Today's Topics:
1. UK, ACG: Take Over the City! (
2. UK, wessex solidarity: Some thoughts on what's behind the
drive to get workers ‘back to the office' (a-infos-
drive to get workers ‘back to the office' (a-infos-
3. Street Artist Banksy and Captain Klemp Show
Solidarity with Refugees with "Louise Michel" (tr)
Solidarity with Refugees with "Louise Michel" (tr)
4. federacao anarquista gaucha FAG/CAB: [Part 2] The centrality
of the financial sector in accessing resources for survival
during the COVID-19 crisis By Vitor Mateus
of the financial sector in accessing resources for survival
during the COVID-19 crisis By Vitor Mateus
(ca, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
translation] (
5. fae bahia: What hurts your male? (it, pt) [machine
translation] (
translation] (
6. Greece, Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki: Microphone
solidarity rally in the Libertatia Occupation [machine
translation] (
solidarity rally in the Libertatia Occupation [machine
translation] (
7. Canada, Collectif Emma Goldman - Russia: In memory of
Alexeï Soutouga, anti-fascist and anarchist activist (de, it,
fr, pt)[machine translation] (
Message: 1
Alexeï Soutouga, anti-fascist and anarchist activist (de, it,
fr, pt)[machine translation] (
Message: 1
This week, under pressure from the CBI, the Government launched a major publicity campaign to persuade city centre office workers to return
to their workplaces. The underlying message, as the well-known champion of working class interests Richard Littlejohn put it, writing from
his Florida beachside mansion, "Go back or get the sack". ---- Why the panic? It seems most office workers aren't keen. Fewer than 1 in 5
are back at their desks. According to the BBC, 90% want to continue working from home in one form or another. Some of their biggest
employers agree, citing the lack of adequate social distancing in their offices while infection rates remain so high.
The Government claims to be worried about the effects on city centre and town centre economies. This is portrayed through mainstream media
as struggling small businesses, such as sandwich bars, coffee stalls and pubs. Be-masked Cabinet Ministers have been sent to out to pose for
the cameras, standing around awkwardly in the street, clutching baguettes. Naturally, this is where and how they always have lunch. The
location of the photo-calls was unfortunate - always outside Pret à Manger. Pret is a worldwide business with over 380 stores across
Britain, not the typical small city centre business. And it's just sacked 3,000 workers.
What really scares the Government isn't the fate of local sandwich shops or the thousands of other small family businesses in town and city
centres. It's the imminent collapse across the country of city and town centre development schemes and commercial land values. It's the loss
of highly profitable rents from office blocks and major city centre retail centres. It's the exodus of finance capital. This process was
already underway following Brexit, particularly in London. The pandemic lockdown has accelerated the decline.
This threat to city centre property markets is keenly felt by politicians. Not surprising, when 185 out of the total 630 MP's have direct
financial interests in the property industry, either through share-holdings, rental income as landlords, or from sponsorship and consultancy
fees. Property is probably the most powerful parliamentary lobby in the land. You don't have to bung £10,000 to a Housing Minister's
constituency party to get a £1bn development agreed the day before it would have cost a an additional £30m-£50m, but it helps.
The other workplace absenteeism problem for shareholders, echoed in the Press, is the closure of schools. They see state education primarily
as a child-minding service and pre-employment training ground for the benefit of employers, conveniently paid for by workers through taxes.
Not enough PPE in schools? High levels of infection in local communities? Children without obvious symptoms transmitting the virus to their
families? All nonsense spread by cowardly and lazy teaching staff. Force open the schools and fine parents if they don't comply, the pretext
being the emotional well-being of our children. This recent concern for children's welfare apparently doesn't extend to ever-rising levels
of child poverty and homeless families as a direct result of Government policy.
Despite nearly six months to prepare for the schools return, the Government has not provided schools with the means to safely teach all of
our children at the same time. The recent publicity and policy confusion over the wearing of masks in schools is just one aspect of the
wider issue, the lack of safe space. Unless, that is, it's a private school with much smaller class sizes and the resources to provide
remote tuition.
The solution to the problem of simultaneously empty city centre office blocks and over-crowded schools is obvious. Take over the offices and
turn them into extra classrooms. If Government and Local Authorities seem reluctant to commandeer or even offer some rent for vacant
commercial properties, let local parents and education staff show them the way. And why stop there? Bring empty city and town centre
premises back to life. Walk-in shop-front community clinics, community run cafes, housing for the homeless over shops, collective stores,
markets and exchanges - the possible uses for disused and empty urban centres are endless. Take over the City!
