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zondag 5 februari 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 5 February 2017

Today's Topics:



2.  Ruptura Colectiva (RC): 3 years of communicating from below,
      3 years of Community Radio Amiltzinko - Demián Revart (ca)

3.  freedom news: Germany: FAU welcomes challenge to law
      attacking small unions (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Ireland, derry anarchists: Derry's First Ever Radical
      Bookfair Success! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #268 - 1987: No
      master-directors in our schools (fr, it, pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

We are living during a very scary and important moment in history. The U.S. is witnessing 
the rise of the sleeping giant of fascism. As a result, folks that were content with the 
status quo and critical of any type of grassroots militancy are now taking to the streets 
and opening themselves to new and more militant ideas on how to resist the Trump regime's 
new policies. ---- BUT.... ---- We cannot mistake this for having a deeper analysis of the 
fundamental and systemic problems of white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism and the 
state, or for an understanding of the absolute necessity for us to rid ourselves of the 
current system while simultaneously organizing a counter power; building organizations 
that both take the place of the old and fill in the gaps where the state retreats. We need 
to do this in the here and now. This is how we organize for a truly directly democratic, 
participatory, communist society.

This is an all hands on deck moment, but lets not burn ourselves out. Find ways to 
participate in and influence movements in sustainable ways that build each other up 
instead of sucking us dry. As revolutionaries we need to find ways to encourage the 
liberal left to deepen their critiques of capitalism and the state without alienating.

We see this as a unique opportunity to seriously increase the number of comrades both 
within the U.S. and beyond. Let us continue show that anarchism is about building and 
claiming power in every area of our lives: Our workplaces, our schools, our neighborhoods, 
our bodies, and our communities.

#ResistTrump #Not1More # NiUnaMas #BuildMovementsNotElections #GeneralStrike

A brief statement by comrades with Black Rose / Rosa Negra - Portland

Black Rose / Rosa Negra - Portland shared Hermandad Mexicana de Oregon's event.
16 hrs ·

A primarily-Latino Christian congregation is asking that Portlanders assemble outside 
their mass on Sunday in order to protect them from racist intimidation by notorious 
bigoted right-wing street preachers. On Sunday the preachers heckled the congregation at 
St. Peter Catholic Church as its mass let out, then proceeded to the anti-Muslim-ban 
protests at PDX where they argued with crowds and made racist gestures. Preacher Grant 
Chisholm was punched by two people after a brief confrontation, knocking him unconscious.
In a message accompanying a video of the preachers' antagonism of the congregation on 
Sunday, there appears to be a call not to engage them physically if seen at the church 
next Sunday.

Also, the event page calls for support at 11:30 PM Sunday, while the event text says that 
the event is for 11:30 AM.


The Mexican/Latino community is seeking assistance next Sunday on February 5th from 11:30 
am to 1:00 p.m. Today, several bigoted individuals were outside the church harassing folks 
as we were entering Sunday spanish mass by yielding racists chants and challenging folks 
to fight. Church located 87th and SE Foster.



Message: 2

On January 4-6, the community of Amilcingo, Morelos, reunited again to celebrate and raise 
awareness of the radio labor of those that make up the Community Radio Amiltzinko 100.7 
FM. Observing the work of its announcers (ranging from a teacher of physical education in 
an elementary school and a bicycle taxi driver to the tuba player of a band) it was made 
clear that specialization in the act of communication is a farce, showing rather that 
communication is a necessity of community sustenance. Or perhaps humans can collectively 
exist, but isn't it through operation of expression/ communication of what we think of 
this or that phenomenon inside and outside of us? Simply to go for tortillas is 
indispensable communication!

In a small room, grayish on the walls but welcoming for those that work there, are many 
collages, letters, paintings, art, and photographs of social movements. There is a machete 
and a red bandana left by ejido members in resistance from San Salvador Atenco. In the 
other corner is a textile memory of the "Villa la Maternidad" in Córdoba, Argentina, who 
have struggled since 2004 against the uprooting of their land. There is a print with the 
slogan #VivasNosQueremos. There is also a photograph of subcomandante Marcos (now Galeano) 
and near the door that leads to the small hallway on the second floor, there is a piece of 
pottery hung, the piece most symbolic of the space, marked in blue the following words: 
Community Radio Amiltzinko 100.7.

They do not have antennas the size of a skyscraper. They do not have a lobby for guests, 
much less office workers that attend to the calls of those that listen to the station. It 
is a private house. In the part below they carry out screen-printing and cook different 
types of bread. The radio is very successful in the community because it is the community 
converted into radio.

