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zaterdag 4 februari 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 4 February 2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Ruptura Colectiva (RC): "We have a dream, may Hueyapan
      becomes autonomous municipality" (ca) [machine translation]

      DAMBOVITA By Ravn [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Against the police
      harassment of undocumented workers, in Montreuil on 

      4 February by AL Montreuil (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

4.  verba-volant: Greece, Ioánnina: Mobilizations against the
      installation of mobile telephone antennas in two districts of the
      city (ca, gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  anarkismo.net: Kostas Despoiniadis, Exit Risk by Dmitri
      (republishing) - Released by Panopticon (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

"We have a dream, may Hueyapan becomes autonomous municipality" - Interview with the 
Community Council for Hueyapan Autonomy -- Demián Revart ---- Translation by Isaac Rosas 
---- On November 22 and 23, 2016 it was held the II International Meeting of Resistances 
in Latin America and the Caribbean in the community of Hueyapan, Morelos, with the 
presence of dozens of organizations, activists, human rights defenders and people of some 
countries to form joint works and projects on different antisystemic lines. ---- Given the 
introductory data, the substance is as follows: the encounter was rich, nourished and 
substantial among experiences and voices. However, little was said of the circumstances - 
and the quite interesting process! - that today lives the community of Hueyapan, located 
in the Eastern part of the state at the skirts of Popocatepetl. Since the conformation of 
the municipality of Tetela de Volcán in 1937, a segregation of privileges and spoliation 
of the territory between the head of the municipality and its localities has been 
perpetuated, mainly the perpetual conflict with Hueyapan.

During the time, intense struggle over water and against corruption of municipal 
authorities have developed, ironically, "there where water flows". Tiredness and 
inspection of other ways was deliberated by the community after the passing of the needle 
and the humiliations. People want to break the conflict, want the peace, want the autonomy 
of deciding for itself the administration of the-public.

On April 15, 2011, the people of Cherán K'eri in the state of Michoacán were able to take 
control of their territory and forests after a huge escalation of violence by the 
talamontes (people who illegally chop down trees) -organized in criminal groups-, drug 
trafficking, different levels of law enforcers and local political parties. That scene, 
that act of courage, that portrait, is today an award for hueyapanenses, claiming that the 
impossible is possible. The autonomy of his political life and self-management of their 
economic labors are the strokes now drawn on its plan of good living.

The clear line of "racism between mestizos and indigenous people has made the State to 
listen more to them than to us, " is told in this interview by members of the recent 
Community Council for Autonomy in Hueyapan, in order to turn public the causes of this 
initiative to stop depending- and let itself be dominated - by the authorities and 
despotic mechanisms of Tetela del Volcán, and to be configured as an autonomous municipality.

The dream is ineffable, but gets closer to the reality day after day: "if we all hold 
hands, it will be easier to change the world."

What is happening in Hueyapan? Can we talk about a route to self-government?

It happens that we have dreams now. We have a thought of being an indigenous municipality 
since the 70's and 80's, for we have long belonged to the municipality of Tetela del 
Volcán for a long time. Nine years ago, the people of the community got organized and for 
the first time we put a president of Hueyapan there, in the Municipal Town Hall. From 
there, we realized that there is a lot of money that never gets to the communities, a lot 
of the infrastructure and federal taxes did not get to us and stayed in the municipality 
of Tetela, we got no support for streets, sidewalks or drinking water. In fact, we have 
drinking water because people organized themselves and began to self-store it.

Nine years ago, a municipal president built bridges and constructed streets, which we 
liked and chose another similar president, but we saw that our lives are the same having a 
president in the locality. We have to go to Tetela to do our paperwork (birth 
certificates, death certificates, any other requirements) and the community is more than 
12 km away, we have to pay combi (a transportation like a minibus) (...) even though we 
have a president, we still depend on municipal power.

In 2010, we, as a people, forced the Morelos Congress to come to the community for the 
Tetela-Hueyapan water conflict, we brought several deputies and sat them in the community 
to set a working session with tetelas and hueyapanenses, but more than anything with the 
government. We made a petitionary sheet where the main point was to be AUTONOMOUS, to be 
Indigenous Municipality here, we no longer want to go to Tetela. We do not want to be 
governed, even if they are people of our people and race, they end up being part of the 
same system, right?

