plus brefs délais.
Entrée libre mais inscription souhaitée pour le vendredi 21 septembre 2012 par mail: info@econospheres.be ou par tél. 0032(0)474 351544 (Bruno Bauraind).
Une traduction simultanée français-néerlandais sera assurée durant l'ensemble des débats.
6- 6 octobre - Journée de mobilisation vers Alter Summit +%
Pour préparer l’événement de Florence ci-dessous, une journée de mobilisation est prévue le 6 octobre. Des détails suivront. Bloquez déjà.
7- 8-11 novembre – Firenze 10+10 et Alter Summit +%
Un événement de mobilisation européenne important est programmé à Florence les 8-11 novembre prochains.
Il y sera jeté un coup d’œil dans le rétroviseur depuis le premier Forum Social Européen qui s’est tenu à Florence en 2002, mais surtout il y sera discuté des actions des mouvements sociaux pour les 10 années à venir.
La nouvelle initiative d’un ALTER SUMMIT y aura sa place aussi.
Et Attac Bruxelles 2 y sera aussi !!
Tout cela étant en construction, vous serez tenus informés des développements.
Des citoyen.ne.s bougent un peu partout. Ne soyez pas les dernier.e.s !!
Pour la locale, Franco
Bron : Attac Bruxelles
Petitie/ Petition Pic Nic The Streets // SIGN AND SHARE
Zondag 9 september vindt een nieuwe mega-picnic plaats op het beursplein in Brussel. Het beursplein wordt gedurende enkele uren bezet om een statement te maken, te manifesteren voor een leefbare stad en een autovrij Beursplein. We picnicken om de politieke klasse te tonen hoe de gedurfde keuzes eruit zien, Brussel verdient een visie, en staat stil: laat het bewegen! Kom ook massaal naar de beurs deze zondag voor ons promotiefilmpje, tussen 12 en 13u.
Heel erg bedankt bij voorbaat,
manifest en petitie:
'like & share' on facebook:
en join the group!
chers amis,
je vous invite pour notre prochain mega-picnic du 9 septembre sur la place de la Bourse à Bruxelles. On occupe la place pour faire un statement, on manifeste pour une ville vivable et une place de la Bourse sans voitures. C'est pour ça qu'on fait un picnic, pour montrer comment des choix osé pouraient changer la politique. Signez aussi la petition, et suivez nous sur facebook pour rester au courant des prochaines activités. Si vous desirez nous aider, venez nombreux pour la tournage de notre film de promotion, ce dimanche entre 12 et 13h.
Merci d'avance,
manifest et petition:
'like & share' us on facebook:
en join the group!
dear friends,
You're kindly invited for the next mega-picnic the 9th of september at the square of the Bourse. We occupy the square to make a statement, and to manifest for a livable city without cars. We picnic to show how dared descisions looks like, and a city like brussels deserve better! Feel free to sign the petition, and join the upcoming picnics! Come also to the Beurs square this sunday, we need you allto make our promotional video, between 1 and 2 o'clock. Thaks a lot in advance,
the manifesto and petition:
'like & share' us on facebook:
en join the group!
Bron : Pic Nic The Street
9 september,
Pic Nic The Streets,
Betoging GAS-boetes -Manifestation contre les amendes administratives
Boulevard Anspach 6 1000 Bruxelles. Devant l'administration communale de Bxl. Voor de gemeentelijke administratie Van Brussel.
Jeudi / donderdag / 30 - 8 - 2012 - 17 h - 17 u
Les amendes de SAC (Sanctions Administratives Communales) ne peuvent jamais être utilisées pour restreindre le droit à la liberté d’expression. Nous, comme toute la population de la Belgique, nous ne pouvons jamais accepter ceci et nous devons contester cette violation de nos droîts. La semaine passée, quelques activistes ont reçu une ammende pour atteinte à la sécurité publique. Alors venez avec nous ce jeudi devant le siège de l'administration de la ville de Bruxelles à 17.00h pour montrer que nous ne sommes pas du tout d’accord avec ces methods.
