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dinsdag 14 februari 2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 14 February 2017
Today's Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #268 - Unionism: Union
unit against the airport (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
2. wsm.ie: Bus Eireann set to strike from 20th February
squatting By A.P.O. (gr) [machine translation]
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - logbook, Volunteer
fighter in Rojava # 08: "The world of revolutionaries is
decidedly small" (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
5. Greece, verba-volant: Ioánnina: Concentration out of
hamburgers for non-payment of salaries (gr, ca) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. anarkismo.net: February 09, 2017 16:59 by Assembly of
employees and unemployed in Syntagma Square (fr) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
The union collective against the airport in Notre-Dame-des-Landes was born at the end of
last year. Unions CGT, Solidaires and CNT united against the project of airport, for the
maintenance of the employment but also in solidarity with the zadists. ---- The union
collective against the airport in Notre-Dame-des-Landes (NDDL) regroups the departmental
union Solidaires 44, the CNT 44, the CGT AGO (the interprofessional union of the site of
the current Nantes Atlantique airport) The CGT of the CGT of Vinci, the CGT
Labor-Employment-Vocational Training 44, the CGT CDC (Caisse des Depots et Consignations),
the CGT of the Daumezon hospital center and the CGT union members opposite the airport,
agglomerating two to three Cents unionized around a few dozen activists.
The union collective resulted from the convergence of three different approaches: the AGO
CGT union at the Nantes Atlantique airport site which refused to transfer their place of
work more than 30 km from their current workplace; Militants CGT having been spearheading
the position of the departmental union CGT in favor of maintaining the current airport of
Nantes; The unions Solidaires 44 and the CNT 44 acquired from the start in combat against
the airport project. These militants have rubbed shoulders with Zadists during the
blocking operations during the conflict against the labor law.
Faced with the risk of eviction of the inhabitants of the site of NDDL the need to regroup
became evident. In connection with a part of the Zadists, the various components began to
debate. With a main perspective: to organize the most massive trade union mobilization
possible in the event of an expulsion attempt.
8,300 jobs at stake
In his first public speech, broadcast on November 30, the group said that the project led
by Vinci "project against employment": the new airport would be "highly automated, which
clearly means that the number of jobs The site will be much lower than it is on the
current airport of Nantes-Atlantique ". The balance sheet of the recovery by early 2011
Vinci Concession Nantes Atlantique Airport is clear: "Since working conditions in Nantes
Atlantique airport will continue to deteriorate for lack of investment in the platform
Airport ". The group concludes that "this disastrous project is a laboratory of the Labour
Law. "
Recalling that jobs in the Loire Atlantique are almost twice as numerous in the
north-Loire as in the south-Loire and that a transfer from the airport to
Notre-Dame-des-Landes would reinforce this imbalance, denounces the prospect of
multiplication Of the resulting traffic jams, in particular at the Cheviré bridge on the
Loire, for employees at the airport site and for all inhabitants and inhabitants of the
Nantes conurbation. Finally, that weigh 700 temporary jobs created for the realization of
the site, facing the "socio-economic fabric of over 70 SME threatened with extinction in
the event of transfer from the airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes» about 8 300 jobs?
Facilitated by the links forged during the conflict to work on legislation, collective
affirms its solidarity with the zadistes: "Defending the ZAD, so for us also support an
emancipatory experience of capitalism and market relations ( ...). The inhabitants of the
ZAD who live the experience of a world more human, freer, therefore have all our
solidarity, because this world of exploitation and alienation that they fight is also the
one Against which we struggle daily. "
The labor collective and wants to "revive the historical tradition of struggle in
Loire-Atlantique, the alliance between working class people of the countryside and the
city." More prosaically, Buddy invited 44 trade unionists of the Collective for a meal on
Sunday, January 8 ZAD to "provoke a meeting between union members and farmers and have a
good time together." Solidarity is also built this way and the group with the other
components of the movement against the airport intends to oppose "resolutely to any
attempts of evictions or starting work."
Jacques Dubart (AL Nantes)
Message: 2
Bus Eireann staff are set to exert their collective rights and strike from the 20th
February in an indefinite industrial action in order to secure their pay and conditions.