In 2012, there were Graco Ramirez election campaigns, we brought him to the community and 
told him "we would vote" in exchange for signing a law initiative to become indigenous 
municipality. The governor's signature was vital, if he did not sign it would be very 
difficult to achieve the autonomy we sought. Well, he was sought and did not refused, it 
was a commitment that became public. It was very "diplomatic", without getting to deaths 
or confrontation, without taking roads or making a fuss there in Cuernavaca, we rely on 
our rights of ILO Convention 169, article 2 of the Constitution and other international 
treaties that defend our indigenous culture. Sometimes the hardest thing is for the 
governor to sign, here it was the other way around. Cherán's colleagues tell us that ‘down 
below' was much faster, and the top (legal) was really difficult.

The governor promised to promote the reform of article 40 of our state where it says that 
to be an indigenous municipality we must be more than 40,000 inhabitants; Here in the 
community we are around 6 and 7 thousand inhabitants. It was unthinkable to be an 
indigenous municipality in the next 20 or 30 years; many years would have to pass. In that 
sense, we worked for the amendment of the article in Congress and the vote of the majority 
was needed (50 plus 1), which would remove the locks for us to become a municipality.

As a Community Council we were appointed 5 people in assembly as a committee to follow up 
on this process, one per neighborhood. Here in the village, as in other parts of Mexico, 
the structure of the committees is made up of a president, a secretary and a treasurer; 
the president is the one who determines almost everything. When we were in plenary, we 
said, "Gentlemen, we do not want to be a committee." One of the best ideas we have come up 
with. * Laughs *. I remember that we proposed to be Council to have all the same hierarchy 
and decide horizontally, because if we were a committee, the State could have a great 
interference, forcing the president to sign agreements as if we were lamb. We proposed it 
to the assembly and were told, "If you think it's the best, do it, do it please". At 
first, the work to become municipality was only the municipal assistant's, after, the 
Council began to participate more rigorously.

On June 10th, 2014, article 40 was reformed with 29 votes in favor, that is, all voted in 
favor. What follows is to set up our statutes, we have to draw up working tables, we do 
not have the power to decide, we go with the people and they will decide. We have given 
them the model of Cheran K'eri, a unique policy in Latin America, a model that is being 
copied in some first world countries, because it is participative, there is no corruption, 
there is no crime, no crime, well, it is community. In this 2016, we have made two trips 
to that community to learn from their experiences. We have just barely begun, there are 
still people with their doubts, that if it is a municipality we will have to pay taxes, 
that communal lands would be expropriated. Fears are many and it is reasonable. We have 
reassured people telling them that that's why we want to be autonomous indigenous 
municipality, because we do not want to pay a tax, that it would be determined by us and 
not the State, as well as the axes of health, administration, politics board, sport, 
youth, women's affairs, etc.

The money budgeted for our town Hueyapan is also something that should be analyzed, for 
instance, to the municipality of Tetela del Volcán it was given about 80 million pesos 
annually, here it was given, to the most, 5 million, that for the sidewalks, the potholes, 
just theater! If we rely on population censuses, we should receive like 38 million, but we 
don't get it, which provokes that we can't decide if we need to cobble a street, fix a 
bridge that is falling, maybe improve public lighting and other needs of the community; 
and being a municipality, the items would already be labeled and we would distribute them 
by sector; what we receive for health it is used for health, what we receive for security 
it is for security, for example, in the payroll of the municipality they talk about 100 
elements of the budget, we only know 5.

The ones who take care of the town are the partners of the Community Guard, "the Tigers" 
who make great efforts without many resources, without uniforms, without boots or nothing. 
As a municipality, we would consider that security is not left to the police, but to us, 
that what it is received is for a vehicle, radios for communication, we propose that they 
have uniforms and that the children grow safe and with the dream of becoming a tiger".

Why would we do this? Many problems began with the Single Command when Graco Ramirez 
arrived, we had every week 1 or 2 detainees, students and young people mostly, because 
they said that they had drugs, because their backpack looked suspicious, because they 
carried firewood, but they were only pretexts for extortion. People were worrying. There 
is a case of a municipal assistant coming from the field and stopped by the Single 
Command, the man came with his wife and the Command pointed the woman with their weapons. 
The assistant came to clean his mount and cut wood for the kitchen, not for business, but 
they said that "he brought green wood." That unleashes a lot of discontent and what was 
done was to say that "we do not want the Single Command, they set their checkpoints here 
and get anyone they want and everyone walks afraid, " but ... we were not organized. When 
we organize and we said "NO Single Command" agreements were sought for them not to make 
their patrols and arrests here, we did collectively and said, "you either go or we will 
take care." And ... they left! Since October 2014 we have a commitment to care, because 
violence, as in all communities, however small, is always present. Here there's the issue 
of theft of avocado and animals, what we did was to generate block chiefs, commanders and 
the people in general, we decided to begin with community guards.

How does the idea of forming community guards arise?