De GAS-boetes mogen nooit of te nimmer een manier zijn om het recht op vrije meningsuiting te beperken. Wij, als bevolking van België, mogen dit niet toelaten en we moeten deze inbreuk op onze rechten aanvechten. Vorige week kregen enkele activisten zo een boete voor het verstoren van de publieke orde. Kom nu donderdag om 17.00h om te laten zien dat we het niet eens zijn met deze gang van zaken.
Bronnen zijn bekent.
30 - 8 - 2012,
woensdag 29 augustus 2012
Dénonciation de la déportation des Congolais vers des Centres fermés en Belgique
(Télécharger la version PDF: http://www.blog4ever.com/blog/fichier-1156475-178197-467504.html )
Bruxelles, le 26 août 2012.
Madame Joëlle MILIQUET (CDH)
Ministre fédéral belge de l’Intérieur
Rue de la Loi, 2
B-1000 Bruxelles
Madame Maggie De Block (Open VLD)
Secrétaire d'Etat belge à la Politique de Migration et d'Asile
Boulevard de Waterloo, 115
B-1000 Bruxelles
V/Réf : N/Réf : APRODEC/Min.Int/Sec.P.I.A/01 Annexe(s) :3
Objet : Dénonciation de la déportation des Congolais ainsi que des personnes d'origines congolaises vers des Centres fermés en Belgique.
Notre Association dénonce avec la dernière fermeté la déportation illégale des Congolais ainsi que des personnes d’origines congolaises résidant régulièrement au Canada et dans d’autres pays membres de l’Union européenne vers des Centres fermé en Belgique d’une part et d’autre part, exige leur libération immédiate et sans condition.
A ce propos, un membre de notre Association est entré en contact téléphonique ce dimanche 26 août 2012 avec les concernés, lesquels déclarent sur l’honneur qu’ils ont été contrôlés par la police belge le samedi 18 août 2012, et ce, de manière discriminatoire à la sortie du Métro Porte de Namur à 1050 Ixelles (Bruxelles). Nonobstant le fait que leurs documents d’identités soient parfaitement en ordre dans leur pays de résidence, ceux-ci seront sauvagement brutalisés, menottés puis déportés hors de Bruxelles - sans aucun motif valable - vers différents Centres fermés prévus pour immigrés en séjour illégal !
Voici une liste (non limitative) de Congolais ainsi que de personnes d'origines congolaises illégalement déportés vers le Centre fermé de Vottem (Liège) :
Il s’agit notamment de :
- Monsieur Malonda NZINGA résidant à Rotterdam (Pays-Bas,) marié et Père de famille, titulaire d’une carte de séjour pour immigré dont la validité est de 5 ans renouvelable;
- Monsieur Papy Omiazine MOSSI résidant à Dordrecht (Pays-Bas,) marié et Père de famille, titulaire d’une carte de séjour pour immigré dont la validité est de 5 ans renouvelable;
- Monsieur Bernardo BAPOMBA résidant à Paris (France,) marié et Père de famille, titulaire d’une carte de séjour pour réfugié politique reconnu par l’ONU dont la validité est de 10 ans renouvelable;
- Monsieur Zéphirino Dacosta LITUMBA résidant à Madrid (Espagne,) marié et Père de famille, titulaire d’une carte de séjour pour immigré dont la validité est de 5 ans renouvelable ;
- Monsieur Gabriel Raymond Bitumba SAMUNDONI résidant à Valence (Espagne,) marié et Père de famille, titulaire d’une carte de séjour pour immigré dont la validité est de 5 ans renouvelable; et
- consorts.
En ce qui concerne les Congolais ainsi que les personnes d'origines congolaises illégalement déportés vers le Centre fermé de Bruges :
Il s’agit notamment de :
- Madame Pela Simba LUSAU KEBANA résidant à Rotterdam (Pays-Bas,) mariée et Mère de famille, titulaire d’une carte de séjour pour immigré dont la validité est de 5 ans renouvelable; et
- consorts.