The first day of activities, the community organized-playing on the professional field-a 
volleyball tournament for local teams. Now yes, lets play! Some watched from beneath the 
green blanket that covered the rays of the sun.

On the second day, literary and physical activities were initiated for the children. 
Everyone smiled in the final photo showing the origami that was crafted from the arrival 
of the sun. In the radio, the normalistas of FECSM began to arrive, coming from different 
schools (Teteles, Tenería, Amilcingo, amongst others). Some prepared a series of songs 
that were played on the radio program, while others, painted murals that said: "Amilcingo 
lives, 3rd anniversary of Radio Amiltzinko".

In the afternoon, a community meal was offered on the side of the building (outside where 
Zapata's face is painted). The compañerxs of Ruptura Colectivo (RC) gave again and again 
to one of the surrounding walls of the radio. There was Magón with his headphones set to 
the channel of 100.7 FM-a pictorial project that would last the three days until the end 
of the festivities. Nighttime already arrived, and the writer Víctor Hugo Sánchez Reséndiz 
presented his most recent book, "Temóac, un municipio desde abajo" accompanied by the 
tuning fork and the harmony of some guitar strings. Professor Martín Rodríguez followed, 
speaking about the importance of joining ranks with the independent teachers (CNTE) to 
continue the struggle against the education reform. Afterwards, a specialist and defender 
of community radio in Mexico spoke about the struggles at all three levels of government 
to disarticulate, through the telecommunications reform, projects like Radio Amiltzinko.

The nightly musical revelry began with samples of urban rap, African-American percussion 
by the group Mouso Barana, rebellious Mexican guitar from Cuernavaca, a fire performance 
by the Artistic Collective La Bodega, and the dissident guitar of Andrés Contreras, who 
had written emblematic protest songs of the case of Atenco. The normalista students from 
different schools adorned the night with regional dances. The rescue of the cultural and 
the hybridization with the social struggles were not resisted at all.

The following day, everything was very mellow. The repression occurred in Ixmiquilpan, 
Hidalgo. People asked, "What do we do?" "How do we show our solidarity?" These questions 
were pronounced from every corner of the radio. Outside of the house, pastries were sold. 
In the central area, trucks arrived to install the two stages that would sustain the large 
party that night. The people left in the afternoon already well dressed to take in some 
sun, the women following, with their dresses recently ironed.

 From one moment to the next, the horns barged in. The people only seemed to enjoy it. 
Couples danced for hours, some women were in front of the crowd to see their favorite 
singers, and food booths were everywhere. An emotional and passionate speech by singer 
Ross Vega went like this: "Thanks to the members of the radio, but especially to all of 
the people that call on us again and again asking us to return. It is an honor to play in 
two consecutive anniversaries for the dear people of Amilcingo". Pity the early morning 
also must rest...

It was the last day. The streets empty, the community had a well-deserved rest after a 
tremendous party. We returned to the wall of Magón. Through various hours of touch up, we 
finally finished our mural! The sidewalks were blasted with a reddish hue. The family that 
lent their fence for the work were happy, saying to us in fact: "Wow, it looks better than 
it did when it was not painted". We left, more than a phrase, a visual call for the 
communization of human activity. That is it! Tie, construct, form, conform, draw, plot, 
etc. COMMUNITY, always in common space and always in defense of the commons. Amilcingo has 
many lessons to give the world about the art of living in a community.

The afternoon crept in on us, but the memory of Amilcingo and its radio magicians, are 
like the sun when it hides, late or early it will return.

Translation by It's Going Down



Message: 3

Anarcho-syndicalist union FAU has welcomed legal action from the German Association of 
Journalists (DJV) and pilot's union Cockpit as the campaign to try and knock down a 
controversial Bargaining Unit Act designed to shut down small unions, known as the 
Tarifeinheitsgesetz (TEG), grows. ---- The Act, which was passed in 2015, says that in an 
industry with more than one union agreements made with the largest union will take 
priority. Before its introduction, it was possible for different unions to win different 
agreements for workers within the same industry, encouraging groups to "one-up" each other 
in workplaces and rewarding effective tactics. ---- Smaller unions, including FAU, have 
been up in arms about TEG, saying it effectively functions as a union-busting initiative 
because it gives a monopolistic franchise to bigger TUC-style unions which feel threatened 
by smaller, more militant groups. In one widely-cited example, the militant rail union 
GDL, which has a strong presence in engineers and conductors, would find itself unable to 
win any concessions above those won by the far less militant but much larger EVG, which 
has a higher absolute number of members in the industry.

