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zaterdag 6 september 2014

(en) Brazil, Boletim CABN ago/2014 - Campaign "Zero Harassment not minimizing" in Joinville (pt)

 [machine translation]

"Denaturalize harassment on public transport, encourage women to denounce abuses at the 
bus Joinville and charge policies public governments on this issue are the main objectives 
Harassment of Zero campaign in red lead. The initiative launched this Monday (25) by 
social movements like the Women's Collective in Madrugada and the Women in Struggle 
Movement continues with pamphlets in the center terminals, North and South follows all 
week. "Read more at: http://assediozero.wordpress.com/ ---- The Campaign ---- The reality 
of violence against women is increasing and increasingly alarming. We need not go far to 
realize that. Here in Joinville, Santa Catarina, this vioBoletim CABN ago/2014lence occurs 
in public transport every day on the famous red lead. In this space there are several 
instances of sexual harassment, passed from hand, encoxadas, xavecos and even situations 
in which men ejaculate on clothing passing. This all has a name: harassment. And yes, it 
still happens today.

Another issue that concerns us is that these sexual abuses suffered in public transport 
are still underreported because women who suffer this type of aggression feel shame, fear 
and judgments generally, rather than being recognized as victims are blamed for violence 

The justifications for the harassment are several, but always blame the woman. Or because 
he was "teasing", was in the "wrong place" and "wrong time", or because they could have 
picked a less crowded bus. We can no longer accept such violence, fruits of machismo, 
blaming us and abusing our bodies every day. The woman is not, and never will be to blame 
for the abuses suffering, whether physical, moral, verbal or psychological. No man has 
that right.

The reasons that led us to create this campaign are numerous: machismo; the lack of 
investment from local and federal governments to improve transport; and disengagement of 
the Municipality of Joinville and businesses Transtusa and Gidion, concessionaries of 
public transport in Joinville, are some of them. The negligent behavior of the government 
and the companies further reinforce sexism and the lack of priority and attention to this 
large number of women who suffer with this problem every day.

Trabalhadorxs women and men are routinely humiliated and disrespected when they go to work 
or return home, however, for women the situation is even more desperate because, apart 
from tiredness and stress they face in public transportation, need to worry about the 
embarrassment and aggression from sexual abuse.

Packed red lead is no justification for "encoxadores", but it is a space that fosters this 
type of practice. We need more of these governments require investments in public 
transportation, it is a public fact, has expanded its fleet, and thus decrease the sexual 
harassment. We need public transportation 24 hours and lighting of bus stops, ensuring 
safety for women.

If you've suffered some kind of harassment not be silent, report your case here (use 
fictitious name if necessary). Let's gather as much possible stories and deconstruct the 
myth that there is no harassment in transportation in our city.

* The Campaign Harassment Zero no minium is organized by the Women's Collective in Dawn 
Women in Struggle Movement, Free Pass Movement, Sindh Health, Sinte-SC and PSTU, with 
support from the DCE (the Students') of Univille, DCE and Ielusc the Calhev (Academic 
Center Free History Eunaldo Verdi).

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