Des Congolais déportés au Centre fermé de Vottem (Liège)
Vu les Traités, Conventions, Protocoles et Chartes internationaux librement ratifiés par l’Etat Belge,
Vu la Constitution et les Lois du Royaume de Belgique,
Vu les compétences et responsabilité pénale du Ministre Fédéral belge de l’Intérieur,
Vu les compétences et responsabilité pénale du Secrétaire d’Etat belge à la Politique de Migration et d'Asile,
Vu le passé colonial belge au Congo, son lot d’atrocités et le pillage de matières premières, (1)
Considérant le soutien apporté inlassablement par les Gouvernements fédéraux belges successifs aux différents régimes dictatoriaux en République Démocratique du Congo ;
Considérant l’implication du Gouvernement fédéral belge dans la falsification grossière du nombre d’électeurs congolais et la planification de la fraude électorale en faveur de Joseph KABILA ainsi que des députés nationaux de sa mouvance politique ; (2)
Considérant le caractère systématique (planifié) des arrestations arbitraires et brutales des Congolais ainsi que des personnes d’origines congolaises sur le territoire du Royaume de Belgique ; (3)
Considérant que les Congolais ainsi que les personnes d’origines congolaises déportés vers des Centres fermés ne sont ni des immigrés clandestins ni des demandeurs d’asiles sur le territoire belge et encore moins des repris de justice dans leurs pays de résidence.
De ce qui précède,
Notre Association exige la libération immédiate et sans condition de tous les Congolais ainsi que les personnes d’origines congolaises résidant régulièrement au Canada et dans d’autres pays membres de l’Union européenne, lesquels sont illégalement déportés vers des centres fermés depuis plus de 8 jours.
Notre Association conclut notamment que votre responsabilité pénale est sérieusement engagée et partant, se réserve le droit de porter ce différent devant les Cours et Tribunaux compétents. Ceci, pour violations massives et répétitives des droits et libertés fondamentaux de l’homme universellement reconnus.
Nous vous prions de croire, Madame Joëlle MILIQUET et Madame Maggie De BLOCK, en l’expression de notre haute considération.
" En l'absence d'une réelle pacification des relations Belgo-Congolaises, on ne pourrait, en effet éviter que la Belgique ne participe à la déstabilisation de notre pays,
en apportant son assistance à des groupes et à des pouvoirs non-démocratiques."
Dixit, le Prof. Gérard PILI PILI - Bruxelles, MAI 1990
Pour l’APRODEC asbl*,
M. Benjamin Stanis KALOMBO
Président et Administrateur-délégué
Copie :
S.M. ALBERT II Roi des Belges
Cabinet royal
Rue Bréderode, 16
B-1000 Bruxelles
Monsieur BAN KI-MOON
Secrétaire Général de l’ONU
UN Headquarters
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY 10017
(1) Comprendre les motifs du soutien apporté au Rwanda et l’Ouganda par les USA, la Belgique, la France et consorts dans le pillage et le génocide en République Démocratique du Congo : http://aprodec.blog4ever.com/blog/lire-article-467504-9398978-comprendre_les_motifs_du_soutien_apporte_au_rwanda.html
(2) Joseph KABILA élu par des morts : http://aprodec.blog4ever.com/blog/lire-article-467504-9392101-tracabilite_des_electeurs_enroles___joseph_kabila_.html
Un faux en écriture qui fait de Joseph KABILA Président de la République : http://aprodec.blog4ever.com/blog/lire-article-467504-9270580-un_faux_en_ecriture_qui_fait_de_joseph_kabila_pres.html
(3) Déclaration de l’APRODEC asbl suite à l’éloignement illégal du territoire belge de 19 demandeurs d’asile politique Congolais : http://aprodec.blog4ever.com/blog/lire-article-467504-8697378-declaration_de_l_aprodec_asbl_suite_a_l_eloignemen.html
*L’Association pour la promotion de la démocratie et le développement de la République Démocratique du Congo (l’APRODEC asbl) est une association de droit belge qui a pour but principal de défendre les intérêts et les droits de la République Démocratique du Congo, des citoyens et des personnes d’origine congolaise. Elle pourra notamment lutter et agir en justice contre toute forme de violation des droits, de la souveraineté et de l’intégrité du territoire de la République Démocratique du Congo ; contre le pillage de ses ressources naturelles ; ainsi que les violations graves des droits de l’homme et du droit international humanitaire, qu’elles soient le fait de personnes physiques ou morales, d’un État, quelle que soit leur nationalité, sans limitation dans le temps, ni dans l’espace. L’Association œuvre pour la promotion de la démocratie, le développement socioéconomique et culturel de la RD Congo.