The strike action follows Bus Éireann's acting chief executive officer Ray Hernan saying
the company wanted to reduce its cost base by €30 million per year, with payroll costs
accounting for 40 per cent of that reduction. ---- This strike, like all working class
strikes, should be supported by all working class people, as it is in all our interests
for better pay and conditions. ---- The workers of Bus Eireann fight for all workers in
this strike and are acting in defence of public transport for the population. A win will
set a precedent for future strike action and give confidence to other sectors of workers
to demand their rights through direct action.
Minister for Transport Shane Ross said a strike at Bus Éireann would be "very damaging to
the travelling public, the workforce, rural communities and the company itself".
What is very damaging to the population of Ireland are the vicious cutbacks he and his
government have imposed upon the people of Ireland in the interests of international and
domestic capitalism--any concern for the people of Ireland can be rightly considered smoke
and mirrors by his government.
Workers in Ireland have few avenues to settle disputes to their satisfaction, and
considering that the neo-liberal capitalist classes, in cahoots with the government, are
tightening the noose around the people's necks, squeezing them even harder for profits--a
strike action is reasonable to say the least.
The syndicalist, or militant strike approach to unionism is one which protects workers and
exerts power over the bosses-who only care for profits-- that no other tactic can equal.
Message: 3
The state of Slovenia attacks on squats and autonomous spaces having already proceeded
to the evacuation of the ARGO occupation in Isola town, in a repressive operation that
included injuries in struggle of the forces, and preparing a new repressive offensive to
capture INDE in Koper city. This is the continuation of a government campaign against
those who resist the imposition of misery, subjugation and racial intolerance. ---- The
factory buildings which are occupied and used by the Slovene movement constitute areas
where the growing social and class solidarity and radical criticism. Their sellout by the
Slovenian Ministry of Finance entity in charge of management, part of the pan-European
policy of privatization, the aim of which the deepening of class inequality and the
onslaught on every inch of public space.
In Greece, the targeting of occupations from the Greek State expressed the last time,
with the invasion in the summer of 2016 in the occupations solidarity to refugees in
Thessaloniki and the fascist parastatal attacks occupied anarchist-antiauthoritarian space
The state and capitalist dictatorship attacking internationally attempting to impose
the gloomy one way of modern totalitarianism, a system where social class and political
resistors in repressive sights, class oppression constantly intensified and immigrant
policy within the Fortress Europe creates fences, camps concentration and rewards those
para-fascist groups.
Opposite them stand barricades of our resistance to the abolition of exploitation and
oppression, solidarity and companionship. Standing in front of the struggles we seek to
grow stronger through syllogikopoiisi, organization and international solidarity.
International solidarity TO ANARCHY AND libertarian communism
Anarchist Political Organisation-Federation collectivity
Message: 4
"A week ago, the commander recommended me to a recruiting group, the International
Anti-Fascist Brigade (very libertarian, so politically closer to me), also known as" the
group of Marcello ". ---- We pass below the log, posted on Facebook , a French
revolutionary activist in the YPG. He shares his analyzes, his criticisms, and recounts
the highlights of his career. An indispensable human and political testimony. ---- The
headings and footnotes are from the AL web team. ---- YPG Military Academy for Foreign
Volunteers, Rojava, February 5, 2017 ---- Here we are at the crossroads. Our training
officially ended yesterday evening, and within one to two days we will leave the academy
to join our assignment unit and eventually the Raqqa front. ---- I know that many,
sometimes contradictory, ideas are circulating about the treatment of foreign volunteers,
so I will try to clarify them right away.
First of all, the YPGs do not send foreign volunteers directly to the "pipe break". I
heard comrades in France suggesting this, claiming that the YPGs would like to "preserve
the Kurdish lives". But the fact is that every time a foreigner dies, this is a bad press
for YPGs, and brings them a lot of diplomatic problems, especially when it comes to a
In truth it is even Conversely, YPG reluctant to directly send volunteers to fight, they
prefer to send them, at least initially, in taburs defensive (static units taking few
risks, assigned to posts guard) or so in taburs offensive but not in combat groups (ie
that volunteers remain at the camp, or are in the back row, not in the assault groups).
Each volunteer expresses his or her wishes
To be sent directly to combat, in an assault group, four conditions must be met:
Knowledge of the primordial bases of kurmani (the Rojava Kurd);
Being physically / athletically fit, which you have understood, is far from the case of
the majority (we are only 3 out of 10 on average to hold on during the morning training,
sometimes 4, sometimes 2);
Military / tactical ability (either military background or successful academic training)
Not to have had an "inappropriate" behavior during training (ie if you are openly fascist,
psychopathic, depressed, etc., you do not have your place at the front. Between the
"filters" of the YPGs).