What happens is that in the neighboring community of Tepango, they do community guards, at 
the entrance there is always a checkpoint, 2-3 people checking who enters and leaves. The 
dynamics was to take care of the entrances at night to avoid so much robbery. While it was 
discussed how to do it - we had not brought it to the community assembly yet -there was a 
debate to see how we coordinated, we agreed that block chiefs and volunteers had a role in 
the guards.

Our assistant carried a radio that the municipality had given him to have communication 
with the police, he connected it with the municipality of Santa Cruz, where they also do 
community guards. One day a vehicle passed by with an old man selling glasses, the man was 
frightened because the Santa Cruz people stopped him and came here in a rush; they called 
the assistant saying "guess what? A stolen car comes; it must be stopped!". It was very 
instinctive, we all stopped to go there, we left the room, some said it was 
counterproductive and we had better not intervene, even the moderator of the debates. In 
less than 5 minutes we were in the place, the car had not yet passed. When the car arrived 
we saw that it was a couple of very scared old people, they said they were selling 
glasses, we checked it and we let them go. When the matter was settled, we returned to the 
office (without moderator) and said: "We are smart, what if it was a kidnapped, what if it 
was a stolen car? We could stop it! (...) what do we need? More radios, we need to make 
the checkpoints ".

 From there, we called a general assembly and the people named also a Council, it comes 
from the ideas of the partners that worked the matter of Community Council, then before 
forming this, we were part of the Council of Coordination for the Community Guards, we 
were dealing with logistics and organization. Our job was to check that the partners 
fulfilled their work, call the roll; it was a dynamic that one did this, the other one did 
that. Two people were named per neighborhood so that the matter was not so hard. We 
interchanged the positions from one place to another so they would not vitiate, make it 
rotary, we were in charge of finding support for their coffee, for a snack, etc.

But soon the state government accused us of being self - defense groups and began the 
tremendous pounding, very subtly they told us "you do continue and you will be detained." 
The repression came and we stopped making that catch dynamics but we kept the radios, 
which continue working. People connect with the partners of the guards, they are 
recognized and respected.

Why "Los Tigres"?

In a municipal assembly, our assistant was given a radio and told to get a name to place 
him in the communication network. He did not know what to use, had no idea A man from 
Tetela said, "I'll be Rayo", other said "Relámpago" another said "Halcón" and our 
assistant said "what if I say Tigre?". And with the other volunteers it was agreed to be 
Los Tigres, they became famous with that name. Now, people stand when hear about them 
because they know there is no money involved, corruption, that there is commitment and 
that they are good people.

We as Council, besides calling the roll and doing all those things, we also made it as a 
justice system. When a guy burned a trash can or made a mess, we sent for them and told 
them: "guys, you have misbehaved, you will have to clean up what you did."

So, your justice system is born from ethics and the conflict resolution through mutual 
agreement and not through the imposition of a punishment or a penal code?

So it is. The boys told us, "hey, give us a chance...  we did not think it, please be 
patient with us." We were aware of everyday issues in youth and we answered, "well, get 
organized and do it, there will be someone who is taking care while doing your job." With 
the issue of self-defense, this council is in "a break", it is stopped, but Los Tigres 
continue doing their activities. If we achieve autonomy, the committee or council of Los 
Tigres would come to be the "Supreme Court" to take care of security. It is what we are 
looking for.

Were there acts of repression against this initiative of self-managing security and care 
of the territory?

The messages of the State were very clear and strong, especially for our assistant who was 
called every time to attend the city of Cuernavaca. He was very questioned and criticized, 
and not just him, they began to point us to us as Council. The governor said he would not 
allow another cell in our town of armed uprisings because there would be a great 
punishment. The CISEN (security and intelligence) of Morelos began to investigate us, we 
are not fools, but we had to see if we continued risking or waiting for the detentions, 
that they fabricated us some crime to justify them.

* Hueyapan community is now conducting various awareness activities to gain a query using 
direct democracy in which the municipalization is demanded, to give rise to the initiative 
of autonomy and self - government. At the beginning of January 2017, they installed a 
community radio that broadcasts diverse contents in radio signal 105.5 FM.