Message: 2
There's a bit of a row developing about Boris Johnson pushing white collar workers to get back to commuting and working in their offices:
Boris Johnson accused of ‘threatening' workers back to offices without science to back up plan. A row that many workers who couldn't work
from home during lockdown and were obliged to continue going to their workplaces may be regarding with some wry amusement. During lockdown,
it was the food processors, distribution centre workers, delivery workers, shop workers and many others who kept the show on the road.
Without the input from the working class, there would have been social and economic collapse.
Before we go any further, it would be a mistake to regard all office workers as middle class and to see their working from home as a
privilege. For example, call centre workers having to do their jobs from home in often cramped conditions while being monitored and under
pressure to deliver results have been having an absolute nightmare. The isolation of these workers from each other while working from home
only adds to the pressures they're under. It certainly makes attempts to organise against management more problematic. Which for
exploitative management, is an ideal situation.
Those white collar workers who do enjoy a degree of autonomy in their jobs and live in properties with enough space to facilitate working
from home comfortably and productively are understandably happy to forgo the commute to and from work, carry on as they are with perhaps a
visit to the office once a week or so. While we don't have a brief for well paid middle class professionals, we can understand why they
would want to forgo the aggro of the daily commute, be it on overcrowded public transport or traffic choked roads.
With all of this, city centres across the country remain pretty much empty. Which means there's no footfall for city centre shops, stores,
cafes, restaurants, pubs and bars. Which is why the likes of Marks & Spencer, John Lewis, Pret A Manger are desperately trying to cut their
losses by closing stores and outlets, slashing jobs in the process. Property developers who were shoving up office blocks in places like the
City of London and Canary Wharf are wondering if when completed, they'll ever get enough occupancy to justify their investment. The
government who backed the Crossrail project across London are probably wondering who the f**k will actually be using it when it's eventually
completed. Basically, the construction and property sectors are panicking.
In this piece: It's not a ‘plandemic' but...we're getting screwed over and unity is needed we suggested that the government's shambolic and
opportunistic response to COVID-19 was down to the conflicting interests of the big corporate players trying to influence them. Big pharma
and high tech would appear to have the likes of Matt Hancock doing their bidding for them. However, there are elements in the Tory
government and the party at large who are now being seriously leaned on by a panic stricken construction and property sector.
It's worth taking a look at who funds the Tories: Tories raise 26 times more than Labour from big money donors in first week of election.
This quote from the article is pretty instructive: "Property developers and landlords in particular showered the governing party in cash.
Electoral Commission figures show Countrywide Developments Ltd donated half a million pounds in the first week, while European Land &
Property Limited gave £200,000. Others included Broadland Properties Ltd and Edwardian London Management Services, which both donated
£50,000 each." These players have been badly damaged by lockdown and know that another one would put them right on their arses. They want a
return on their investment in the Tories pronto to ensure their survival. If they go under, the Tories are going to have to find another
source of funding. Mind you, as we've mentioned previously, we suspect that big pharma and high tech may well be happy to plug the gap.
While we're obviously gutted for the workers in city centre shops, eateries and bars who are losing their jobs, we have zero sympathy for
the construction companies and property companies. These bastards have torn the life and soul out of our city centres with their glass
fronted towering monuments to hubris, sterile security patrolled so called public areas and the usual ‘range' of chain shops, cafes and
bars. There's a certain karma about the party of government they funded being the ones responsible for their likely fall and possibly, demise.
Message: 3
Street artist Banksy provides solidarity to refugees trying to reach Europe with a ship he bought with the income he earned from the sale of
his works. -- The ship, which Banksy bought with the income from his works, was a former French Navy ship named after Louise Michel, the
anarchist revolutionary of the Paris Commune, sailed from Spain on 18 August. By using a horizontal organization model inside the ship, an
operation without power and authority is provided. -- The ship, which has rescued at least 220 refugees so far, cannot receive a return from
any European state. Refugees on board were transferred to another refugee rescue ship, "Sea Watch 4" due to the limited capacity of the
ship, and a call for assistance was made.
The wait for "MV Louise Michel" and "Sea Watch 4", which welcomes 350 refugees on board, continues in the Mediterranean.
The captain of "Louise Michel" is the German Captain Pia Klemp, who has rescued thousands of refugees who were previously stranded in the
Mediterranean. In response to the thousands of refugees he rescued, Klemp faces up to 20 years in prison for "human trafficking" in Italy.