In a statement on Wednesday FAU strikes working group representative Pablo Rastenes said:

The TEG can be seen as a direct response to successful militancy by small unions, among 
others in the rail sector in 2014. The initiative for the TEG was brought by the 
Federation of Employers (BDA) and the big DGB unions[DGB is equivalent to Britain's TUC].

The fact the unions made common cause with the BDA can only be seen as an expression of 
their fear of having to suffer further losses of members and of losing their monopoly status.

FAU has followed the development since its first discussions with concern and mobilised 
against this joint venture of DGB and BDA - and later against the legislative process of 
the Ministry of Labour under Andrea Nahles.

The campaign reached its climax with a the nationwide demonstration of the action alliance 
"Hands off the strike - for full trade union freedom of action" on April 18th 2015 in 
Frankfurt. It was the peak of the GDL strike and the KiTa strikes of Ver.di, and just 
before the TEG was adopted in the summer by the Bundestag.

The FAU appeals to all workers and trade unions, not only for the well-being of their own 
members but for all wage earners, regardless of the outcome of the proceedings, to show 
solidarity and take action against any future restriction on the freedom of association 
and trade union freedom.

Regardless of how the Constitutional Court will decide in the coming months, the 
recommendation of labour lawyer Dr. Rolf Geffken made at that militant demonstration in 
Frankfurt holds true: "The best defence against the restriction of the right to strike 
will be the strike itself!"

[Edited machine translation of original FAU article]

In their legal arguments, DJV and Cockpit say the Act is incompatible with Basic Law 
(Germany's constitution), as it conflicts with the guarantee for bargaining autonomy 
(Article 9 Par 3).


Message: 4

Derry's first ever Radical Bookfair was held over the Bloody Sunday week of events on 
Saturday 28th January 2017 in Pilots Row Community Centre. It's estimated that several 
hundred people passed through the doors of Rossville Street venue to explore what the days 
events had to offer as well as to rummage through the different book stalls to catch a 
bargin or two. ---- A spokesperson for the Radical Bookfair Collective stated: "the day 
itself was a brilliant success judging by the numbers it attracted as the Pilots Row 
Centre had a steady flow of the interested and the curious alike who explored what the all 
the various stalls had to offer. There really was a fantastic mixed of books and 
independent publications for every type of interest from books relating to political 
theories such as on socialism to republicanism, feminism to anarchism, queer or gender 
politics right through to a wide range of both local and national social and political 

"Chatting to the different stall holders during the days events, everyone had enjoyed the 
experience, as well as the networking and of course the trade itself. It has been 
estimated that throughout the day's events several hundred book lovers had past through 
the building to take in the variety of stalls as well as to engage with the different 
talks that was created around recent book titles. Again this was a recent benefit to all 
the different independent book sellers and publishers on the day both locally and 
nationally, not to mention all the participants who came from far away as Scotland and 

"It was really great to see a number of local authors in attendance, taking time to engage 
with the those attending, signing their books such as Emmet O'Connor and Dave Duggan as it 
really shows that what we have created here today is something worth continuing.

"The people here today from Derry, Donegal and Tyrone really love their books as well as 
their politics and supporting independent booksellers, that is something we feel has to be 
encouraged. For those who came up to us throughout the day and requested that the event be 
a prominent fixture on the city's calendar, we would have to say, watch this space."

Derry Radical Bookfair


Message: 5

Only a few days after the end of the strike of the railwaymen and railwaymen, a handful of 
teachers and teachers of Paris launched a strike strike against the project of 
"master-director" carried by René Monory, National education of the Chirac government. 
Deeply anti-hierarchical, the mobilization will rely on coordination of strikers and shake 
the trade purrs of education. ---- Everything starts[1]in fact by raising awareness, both 
personal of Education and the general public, to challenge the hierarchical pressures. 
Taking advantage of the post-68 insubordination climate is mainly around the refusal of 
inspection of teachers that are first crystallized the anti-hierarchical dispute, driven 
mainly by activists of Icem[2]Sgen the CFDT and the trend emancipated School (É)[3 ]. In 
the 1970s, this demand was dealt with collectively, notably by union teams: for example, 
in the Orleans-Tours academy, strike notices were given to allow disengagement at each 
"visit" of an inspector[4].

