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zondag 3 maart 2013

(en) Apoio M?tuo - Anarcho?-syndicalist journal #2 January 2013 (pt)

Contents ---- Make unionism p. 3 ---- E are reached tipping points p. 4 ---- A challenge 
by monitors p. 5 --- On a visit p. 6 --- Media, State and Capitalism p. 7 -- who died... 
More say it was an accident p. 9 -- Importance of geography in the anarcho-syndicalist 
activity p. 10 ---- The CGT and the founding of AIT p. 11 ---- Ninety years ago: the 
founding congress of the IWA ... p. 17 ---- Interview: KRAS - Russian section of the AIT 
p. 18 ---- Saint Imier - International Anarchist p. 21 ---- Crisis? p. 22 ---- Between 
left and right p. Editorial ---- 23 ---- This second issue of anarcho-syndicalist Mutual 
Support sur ge more than three years after the first, published in May 2009. ---- The 
reason for such delay prendese with the vicissitudes of an organi sation founded entirely
on volunteer effort and militant of its mem bers.

Despite the difficulties, we insist on asserting the anarcosindicalismo
as the current social movement of workers which contains in itself
practices more consistent with the principles of self-organization and self
tonomy of struggles. We believe that it is up to the workers themselves take
rem to fight on their hands, leaving the trust intermediaries and representatives
sentatives. Are new unions, which are not mere offices
legal bodies or officials who have nothing to do with the world
labor and much less machinery of mass mobilization in the service
political parties.

Increasingly witnessing an increase in offensive and employers
governments against the living conditions of workers. At the same
time it becomes increasingly urgent to organize resistance to this ata
which found that organizations that claim to defend the tra
ers are completely useless for this task. We can not let
completing the correctness of anti-authoritarian tendency within the movement
workers, at least for about a century and a half, has been defended
bering organizational decentralization and autonomy, and which refused
either strategy of conquest of power or the use of political methods
representative in the struggle for the emancipation of labor.

We know that today, in a context where more and more workers
are willing to work under any conditions, the conditions to
unionism are also much more difficult. Likewise, constitutes a
tion of trade unions in accordance with our principles, no staff pa
gos, held only by the efforts of its members, where everything must be
discussed in meetings and practicing effective solidarity between tra
workers is extremely demanding. This conception of unionism requires
members of a militant union, a commitment and a provi
ty that not everyone is willing to assume. Of course it is not ne-
sary to be an active militant for being a member of a union organizing
the second model anarcho-syndicalist, but without this active militants
union can never work or move towards their objectives.

The immediate improvement of living conditions of workers is an ob
jective important anarcosindicalismo either through conquest di
reitos, but also through the establishment of networks of mutual support and
solidarity, or even through the projects of production and
Alternative consumption. But we know, reality and insists demonstr?lo,
the major problems that face such as, for example, deprives
ing sense of the work or the brutal destruction of the planet, can not be
resolved in the context of current economic and political model. That is why
we advocate a proposed transformation of society in order to
establish the maximum conditions of freedom and social equality.

The International Workers Association celebrates this year its
ninetieth birthday. Since its inception, the New Year of 1922
for 1923, the organizations that comprise it faced great adversity
des. The revolutionary unions had to beat during wide decades
of, against the dominance of authoritarian conceptions and vanguard of the struggle
working; against repression of dictatorships, fascist or so-called "communist"
annihilated and that led many activists to prison, forcing
underground organizations, and finally, against the triumph of a capital
talismo and integrator of a state called "social", who managed to elude the
workers, levandoos even thinking that no longer existed classes soci
ais, and that their problems would be solved t?osomente filled with
ment of a form or vote for the candidate with the most bemfalante
every four years.

Having reached the year 2013, when the sight of all a social war
that workers are the worst victims can not help us
feel proud to belong to this community of struggle that
carries within it a new world.

-------------------------------------------------- -

International Association Portuguese Section

Correspondence to Support
Mutual should be sent to:
Apartado 50029/1 701 -001 Lisbon
e-mail: ait.lisboa @ gmail.com

Nuclei and unions:
Core Lisbon
Apartado 50029/1 701 -001 Lisbon
e-mail: ait.lisboa @ gmail.com
Various Crafts Guild
Rua dos Caldeireiros, No 21 3
4050-1 Port 41
(The Cordage, near the Tower of the Clerics)
e-mail: sovaitporto@gmail.com
web: sovaitporto.blogspot.com

Other contacts:
e-mail: aitsp.contacto.algarve @ gmail.com
e-mail: anarquismo.chaves @ yahoo.com
e-mail: aitguimaraes1 2@gmail.com
e-mail: setubal.aitport @ gmail.com
The opinions expressed in the articles
signed not match
necessarily the views of AIT-SP

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