"Anarchists are people who know that it is a right and duty to defend unlimited freedom in an age of ubiquitous freedom of thought ... We
are for freedom and it is with the presence of any power, whether imposed, elected, royalist or republican, whatever its origin and form We
believe that it is incompatible ... There can be no freedom without equality! ... What we want is the de facto equality, which is the
precondition of freedom. We say from everybody as much as their ability, everybody as much as they need! " - Louise Michel
Message: 4
Since the beginning of the adoption of social distance measures, which implied a relative paralysis of the gears that turn the capitalist
economy, both the federal government and large banks have made explicit what was the priority in the list of aid to be provided. In the
first months, between March and April, it was the large companies that had the most access to credit lines in the banks, given that the
resources arising from the issuance of private debts became scarce during this period. Likewise, Bolsonaro and Guedes rushed to create
subsidies that would facilitate the access of these large companies to credit, especially considering that banks would halt the release of
"new money" (new credit operations) for fear of seeing default rates rise. Not even R $ 1,
The synthesis of the thought of the Brazilian elites, always eager to save themselves before anything else, is found in the famous
ministerial meeting that took place in April, which had its recording released thanks to the Bolsonaro X Moro clash. In the words of Paulo
Guedes: "we are going to make money using public resources to save big companies. Now, we are going to lose money by saving tiny companies ".
If, on the one hand, for big businessmen never dried up financial resources, on the other, the bureaucracy gave even more dramatic contours
to the already delicate situation of those and those below. The Emergency Benefit (BEm) took weeks to be operational after its approval,
perhaps a sign of the Bolsonaro government's setback with the increase from R $ 200 (its initial proposal) to R $ 600 (approved final
value). Even today, access to the benefit suffers from difficulties in the registration of and beneficiaries, finding in the branch network
of Caixa Econômica Federal another bottleneck (remembering that for years the bank has not replaced its staff, undergoing successive
administrative reforms aimed only at wiping the frame).
Likewise, the availability of credit lines for micro and small companies, as well as for MEIs (which are more for men and women without
labor rights than for "entrepreneurs"), took months to become reality. This is because the big banks had no interest in freeing credit for
this sector. This credit will finally be made available when financial institutions take from the government the guarantee of at least 85%
coverage by the National Treasury for possible default. In the line sponsored by the National Support Program for Micro and Small
Enterprises (PRONAMPE), which guarantees 100% coverage by public coffers, the available resources were insufficient for the existing demand,
being exhausted after a few days of its launch.
More than the game of forces that favors those who have always been favored (not different in access to economic aid), there is perhaps an
even more dramatic finding that is inherent to the stage that capitalism is experiencing: the centrality of the financial sector in
accessing resources for survival. And, more than that, the survival of the oppressed classes is conditioned by the relationship between debt
and credit.
Access to economic resources (money being a kind of sign that seems to say who should live and who will be relegated to death) is made
possible only through the financial circuit, with an insurmountable dependence today to guarantee its flow. It is the banks that say who
will have access to the money that comes out of public coffers, using the same methodology that includes and excludes individuals and entire
communities from the logic of consumption. In practice, it is the large banks that manage the funds created by the federal government,
granting loans only to customers that they deem better paying, even if any losses are already 100% guaranteed by the National Treasury.
And the worst: access to the resources necessary for survival, at this time, further reinforces the logic imposed by the debt mechanism,
individualizing collective responsibilities and increasing society's dependence on the financial sector. For banks, it is to capture the
future of people and whole families in exchange for survival today, or it is to have the costs covered by the government and to ensure that
more people are excluded from the cruel logic imposed by the overvaluation of consumption and the debt and credit ratio, which it only
accepts "good payers".
Where to go?
In pandemic times, the range of options is quite limited. Today, it is about surviving. Actions of mutual support and solidarity between our
neighborhood, strengthening ties and ensuring that no one is left behind should be the priority for the moment. Within our limitations,
externalize and claim that the super rich pay the bill for this crisis, demand that it does not fall even in the pocket of the worker, nor
serve as an excuse to further fill the pockets of the upper ones with public resources.
After overcoming this health crisis, returning to a supposed normality of our right to come and go, one of the ways against the cruel logic
of the debt mechanism seems to pass by the example that yellow vests in France give us. From a social movement that escaped control even
from left-wing organizations plastered by institutionality (such as the French union leaderships), the yellow vests were able to bend the
government of banker Emmanuel Macron. The same has been happening in Chile since October last year: only with a social upheaval will we be
able to stop the greed of the elites, showing that the socially produced wealth must also be socially distributed.