Then, the YPGs do not impose our duty station, except in exceptional cases (if a volunteer
is really picked up, he will be assigned to minor guard duties at the rear). The volunteer
makes assignment choices, discusses them with the commander and the general (yes, a
General YPG comes to speak privately with you, to take stock of your training, listen to
your criticisms, and as I said, take Account of your choice of assignment). Generally
volunteers can, to a large extent, go where they want.
Picture of illustration cc Kurdish Struggle
I had initially the idea of joining the International Freedom Batallion of Rojava (IFBOR,
generally referred to as "the International Battalion"), to find myself with other
internationalists. But IFBOR, although doing remarkable work and sometimes undergoing
Daech raids, is not an offensive unit. Generally, they stay in their base, follow the
front from afar.
Thanks to my encounters in the mountains, I have the opportunity to join the MKK
(Marxist-Leninist Workers Party, Kurdish-Turkish Revolutionary Organization) or the TKEP /
L (which is more or less an affiliated group, with a suspicion of Stalinism in addition,
which will cool me slightly, you will understand).
It is of course also possible to join a classical unit of the YPG but politically it is
not necessarily the most interesting.
The "Marcello Group"
But a week ago, the commander recommended me to a recruiting group, the International
Anti-Fascist Brigade (very libertarian, so politically closer to me), also known as "the
group of Marcello". Yes, the fellow who wrote the book The Fighter [1]. I had met him by
chance at one of his conferences in Italy last year. Seeing him here was fun. The world of
revolutionaries is decidedly dramatically small.
Finally, another interesting possibility to join a combat unit qadro Turkish and Kurdish
(revolutionary "career" one might say, the term literally translating as "executive" of
apoïstes believe so).
I already made my decision, but to annoy you I would tell you my choice in the next message.
News snippets from France
In short, I spent a day and a night in the hospital. No battle wound, just sick to die,
much less glamorous is not it. Finally good, you will have the details in a few days,
normally I would soon have a long and regular connection, this luxury.
Still, I can not wait to leave the training camp. Here, an old facho arrived, and I feel
that his safety is threatened if I stay too long.
I met the anarchist comrade of the Zad. He is currently with me at the camp. Bits of news
from France reach us. Clicks and fachos, from Paris to Nantes, feel their wings grow. Do
not worry, we'll cut them off.
[1]Karim Franceschi It combattente. Storia che ha dell'italiano difeso Kobanî dall'Isis,
BUR Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli, 2016.
Message: 5
Following the short informational text of the Libertarian Union of Ioánnina about a
protest held outside a burger shop in the city of Ioánnina, for not having paid the
employers of this business to two workers dismissed the money of their salaries. Following
this text follows the communiqué issued by the Union on the same subject. ---- On February
4, 2017, it was blocked by Solidarity, Solidarity and Union Union of Ioánnina, Fat Angus
hamburger , located at the corner of Averof and Anexartisias streets, in the center of the
Ioánnina market. The employer of this business refuses to pay to two delivery agents their
salaries (since last summer), the extraordinary payment of Easter and the summer vacations
of 2016 . Each of them owes 550 euros. The blockade lasted an hour, during which leaflets
were distributed and they were shouting slogans without stopping. It may be that the case
has taken the judicial route, however, workers and workers know very well that struggles,
claims and dignity, are gained especially in the street. We do not forget, we do not
reassure ourselves. Syndicalism without hierarchies is the nightmare of employers and the
No peace with the bosses. Solidarity will be victorious.
The text delivered during the blocking follows:
Hamburgers cost two layoffs
It is neither the first nor the last time that bosses dismiss workers with pretexts of the
"I do not get the money" type. Even more if these workers ask nothing more than legal, ie
collect their salaries. Even more if these dismissals are vindictive, as in this case,
that the employer and his accountant instead of giving two workers the days off under the
legislation, signed their resignation "of their own volition." And "they forgot" them to
pay the money of the subsidies of Easter, Christmas and of vacations. We note that this
pattern had hired dealers without social security, disregarding their physical integrity,
as well as the legal consequences that might have.
At the same time that the entrepreneur Tsiatis whines because he does not have money to
pay the workers, his business operates normally (with new distributers). Apparently he has
paid a lot of money, not only for the raw materials necessary for the operation of the
business, but also for the necessary publicity of his business in one of the most known
radio stations.