Dans ce cadre, l’Association peut entreprendre, promouvoir et coordonner toute poursuite judiciaire, toute investigation, tout audit, tous travaux, colloques, actions, ainsi qu’établir des rapports et analyses approfondies en rapport avec son but. Elle fait des recommandations et du Lobbying auprès des décideurs étatiques et non étatiques; elle peut également collaborer avec d’autres associations nationales ou internationales poursuivant les mêmes objectifs.
L'APRODEC asbl est aussi Membre de la Coalition pour la Cour Pénale Internationale. Cf. http://www.iccnow.org/?lang=fr (Documents relatifs aux interventions de l’APRODEC asbl devant la Cour Pénale Internationale : http://aprodec.blog4ever.com/blog/lire-article-467504-2263023-documents_relatifs_aux_interventions_de_l_aprodec_.html )
Téléchargez votre formulaire d'adhésion en qualité de membre de l'APRODEC asbl et, participez activement dans la lutte contre l’impunité généralisée en République Démocratique du Congo: http://www.blog4ever.com/blog/fichier-1104146-97173-467504.html
In memoriam Floribert Chebeya, Fidèle Bazana, Armand Tungulu, Serge Maheshe, Frack Ngike, Bapuwa Mwamba, Daniel Boteti, Pascal Kabungulu (…) Serge Lukusa , Pasteur Albert Lukusa Luvungu Tshia Dianda, tous victimes de l’intolérance politique en République Démocratique du Congo
APRODEC asbl : N° d’entreprise (Moniteur Belge) : 891.074.266 ; Siège social (en cours de modification): Rue des Vétérinaires, 89 Boîte 3-1070 Anderlecht (Belgique);
Tél/Fax : 0032.484.925.836 E-mail : aprodecasbl@gmail.com ; Blog: http://aprodec.blog4ever.com ; Nous rejoindre sur facebook : http://www.facebook.com/aprodecasbl et sur
twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/APRODECasbl ;
Delta Lloyd Bank: 132-5334362-82 IBAN: BE25132533436282 BIC: BNAGBEBB
Centres fermés,
des Congolais,
la déportation,
Refugee Protest March from Wuerzburg to Berlin, Germany starts at the 8th of September - Support needed!
The human being’s mission to achieve freedom is not to stand in line but to disrupt the queue
The striking asylum seekers all over Germany who have initiated a strong and coordinated joint protest,
have decided to launch a new action on 8th September: on this day asylum seekers will move towards
Berlin on 2 different routes and after gathering in this city they will show to the German government that
any action towards implementation of the inhumane deportation law will be responded back by the
asylum seeker’s movement and will not remain unopposed. They will shout louder than ever that they
will continue their struggle until the asylum seekers’ camps with their catastrophic conditions are
abolished. In fact by gathering in Berlin, the asylum seekers will actively disobey the discriminatory law
of limited travelling range, which forces the asylum seekers to remain within a certain area. This well
coordinated action, which is solely organized by the asylum seekers themselves and is independent of
any political party or group, will be a way to strongly voice the opposition against the ‘limited travelling
range’ law.
In Berlin we will stand hand in hand and in solidarity and we will once more announce our legitimate
- we demand the abolishment of all the asylum seekers’ camps in Germany
- deportation is an inhumane law, a law that solely serves the political and economic interests of
those who are in power, this law must be abolished
- we demand that the law of the limited free travelling of the asylum seekers is abolished
Support is needed for accomodation, food, legal support, money etc. for the foot march and the bustour!
For more information, other languages, the different routes (map 1 and map 2) and how you can support the protest
march please follow the link:
Bron : nannetta@web.de
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