Is it little in terms of breaking with the debt mechanism, just as much in terms of social mobilization? Perhaps. But it is only from the
reconstruction of affective bonds and the social fabric between the oppressed layers of society that we will be able to break with the
individualizing logic imposed by neoliberalism, just as it will be from a horizon of collective struggle that we will be able to wall over
the economic elites and take what really belongs to us.
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Message: 5
With the advancement of debates that highlight gender oppressions as an essential pillar for maintaining the State and capitalism, the
immediate and indisputable death of the conceptions that form and / or format masculinity is essential, here, I address not only white
masculinity and heterosexual, but to all those that over the centuries have been created or recreated based on this essential pattern.
However, for the existence of this basic massacre, it is necessary that everyone who claims to be a tool-individual in the anti-colonial
revolutionary struggle does not shy away from conflicting what shapes his existence, realizing in himself and in his behaviors the first
combat zone for the society change.
But what invisible lines demarcate and shape the ideological terrain of masculinity? It is important to keep in mind, when addressing
this questioning, that the concept of masculinity has been the target of historical dispute taking the form with which we know it from the
last centuries. Kimmel (1998) brings that from the first half of the 19th century, a new "male being", the Self-Made Man, came into
existence in Europe and the United States, which should at all times prove itself and demonstrate its value from acquisition of assets and
elevation of position and social importance. This model of "being a man" will be put as the basic model of capitalist living summarily
imported and discussed in the rest of the world together with the hygienist and liberal ideals.
I emphasize the importance of this movement where "hegemonic and the subordinate emerge in mutual and unequal interaction, in a social
and economic order with a distorted previous demarcation of gender" (KIMMEL, p.103, 1998). At this point, at the turn of the 19th century,
race and class are combined with other characters to create stereotypes that will be used in a stigmatization process that is symptomatic.
Black, indigenous men will be treated as wild, violent, irrational while being unable to support their families, naive and uneducated as
well as gay men and women will be the prime targets of this structural gender violence. The construction of this hegemony has as main
objective to delimit masculinities that will be summarily treated as problematic or deviant,
Relegated to the field of physics and irrationality, the masculinity of the black man will be understood by Nkósi (2014) in a process
of simultaneous projections, at the same time that the black body is endowed with enviable physical attributes, the wild instinct of
violence resides in them; at the same time as he has a giant penis, there is a tendency towards sexual abuse and rape; at the same time that
they are innocent and influential, they are socially dangerous, lazy and addicted, that is, the "black person is represented as an unethical
counterpoint of the human being" (Nkósi, 2014, p.83). These labels that are summarily constructed, mainly in North American and Brazilian
societies, turn black men, contradictorily, into invisible individuals who offer constant dangers to social structures, justifying their
persecution, incarceration and murder promoted uninterruptedly by the State. These stereotypes that intersect gender and race, are extended
to indigenous peoples in Brazil with little change in the overall picture, seen as a people "backward" in the face of progress. The
indigenous man is considered to be uneducated and naive, endowed with a savage masculinity, inferior to the hegemonic man because they do
not have intellectual tools to understand modern society. They do not deserve to own their land because they do not know how to manage it in
favor of capitalist production, they must therefore give it up to the great white men who have the machinery and means capable of leading
towards capitalist progress. they are extended to indigenous peoples in Brazil, undergoing few changes in the overall picture, seen as a
"backward" people in the face of progress. The indigenous man is considered to be uneducated and naive, endowed with a savage masculinity,
inferior to the hegemonic man because they do not have intellectual tools to understand modern society. They do not deserve to own their
land because they do not know how to manage it in favor of capitalist production, they must therefore give it up to the great white men who
have the machinery and means capable of leading towards capitalist progress. they are extended to indigenous peoples in Brazil, undergoing
few changes in the overall picture, seen as a "backward" people in the face of progress. The indigenous man is considered to be uneducated
and naive endowed with a savage masculinity, inferior to the hegemonic man because they do not have intellectual tools to understand modern
society. They do not deserve to own their land because they do not know how to manage it in favor of capitalist production, they must
therefore give it up to the great white men who have the machinery and means capable of leading towards capitalist progress.