The time period the workers had given him was not short. He had almost three months to pay
them. When he refused to do so, once the deadline had expired, he was given an extension,
but again he refused to pay them. It's been six months. We have no false illusions. The
bosses do not pay us, not for not having money but for not wanting to do it.
His method is known to us. A postponement after another, or hope that the matter is
forgotten within the labyrinth of bureaucracy. However, they do not have the deliverers.
If we were to wait for institutions (bosses) to solve our problems with employers, the
invisible chains that keep us tied to the system of wage slavery would be visible and
speak of slavery. The organization in associations and unions is what will put a brake to
the arbitrariness of the employers.
It is time for the bosses (small and big) to find out about this. The delivery workers did
not go crazy one morning and began to distribute meals, in rain or snow, in the cold in
the frightening traffic, risking their physical integrity. They do it because the only
thing they can sell is their workforce. (They do) to live with dignity. They do not ask
for charity from the bosses, but they demand the payment of the subsidies, because they
correspond to hours of work used by the bosses to profit.
That the employers pay Fat Angus immediately the payroll to the dismissed.
Libertarian Union of Ioannina Union
Message: 6
We ask for a salary knowing that even in "ideal" conditions the salary is a fraud, a lie,
an exploitation. Our ultimate goal is the expropriation of all the wealth we produce that
is stolen by the bosses. This expropriation, at the same time, will dissolve the form of
the commodity. ---- Against a miserable and fatalistic acceptance of reality as it appears
in our daily conversations, we will finally prepare ourselves for battle, saying first:
"We want a salary, not an insignificant job! ---- We want a salary, not an insignificant
job! ---- "Personally, I am also a communist, I would like another system, but we are
talking about the current crisis." ---- -Georgios Katrougalos, former Minister of Labour,
03.04.2016 ---- "When the companies Greek Federation (SEV) officially claimed 150,000
layoffs in the public sector, the Ministry of Administrative Reform, which had the courage
to stand up against The SEV, also calls on workers' unions to be at the forefront of the
struggle for the defense of labor rights and not to hide behind absurd statements.
-Christoforos Vernardakis, Deputy Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction
(The two quotes above can be found in the volume of political prehistory Short Political
Jokes - the inspirational era of SYRIZA).
For several years the capitalists have worked systematically on a new regulation of labor
relations which could create the preconditions necessary to cope with the accumulation
crisis and the ever-increasing intra-capitalist competition of recent decades. The debt
and the Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) have served and are still serving this goal at
best, materializing by "shock therapy" the policies of devaluation and depreciation of the
work and life of all proletarians, both native and immigrant. The left of capital took
over and decided to continue the task of continuing, using the minimal social legitimacy
left to it, to complete the radical reforms that are necessary to capital for a new cycle
/ type of accumulation. After the promulgation of the law on social protection last
spring, the government "Memorandum" of SYRIZA, completes the hard attack against us with a
new framework. Its core is the devastation of wages and the strengthening of management
prerogatives. This means the complete liberation of each employer from "unnecessary
weights" such as collective agreements (national, sectoral) in order to enable them, as
each individual worker is concerned, to make them as flexible as they want, Needs of each
company. The means to achieve these very useful objectives for the employers are the
dissolution of the regulated working day, the absolute flexibility of the workers and the
discipline of work.
Salary is a fetish and we are fetishists!
The most popular scam that the capitalist class serves the proletariat - and which is
often swallowed all round - is that wages are the right price for the work we provide.
Wage appears as the "natural" price for the functioning of the merchant labor force that
is offered "freely" by its owner to the capitalist, who is "equal" to the owner of the
labor force.
But is it true that employers pay the value of all the work their employees offer them? Is
this exchange really fair? And if so, then why does the product (as a whole or at least
the largest part) not find itself in the hands of the worker in exchange for his work?
In reality, wages are a fetish that disguises class domination and unpaid surplus labor.
The wage pays the worker only the total value of the products which are necessary for its
reproduction, while the remaining product is harvested by the capitalist. Although a scam,
however, as long as the capitalist social relation is in force, the wage is the main means
of survival of the worker, in order not to be a slave and the working class not to be a
mass of Plebeians.
This capitalist narrative on the "just" and full price can, of course, be convincing in
the "golden" era of growth, when wages are higher! In the present crisis, wages are a
threatened species and are not even sufficient for our reproduction as a labor force: some
of us are poorly paid, some are paid several months late and others remain totally Unpaid
because the boss closed the deal - and reopened under another brand!