In 1983, a public declaration of refusal of inspection, published March 22 in Le Matin de 
Paris, signed by almost 1300 teachers. Several collectives of refusal of inspection are 
put in place in the wake of this call. Nearly 2,000 teachers, supported by the Sgen-CFDT, 
declared themselves refusing inspection and, in the same year, an association dedicated to 
pedagogical alternatives and anti-authoritarian inspiration, Feu Follet, began publishing 
magazine Zero for conduct. In May 1985, the Parisian collective refusal of inspection 
publishes a booklet of 100 pages, The Inspecticide, which had some success and, in 1986, a 
national coordination structure collective refusal of inspection. In all these 
initiatives, including include members of the Union of Anarchist Communists Workers 
(UTCL)[5], and its monthly, Fight!, Published several articles on education reforms. In an 
internal written contribution to the UTCL late December 1986 or early January 1987 in any 
case before the strike of teachers, Cloe Marcinc not without mentioning that the last 
meeting of the national coordination of refusing inspection " appealed to all unions to 
engage in a broad protest movement against the new Monory measures, particularly the new 
rank of "master Chief" " [6].

Break with collegiality and equality between institutions

"And one more hierarchical level!" " : Thus a leaflet Sgen-CFDT calls this project. It is 
in fact highly questionable: breaking with collegiality and equality between instits, it 
wants to make directors of superiors hierarchical superiors. It is a definitive 
modification of the relations of work which is to be announced, and the anti-hierarchical 
current which has been constituted for several years is decided not to let it pass without 
fighting. However, it is not waiting for the union Landernau, dominated by the powerful 
but little dynamic National Union of Teachers (SNI)[7], to initiate a movement in union 
Sgen of Paris[8], and are they a handful of instits - a dozen - to launch strikes against 
master-director status on January 12, 1987. There is a clear affiliation with the work 
started, whether in the wisp Association or in the refusal of inspection, which "prepared 
the motion by the contacts he has and anti-hierarchical themes" [9]. Contacts are made 
between activists and activists of the left of the Sgen and of the tendency EÉ in the SNI. 
The strikers will put in place a coordination, initially circumscribed to the Parisian 
districts from which the mobilization began, then becomes national.

This anchoring of action owes much to the democratic forms it takes through the 
coordination of strikers, based on general assemblies open to both union members and 
non-union members. Its unitary nature is evident and promotes commitment. 
Self-organization guarantees decisions shared by all, and therefore a more determined 
collective action. In this, the teachers can take example and build on the recent 
experience of the student movement against the Devaquet law[10]and the railwayman strike. 
But also an experience passed: "The coordination form is related to the transmission of a 
mobilization experience of step with the union standards, which appears in the years 1968 
during the demonstrations of the educated youth. It is indeed in this sector that the 
coordination was born[...]. From one decade to the next, thanks to the play of memory, 
"the protest retains its own memory, and the result of a struggle plays on the character 
of the next" (Charles Tilly) Has been reused. " [11]

This is what allows the movement to increase in power, relying on a significant fraction 
of teachers and teachers on strike renewable. The Secretary General of NIS, Jean-Claude 
Barbarant, a nice treat strikers Parisian coordination "marginal" and "leftists" [12], to 
no avail: the strike days are called by the coordination, the Demonstrations are 
organized, occupations of administrative buildings, administrative strikes, beaded, 
rotating establish a general climate of controversy in the departments ... and the SNI is 
obliged to keep pace.

The bureaucrats brake with both feet

A national demonstration was called on 11 February 1987 in Paris to see more than one 
teacher out of four. Undeniably, the national coordination has gained its legitimacy. The 
movement then appears, for all observers, as strongly anti-hierarchical. The Sgen of 
Île-de-France (Créteil, Paris and Versailles) are calling from January 30 to join the 
movement initiated by the coordination of teachers and teachers. In a joint leaflet, they 
highlight the need to take action, saying: "Today is a team that can organize the life of 
the school, methods, choice of textbooks, distribution of children , The sharing of 
resources, etc. The decree[of René Monory]wants to entrust this power to one person, the 
master-director, to the orders of the administration. It is the door wide open to all the 
arbitrary, the lick-boots spirit, the division between the personal and the parents of 
pupils. " On February 11, the daily Libération recalls the struggle being unambiguous in 
substance movement that animates: " "No small heads!" Month, protests against teachers 
master-director of the status Took an anti-hierarchical and anti-authoritarian turn. "

While the SNI is awaiting the return of the winter holidays on March 2, in order to 
propose to "spread out the movement in time" without calling for a strike, the national 
coordination brought together on 14 March 200 delegates representing 45 departments and 
Decides to call a strike on the 23rd. But participation in the latter is less important 
than hoped (less than 10%) and does not allow for the continuation of the movement, which 
ends on 25 March.