However, it is indisputable that, when building as hegemonic, it is on women and gay men that the pattern of white and heterosexual
masculinity deposits their concepts of inferiority, stressing that this movement is extremely accentuated by racism. It is up to these
individuals the burden of building a standard of white masculinity that is the main cause for black gay men and women to have their lives
marked by racial and gender violence summarily constructed and reaffirmed as necessary and corrective for bodies that have not adapted to
the standard.
Further questioning the socially produced concept of being masculine and masculinities, the existences transpose the entire discourse
that revolves around binarism into crisis, this system that delimits the masculine and feminine as biological traits, listing possibilities
and experiences outside the molds of hegemonically drawn gender. Little is known about studies on transmasculinities, which reveals the
social difficulty in accepting and recognizing these bodies, often framed as masculine lesbian women, "it is as if the behaviors and
meanings considered masculine necessarily emanate from the original material presence of the penis." (ALMEIDA, 2012, p.519).
This concept of the masculine being constructed as a comfort zone so that white men could discursively clean up the existence of others
and freely climb social ascents, has become structural in such a way that it is a pillar of capitalism and its feedback systems. In a
general sense, the existence of a hegemonic masculinity is perceived primarily by the bodies targeted by its violence reinforced by the
marks of a power built on whiteness and compulsory heterosexuality that relegate predefined social impossibilities to other existences.
Thus, only the destruction of the entire system of this existing masculinity can pave the way for a new gender / race approach where
subordinates can have an active voice and freely produce their existences.
ALMEIDA, Guilherme. "Trans men": new shades in the watercolor of masculinities?. Revista Estudos Feministas, v. 20, n. 2, p. 513-523, 2012.
KIMMEL, Michael S. The simultaneous production of hegemonic and subordinate masculinities. Anthropological horizons, v. 4, n. 9, p. 103-117,
MACHADO, Lia Zanotta. Masculinities and violence: gender and malaise in contemporary society. University of Brasilia, Department of
Anthropology, 2001.
NKOSI, Deivison Faustino. The penis without phallus: some reflections on black men, masculinity and racism. Feminisms and masculinities. Eva
Alterman Blay (org.). São Paulo: Academic Culture, 2014.
Posted by Fórum Anarquista Especifista
Message: 6
Saturday 5/9, 11:00 outside the Libertatia Occupation (Army Avenue with Sarandaporou). ---- State repression will not pass! Solidarity in
the Occupation of Libertatia! ---- On the morning of Sunday, August 23, police raided Libertatia Occupation, arrested 12 comrades who were
currently working to restore the building's roof, and seized a large amount of logistics needed to rebuild the occupation. Solidarity people
immediately rushed to the spot and successfully recaptured the occupation. The arrested comrades and the arrested comrades were charged with
the following misdemeanors: damage to a monument, illegal construction, disobedience. Two more comrades were brought out of the area of
occupation, who were finally released.
This is the third crackdown on Libertatia Occupation in a year! The repressive attacks against the Libertatia Occupation are an integral
part of state policy. After all, the ND government openly declared war on the anarchists with the infamous "ultimatum of the squatter
surrender" and the squatter evacuation operations that followed. The repressive operations against the squatters deliberately imply the
attack of the state against the struggling social base, against the spearhead of the social and class resistances. Such moves are aimed at
spreading fear and discipline from below to the existing state and capitalist barbarism. In that case, we cannot ignore the fact that the
repressive attack on this occupation carries additional significant political symbolism. This is an occupation that was set on fire by the
fascists during the nationalist rally in February 2018. The fascists acted (as seen in the video) under the full tolerance and with the
effective synergy of the cops, thus enjoying the obvious political cover of the state . Once again it became clear beyond any doubt that the
state and the parastate are inseparable and cooperating parts of a single mechanism. On the other hand, comrades of the Libertatia
Occupation and the solidarity world are repeatedly persecuted, because they are materially and politically defending the occupation and the
attempt to rebuild it, which seems to particularly bother the state mechanism. In the face of the destructive momentum of the reactionary
mob of fascists and the uniformed servants of the state, the forces of social solidarity, radical overthrow and creative reconstruction
stand united and persistent, struggling against any hands of the anti-capitalist movement.