The government of SYRIZA, communist as proclaimed by the outgoing minister Katrougalos
immediately before the issuance of its manifesto on the protection ... seems to aim to
relieve considerably the working class of the wage fetish and its later illusions. The new
framework to be voted by the left of the capital institutes the dismantling of the main
means of subsistence of the working class, after of course many "negotiations",
"struggles" against the cartel of SEV, "Red lines" and many other stories ...
Against this deregulation, the proletariat replied: "We are fetishists! We do not want to
get rid of our illusions! We want higher wages and / for less work! ".
What have bosses done so far?
The most significant results of the Memorandum's shock policy are the vertical drop in
direct and indirect wages, the almost complete abolition of old labor law, the rapid
increase in precarious employment, the segmentation of workers by contract (Or even
individually) and their recycling in the perpetual vicious cycle of precarious work /
unemployment / lifelong learning in the company.
Great reduction in our direct wages
This includes the abolition of the 13th and 14th month salary, benefit cuts in the public
sector and the attack on the wages of remaining workers by deregulation of collective
labor law, as since 2010 the Negotiation of the contract has become internal to the
company (see collective or individual labor contracts). The junction of wages with the
minimum individual legal limits of the National General Agreement on Collective Labor
(EGSSE), which is experiencing a free fall, is followed by the abolition of the principle
of more favorable regulation, thus nullifying the regime of agreements Sectoral /
interprofessional, more interesting. The minimum wage, previously intended to protect
low-paid workers, was reduced by 22% in 2012, which resulted in a similar reduction in
overtime, sick pay, sickness and maternity benefits and earnings To pension. At the same
time, a new category of minimum under-wage is institutionalized (reduced by 32%) for those
under 25 years of age. With the increase in direct and indirect taxation, wages were
further reduced. As a result of all this, the working class of the private sector alone,
during the period 2009-2016, lost 44 billion euros of salary.
Expansion of precariousness and flexibility
with reduced salaries, insecurity on Workplace widened. In new hires, part-time contracts
and job rotation dominate at the expense of full-time employment. For example, by 2015,
55.5% of new contracts were part-time and rotating part-time contracts, while over the
period 2009-2015 the conversion rates from permanent contracts to fixed-term contracts
were strong Increase, with or without the alleged agreement of the employee. This
development, together with a large increase in undeclared work, marks the consolidation of
these forms of exploitation in Greek social formation and the consolidation of starvation
wages to less than 400 euros for a very large part of our class (20% ).
Extension of unpaid workday
Meanwhile, the vast majority of employees today work beyond normal hours, often unpaid, as
if the unpaid work of 8 regular hours was already not enough. This results in reduced
margins for the management of "leisure time" in a perpetual chase to supplement the
"allowance" wage, which hunt part-time work / casual rotation / work!
According to the data of the information system "Ergani", in 2015 the absolute number of
workers whose contract was terminated exceeds the number of jobs in the same year. It is
as if the wage-earners of the country as a whole had "lost" or left their job at least once!
These are the results of the first two Memoranda and the second Medium Term, in 2012! The
new 3rd Memorandum, this time by the Left, will certainly aggravate the situation for the
working class and, if it is permitted, it will terminate the reform of labor relations
after the reform of protective relations.
A pit of 6 feet, that is to say the new attack of the bosses.
The capitalists now seek to print the vile reality of the work which we already know by
the law. The employers and their political and trade union staff start from a few "theses"
absolutely necessary for their interests. In the current environment, this is what will
shape the new law "work" and "union":
Increase the limit collective redundancies of 5 to 10% for companies employing more than
150 workers. Transfer of responsibility for collective redundancies to a "neutral" body
rather than to the Supreme Council of Labor (ESA). The minister or the prefect decides no
Abolition of collective agreements (national, sectoral, interprofessional) with the
exception of collective bargaining agreements. Thus, the Ministry of Labor can be pleased
to have maintained collective bargaining, namely that between employers and Associations
of Persons ... the abolition of sectoral and / or interprofessional collective agreements
is already at stake; All that remains is their formal abolition.
A minimum wage without an increase, that is to say "detached" from the seniority, marriage
and specialization bonuses, etc. Abolition of the 13th and 14th month of wages in the
private sector for newcomers.