Message: 2

Friday, February 3, between 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., employees of SC Kablutronik LLC, based 
in Ulmi, inside Sagricom will protest in front of Dambovita Prefecture. They are supported 
by family and colleagues in CNS Cartel Alfa affiliates. On January 27, Kablutronik 
employees staged a two-hour warning strike, and Wednesday, February 1, will trigger a 
general strike and cease working. ---- 27 January strike was triggered after the 
management refused Kablutronik signing collective labor contract on the grounds that 
Turkey was ordered not to sign anything with the union. Although the strike is announced 
on February 1, company management continues to call people to interview and to hire staff 
to replace those on strike, which is illegal, done in order to render effective employees 
strike ---- Apart from complaints relating to refusal to sign the collective labor 
agreement, factory employees also mentioned other issues related to work.

source inconvenient media

In these circumstances solidarity with strikers from Kablutronik is very important. 
Acknowledging the working conditions of employees Kablutronik and the refusal of the 
company's management to begin collective bargaining that strikers will ask, Zeal require 
leadership from Kablutronik to treat its employees fairly and not to put pressure on the 
strikers and to meet immediately all union claims.

Zeal Secretariat - Anarhist-Communist Organization


Message: 3

The neighborhood is mobilized to support the workers of the Coallia home in 
Rosny-sous-Bois (93). For several weeks, police pressure has been mounting in the 
vicinity. Respect for the workers! Policemen, take care of white-collar offenders! ---- At 
the initiative of the Collective of the undocumented workers of Vitry (CTSPV94) and its 
branches in Montreuil and Rosny, for several weeks we have been working in solidarity with 
the residents of the homes of migrant workers, targeted by police controls that 
Harassment. ---- What do they hope for? Get hold of undocumented migrants. A sad 
consequence of the policy of the figure that has not varied since Sarkozy until Cazeneuve. 
---- We're not going to let it happen. A demonstration is organized on 4 February from 
Montreuil to Rosny, for which one counts on solidarity of proximity.

The various organizations calling for the demonstration meet with anyone who wants to 
distribute leaflets in order to sensitize the local population.

Leaflet distributions:

January 24 before the Great Gate shopping center with UL-CGT
January 26 at 18:30 at the metro Mairie de Montreuil with Asphalt Association and the 
collective of Baras
Sunday, January 29 from 11 am to Croix-de-Chavaux market with Asphalt Association, the 
collective of Baras and the NPA
January 30 6h30-8h30 RER station Rosny-Centre by LDH
February 1 at 7:30 metro Mairie de Montreuil with Alternative Libertaire
February 1st from 18h to the town of Montreuil with Asphalt Association and the collective 
of Baras
February 2nd at 18:30 at metro Mairie de Montreuil with Asphalt Association and the 
collective of Baras
Door to door:

Adef hostel (rue Lenain-de-Tillemont, Montreuil), by the CTSPV94
Branly, by the CTSPV94
Foyer of rue Rochebrune (Montreuil), by Asphalt
Colle des Sorins, by Asphalte
Squat des Baras (Bagnolet), by the CTSPV94
AL Montreuil

Photo: Nicolas Wietrich, 2009

The unit tract:
Police harassment
around the Jean-Allemane home Rosny:

For several weeks, policemen have regularly organized targeted identity checks against the 
residents of the Coallia home, rue Jean-Allemane, in the Boissière district of 

By systematically controlling the residents and their visitors, these police officers 
probably hope to fill in their quota for arresting irregular workers.

This is far from being an isolated case: the same practices of systematic checks on the 
facies have run around the place occupied by the collective Baras in Bagnolet, and the 
same police vice also tightens around the foyer of the street Bara in Montreuil . These 
controls, which take place at times when residents leave or return from work, legitimately 
exasperate the residents.

This harassment aggravates the intolerable exploitation that these people suffer at work.

For a year now, with the Inter-union Labor Inspectors (CGT-FSU-Solidaires), the collective 
of undocumented workers in the Paris region have multiplied their interventions vis-à-vis 
the Ministry of Labor to request the regularization of undocumented workers, Which alone 
can put an end to their exploitation in forced labor.

These migrant workers often occupy the most arduous jobs for the lowest wages. The 
employers therefore use undocumented migrants not only for their fragility but also for 
degrading in a global way the working conditions of all and all.

Finally, we denounce the effects of the Cazeneuve law of November 2016 and in particular 
the measure that allows the withdrawal of the residence permit in the event of dismissal. 
These measures that weaken undocumented workers must stop.

It is also these demands that our collective wants to make heard, beginning with being 
received in delegation by the Mayor of Rosny-sous-Bois so that he uses his prerogatives to 
stop these practices of police harassment.

Riverain.es, salarié.es,
Join the big demonstration of solidarity

Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 2:30 pm

Departure: town hall of Montreuil - Arrival town hall of Rosny
Course planned by stopping in front of the Coallia foyer and in front of the Rosny police 

Regularization of all undocumented immigrants!