The results of the action of the SNI is clear: " [SNI]is, during this long struggle, makes 
the excellent demonstration of what would unionism to the corpo-Social Democratic sauce if 
it was tomorrow Extended to all categories of workers and structured in a gigantic 
German[single]confederation. SNI, which represents unionized and electorally yet the 
overwhelming majority of the profession has indeed demonstrated its strength ... inertia 
in the battle against the status of the directors-masters " [13].

But for the teachers and co-ordinators of Paris who saw in this movement their 
anti-hierarchical orientations being widely shared, the end of the strike is the occasion 
of a final coup d'éclat. On 24 March, 250 institutes of betting - including members of the 
UTCL - succeeded, despite the police presence, to penetrate the walls of the palace of 
Luxembourg. Delivering a report of this colorful adventure in fight! [14], authors can 
proclaim: "Finally: the Libertarian Communists come to the Senate." Opening drawers 
senators, mocking is the attitude of elected socialists, visibly outraged, occupation is 
insolent and ends smoothly with a dispersion "in protest, fist raised, hilarious." A 
rather radical action, which owes much to the high degree of mobilization still allowing, 
while the strike declines, to gather several hundred instits.

Such a determination counts in the balance of power: if the decree on master-directors is 
actually published as of February 2, 1987, it is practically not applied and is repealed 
only two years later.

Still, mobilization had also been an opportunity to question the very organization of work 
in education, and that, many of the strikers of 1987 had become aware of it. It is no 
coincidence that many of the active and active activists in the social movement of 1995, 
and subsequently taking part in the affirmation of trade union alternatives in education 
Which continue today to carry and promote the aspiration to "another school in another 

Theo Rival (AL Orléans)

[1]Read "December 1986 the coordination of strikers open a new era" in Alternative 
Libertaire December 2006 and "December 1986-January 1987: the longest rail strike" in U of 
December 2016.

[2]Cooperative Institute of the modern school, Icem calls itself the "movement Freinet" 
the name of the teacher and revolutionary Freinet (1896-1966). The Icem is still active 
today: see his website: icem.pedagogie.freinet.org .

[3]Current secular revolutionary syndicalism in education, emancipated School existed 
since 1910 is part of a practice essentially tendency within the majority of this sector 
unions. In 2002, the tendency split in two: one part, allied with the direction of the 
FSU, retains the historical name, the other, antiauthoritarian, takes that of Emancipation.

[4]See the text "Small historical inspection of refusal" put online by the anti-hierarchy 
Collective on its website abasleschefs.org

[5]See Unionists and libertarians, a history of UTCL (1974-1991), Alternative Libertaire 
Publishing, 2013.

[6]Cloe Marcinc, "The anti-hierarchy structure," in Debating new series 1 (internal 
newsletter UTCL) in February 1987.

[7]"In the last elections to the joint administrative commissions, in 1987, the NIS has 
achieved 71% of the votes of teachers, while the participation rate was 75%. With a 
virtually hegemonic position[...]as recognized by teachers as by the administration, the 
union has accumulated since its foundation an important political power of capital, " 
Bertrand Geay," social coordination and Space movement winter 1987 teachers, " Proceedings 
of the social science research, No. 86-87, March 1991. SNI is then the main union of the 
Federation of national Education, the FEN, widely majority organization. A split occurs in 
1993, giving birth to the FSU on one side, and what will become the SE-Unsa on the other.

[8]"The Sgen of Paris is indeed the most" left "of his federation. Organizer struggles 
"anti-hierarchical", he claims the traditions of "revolutionary syndicalism", " Bertrand 
Geay 1991.

[9]Cloe Marcinc, "The anti-hierarchy structure," 1987.

[10]Robi Morder, "1986, the student movement against the reform Devaquet, a self-managed 
content stammering" on the website and autogestion.asso.fr "student and high school 
student movement of 1986, a spring in winter" in Alternative Libertaire  December 2016.

[11]Didier Leschi, "The coordinations, girls of 68 years," Clio, History, Women and 
societies 3, April 1996.

[12]Catherine Bedarida, "The SNI learning to count with" marginal "coordination" 
Libération of 11 February 1987.

[13]Marco Sazzetti, "The fight against master-director status," Fight! Special Report No. 
19, April 1987.

[14]"Chevènement had put the school at attention, Monory puts into custody," signed 
article "Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo and Co." Fight! Special Report No. 19, April 1987.



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