* Strike declaration by a vote of 50% + 1 of all registered union members (not those
attending the general assembly). The outgoing minister, G. Katrougalos, on behalf of all
bosses, boldly and publicly supported this measure because "what is happening now,
deciding to strike minorities, is not democratic."
Strengthen the role of the Organization in Mediation and Arbitration (OMED), which
operates in favor of employers, while trying to make their unilateral seizure by workers
Extension of the flexibility of the labor market and thus of the insecurity and the
violence regime that daily workers suffer. The proposed new regulations are to impose
"minor labor", which provides for very low wages without insurance, "contracts of hours of
work" (zero-hour contracts) that correspond to employment when and as much as the employer
And the various alternatives such as "contracts of a few hours" or "contracts of
employment by telephone call" (after notification). Despite the delay by the capitalists,
the ministry and the trade unionists, Adopt the employer's lock-out and allow the
immediate dismissal of all their staff and although we believe that such
institutionalization would please them, the spirit as the "letter" of the reform of
relations And the new planned trade union law is found elsewhere. In any case, the vast
majority of Greek employers can lay off their employees "whenever they want." Employers
are now keen to see laws reduce the "right" of workers to strike and strengthen their
"freedom" To relax labor relations. In the meantime, they continually reduce wages,
"eliminate" the various benefits and bring wages back to their "appropriate" level - as
far as the minimum wage is concerned, we have learned from the IMF that it is "the highest
among EU countries In terms of GDP per capita ". Of course, they forgot to tell us that in
this country we are talking about, GDP has fallen by 25% since 2009!
In short, the radical reform of future work allows each employer to cope with each
employee, specifying and adopting, depending on the needs of each firm, labor relations
and "worker" groups that respond to these needs.
Why are we opposing the new labor law instead of looking after our own "business"?
In the six years of Memoranda, billions of wages and pensions have disappeared. While the
capitalists benefited from cuts in wages and took their money abroad, the state reaped the
rewards of cutting wages and pensions of officials to repay their moneylender lenders.
Quite simply, everyone eats with golden spoons at the expense of the stuff, that is our
class! How long will we let them treat us like that? How long will we remain spectators
when our class is pushed to complete devaluation and beg for any "insignificant work"?
The constant fragmentation of the class into more and more categories and the constant and
violent adaptation of the class to the Procrustean bed of any capitalist need can no
longer continue. The assessment of the preceding attack contributes to the realization
that we are not only faced with the substitution of one law by the other but with the
deepening of the reform of labor relations at the expense of the Working class as a whole.
Through intersectoral classroom meetings, we must overcome the division of the class into
full-time and part-time employees, employees and "housewives", industries and
corporations. To this policy of capital we must respond with our own autonomous policy,
turning against the capitalist relation itself: with common struggles which bring together
all the members of our class and pose each individual demand for the satisfaction of the
Class interest in general. Or, better still, every satisfaction of individual claims must
involve as much as possible the parts and "jobs" of our class, in order to nullify in
practice the demands, the demands, the forms of struggle and the mentalities which respect
division Capitalist labor and serve both professional and sectoral interests and demands.
Our conversations can no longer be dominated by the crazy question "do you have a little
work?" ". It should be replaced with questions such as "Have you got a salary?" Or "Does
your boss make fun of you?" Or "How long will we continue to protect the business?" And,
of course , It is certain that when we speak of wages, this does not mean hourly wages
which are twice as much a fraud, but we are talking about a high direct and indirect /
social monthly salary.
If we oppose the flexibility of operating relationships, flexibility that suits the needs
of each boss, we do not do so by nostalgia for "regular" employment; Our opposition to
increasing insecurity is not motivated by the prospect of "permanent and stable
employment", but from the point of view of the recovery of a stable and satisfactory
salary for our class as a whole, or not. A wage which, in addition, will give us the
capacity of collective resistance against the capitalist assault and place us in a better
position against capital and its state.
We ask for a salary knowing that even in "ideal" conditions the salary is a fraud, a lie,
an exploitation. Our ultimate goal is the expropriation of all the wealth we produce that
is stolen by the bosses. This expropriation, at the same time, will dissolve the form of
the commodity.
Against a miserable and fatalistic acceptance of reality as it appears in our daily
conversations, we will finally prepare ourselves for battle, saying first: "We want a
salary, not an insignificant job!
Assembly of employed and unemployed in Syntagma Square
November 2016
elated Link:
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