At a time when, in combination with the devastating consequences of the state management of the Covid-19 pandemic, the impoverishment of
society is deepening, unemployment rates are soaring and labor relations are completely deregulated, in the time following the autumn of A
new memorandum of extreme austerity, while geopolitical rivalries in the Eastern Mediterranean are currently intensifying over the
delimitation of EEZs and hydrocarbon mining on behalf of multinational giants accompanied by a belligerent and chauvinist climate in Greece
and Turkey, against the internal enemy, against the anarchists. A few days before the crackdown on Libertatia Occupation, the Terra
Incognita Occupation was evacuated by the cops. Disorientation and ostrichism, however, are a regular practice of all bourgeois governments,
when they find themselves in the dark with the management of their internal and external affairs. The counter-insurgency campaign is a key
part of state policy in view of the sharpening of material class antagonisms. The state bets that by suppressing, persecuting, imprisoning,
spreading fear and ideologically manipulating the masses (always with the help of salaried and mandated regime "journalism") it will prevent
the impending social explosion. The counter-insurgency campaign is a key part of state policy in view of the sharpening of material class
antagonisms. The state bets that by suppressing, persecuting, imprisoning, spreading fear and ideologically manipulating the masses (always
with the help of paid and mandated regime "journalism") it will prevent the impending social explosion. The counter-insurgency campaign is a
key part of state policy in view of the sharpening of material class antagonisms. The state bets that by suppressing, persecuting,
imprisoning, spreading fear and ideologically manipulating the masses (always with the help of salaried and mandated regime "journalism") it
will prevent the impending social explosion.
The state deceives itself if it thinks that the anarchist movement is institutionalized and trapped in its occupations and that it will
suspend its activities due to the evacuations and the intensified state repression. Occupations are centers of struggle and means of
struggle against the state and capital. For this reason they are vital tools for the revolutionary class movement. As long as there is class
exploitation and oppression, the struggle of the anarchists will continue unabated, until the cause of social and individual liberation is
vindicated, until we collectively build a free classless society on the ruins of the socially bankrupt capitalist system.
The times we live in are hard and will become harder. We must by no means endure the crushing of our class with zeal and fatalism, nor, of
course, should we entrust our fortunes to charlatan rulers of capitalism. To unite, organize and counter-attack collectively and ruthlessly
with the community of our class interests in mind and with the axis of the revolutionary overthrow of the state and capitalism. These are
the urgent tasks of our day for all the oppressed and exploited.
Our answers will be given on the road to the race!
Liberal Initiative of Thessaloniki (member of the Anarchist Federation) lib_thess @
Message: 7
Our comrade Alexeï is deceased ---- A press release from the Russian comrades of Autonomous Action translated by us: On the morning of
September 1, the 34-year-old anarchist Alexeï "Socrates" Soutouga died from severe head injuries. intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky
Institute. For over a week, the doctors had been trying everything to save his life, but his injuries were too serious. ---- Alexei died as
a result of a battle near a grocery store on August 23 in the vicinity of Baumanskaya metro station in central Moscow. The circumstances
surrounding the incident have not yet been clarified. Four people, who apparently took part in the beating of Alexei, were detained. In the
criminal case, the Soutouga family is represented by a recognized lawyer and we hope that thanks to him we will be able to know the details
of what happened that evening. So far, there is no reason to believe that this attack was politically motivated.
Alexeï Soutouga took part in the creation of Action Autonome[Ndt. Organization bringing together many libertarian and autonomous communist
collectives in Russia and neighboring countries]in the early 2000s. Initially, he participated in the local collective in Irkutsk, then
joined that of Moscow. He participated in multiple anarchist initiatives. It would be impossible to list them all here.
Anti-fascism has always been one of his priorities. He has been imprisoned twice following fighting with neo-Nazis, who reported him to the
police after being picked up. Last time around, the neo-Nazis literally told their friends in uniform that they had been attacked by "that
same terrible Socrates whose pictures were on the internet".
Alexeï got involved in various creative projects: he was a singer of the punk-oï Working Boys group, took part in performances at the
Teatr.doc theater and last May his prison memoir "Dialogues about the prison" had been published. in Russian.
"Socrates, you are free!" "I'm coming, I'm coming!"
In the last years of his life, Alexei lived in Moscow, working in construction, repairs and as a scaffolder. Antifascism remained important
to him: he hosted the Telegram Antifa Jokes account and occasionally fought against the radical right in the streets.
Alexei also participated in the publication of Avtonom magazine, organized series of discussions on the newspaper and joined many anarchist
actions in the streets.
Her son was entering third grade this fall.
Autonomous Action
You can make a donation to Alexeï's mother to help cover the funeral costs at this address:
Translation of the Emma Goldman Collective Blog
by Collectif Emma Goldman
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