Tract in PDF to download
First Signatories:

Alternative libertarian 93,
Collective Baras,
Collective of the undocumented workers of Vitry (94),
Together! Montreuil,
League of Human Rights (section of Bondy / Noisy / Rosny / Bobigny),
Montreuil Palestine,
New Anticapitalist Party Montreuil,
Local union CGT of Montreuil

Undocumented workers need to be regularized.
Manif of 5 January 2011 in Vitry. (C) Alexandre Bonnemaison



Message: 4

Text of the anti-authoritarian community of Ioannina Xeironimia-Movement Antiauthoritarian 
on installing mobile phone masts in two neighborhoods of the city. ---- On 28 January 2017 
the community Xeironimia-Movement Antiauthoritarian performed an action (intervention) in 
the main square of Ioannina against mobile phone masts, handing out leaflets and 
displaying banners. The reason for the protest was the installation of aerials of mobile 
telephony by the company Cosmote in two districts of the city. In both cases the antennas 
were placed in the house of a person, located at short distance of two primary schools. 
The text of the protest follows. ---- On December 24, 2016 the inhabitants of Lakkomata 
saw members of a team of a well known mobile phone company to place (install) an antenna 
telephony high level of electromagnetic radiation, a short distance from the terrace of 
the 4th school First, giving to the patio and classrooms of the school, kindergarten and 
nursery of the neighborhood.

The fact that the legal is not necessarily correct is confirmed in this case, since the 
chaotic legal framework on the operation of such antennas does not protect the local 
population, or even vulnerable social groups, by legalizing the radiation of these 
antennas . The result is living this inhuman situation with the installation of an antenna 
next to a school.

We also know that the desire of some to profit has no limits. Although profit is 
associated with the health hazard of vulnerable social groups, such as children. We mean 
that they have the option of placing the antenna inside the city. However, to offer 
competitive coverage to their clients, they choose to endanger the health of students. 
Therefore, it seems that the undoubted consequences of the radiation for the state of 
health of the population of the area (cancer) does not care either that company or the 
person on whose terrace the antenna was installed. We have been informed that this person 
rented the terrace of his house for 1,500 euros per month.
The interests of the colossi of telephony and profit are superimposed on the health of 
children, teachers and other inhabitants of the neighborhood, who are at a very close 
distance from the antenna.

E l January 20, 2017 a similar incident occurred in the neighborhood of Anatolí. 
Specifically, several parents of nursery school children and the primary school in the 
neighborhood, as well as residents of the neighborhood, protested for the installation of 
another antenna in a private space, twenty meters from the primary school in the 
neighborhood, and without Notice. The inhabitants of the neighborhood blocked the main 
street of the neighborhood and went to the building under construction, owned by Mr. 
Mijailidis, in which the antenna would be placed. They asked the owner to respect the 
health of their children, and declared that they were determined to continue the 
mobilizations. Recall another incident of antenna installation in Anatoly a long time ago. 
In that case, the neighbors themselves were forced to lower the antennas due to health 
problems that appeared in several of them.

The issue raised here, in addition to the obvious danger to public health, is how 
decisions are made that concern us and our daily lives. Sure without us. That is why our 
responsibility is to protect our neighborhoods in practice. We must resist profit to the 
detriment of the interests of society, and begin to decide collectively and with processes 
of direct democracy over everything that concerns us.

We sympathize with the neighbors' struggle for the elimination of this public threat.
- Let the telephony antennas of the Lakkómata and Anatolí districts leave immediately.
- Health is a public good and is superimposed on the profit of people and companies.
- As a society we must decide on the affairs of our neighborhood, our city.
Xeironimia-Anti-authoritarian Movement



Message: 5

A collection of essays on counterinsurgency, the crisis, fascism, the state of emergency 
and utopia ---- 
(from the back cover of the book) ---- My Century My beast, exclaim pre-watching awestruck 
20th century Osip Mantelstam. The same has every reason to proaisthanthei someone for this 
century. ---- In the century-beast started, the pain, the suffering and penury, even 
physical annihilation should be taken for granted for large sections of the population. If 
we are not simply to get out of the crisis to return to where we were, but to be born 
something new, something that will change the prescribed course, what we need is the 
accumulation of those ideas will be able to regenerate the Principle of Hope.

The volume texts dovetailed around some more or less obvious areas: counterinsurgency, 
crisis, state of exception, fascism, totalitarianism and finally the prospect of utopia.

Their only power is that determined, combative (de) optimism of non-resignation, knowing 
that despite the defeats and disappointments, despite the savagery and brutality that 
surrounds us, these ideas are hidden or otherwise hope to play for the assumption of 
universal human emancipation the same role played by coal for the fire.

Signposts to possible "escape routes", the texts of this volume do not forget that 
"history is a nightmare from which we are trying to awake."



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