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vrijdag 12 september 2014

(en) Brazil, Operation Lava Jet and more of the same standard in Brazilian politics by BrunoL (pt)

 [machine translation]

Usually pursue standards of permanence of doing politics, specifically the Real Game, 
which is the set of concrete rules (legal or not) morally defensible or not, forming 
constituent of electoral disputes and the management of the capitalist state parties. 
Unfortunately, it seems that is the fate of the electoral left become the renewing power 
of traditional politics. Thus discourses will laundering and minimum program minimum 
program of pragmatism in practicality. ---- The money changer Alberto Youssef and operator 
within Petrobras, Paulo Roberto Costa, targets of Operation Lava Jato. Every action of PF, 
we have the key figures of the operators within the state apparatus and the connecting 
elements with contractors. ---- The last bomb of the Brazilian political speech through 
the whistleblower award - or combined, according to the candidate for vice president by 
PSB, Congressman gaucho Beto Albuquerque. According to an article in the Folha de S?o 
Paulo, the former director Paulo Roberto Costa Petrobras reportedly stated that the two 
box of overpriced construction contracts and fattened the state oil and derivatives had 
been feeding on funds diverted to 12 senators, 49 congressmen and at least one governor.

This governor (former governor or ex-governor, or both) could have been the late Eduardo 
Campos, whose plane crashed in air disaster in the state city of Santos, 13 August 2014 In 
the scheme revealed by the Federal Police through Operation Lava Jato, between 2004 and 
2012, Paulo Roberto Costa guarantee a percentage with the political positions and 
influence over the governments of Lula and Dilma. These operators PMDB, PP and PT would 
get 3% of the value of contracts from Petrobras in the period in which the informant was 
director of the state between the years 2004 and 2012 is worth remembering that the former 
director was appointed to the position through elevation of PP, later receiving backing 
Legends President (PT) and vice (Fear).

If we compare the results of the investigation of PF, there is no substantive difference 
between what was found in the operations Lava Jet, Monte Carlo, Sand Castle, Satyagraha, 
Gautama and Jackal, among dozens of other smaller scale. Also there is no substantive 
difference between these operations and the cartel of the S?o Paulo Metro. In another tip 
of the same rotten rope, forming a parliamentary majority through regular pay without 
caption or amendments is the tactical unit observed in Mensal?es PSDB (MG), PT (federal) 
and DEM (DF). So, I understand that we have the following characterizations.

It would be frivolous to state that applications Dilma Rousseff (PT-PMDB-PP-PC do B), 
Aetius Neves (PSDB-DEM) and Marina Silva (PSB-PPS) are absolutely identical. In the last 
decade, albeit with timid income distribution, implying a point of the Selic rate to the 
equivalent of a whole year of Bolsa Fam?lia, had considerable improvements in the material 
conditions of life. The year 2013 showed that the social policy of accommodation is no 
longer enough to hold a new generation, with no previous political experience and flatly 
rejecting the coalition government.

Just as it is absurd to compare the FHC was with the corporate purpose of Lulism would 
also be irresponsible with any posture leftmost position any of these proposals as being 
"left". The modus operandi of such governance approaches then the largest mass party and 
the reformist Latin America (PT) of their former adversaries, both supporters of the 
dictatorship (ARENA) as the physiological consented opposition (PMDB). The greatest 
victory of the political right in Brazil and major capital operating here have been 
accommodated to the shock of capitalism promoted by Lula, his allies and supporters.

This is not to say that the singular fact is unimportant. If it did, would give the 
situational analysis, leaving only the structural prediction, which in practical terms 
means all or nothing all the time. The singular matter and as the air disaster generated 
the opportunity to catapult Marina Silva, allegations of Paulo Roberto Costa can guarantee 
some slack for a runoff looming between Lulism and his defection. Marina is yes, a bitter 
fruit of the political legacy of Lula. Since his economic team as a non-bastard worse than 
the PSDB and the power of finance capital. If it becomes evident some involvement of 
today's figure of Eduardo Campos undefiled, or demonstrated in palatable and affordable 
advertising language that the plane had fallen was funded through shell companies, which 
shows two box, then the game could turn in favor of Dilma still September.

In this final stretch of the campaign, the detachment of the electoral process to the 
political dimension - and its nefarious alliance so as to subordinate to the structures of 
domination - the cancha open to any possibility. The three possible agents of the 7th 
world economy and society in the 79th ranking of the Human Development Index UN depend on, 
and much of the talent of its advertising to transform a police state crime and indeed in 
political fact and factoid (type teaser) election. It is more preferable that the noise 
and the disobedience of the streets in 2013, than this kind of shell game in 2014.

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