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vrijdag 4 september 2020

#Anarchism from all over the #world - THURSDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2020


Today's Topics:

1.  cab anarquista: MONTH OF LESBIAN VISIBILITY - lesbian
      anarchists in the struggle for a dignified life (de, pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2.  Canada, Collectif Emma Goldman - A white supremacist from
      Saint-Fulgence defends terrorism (de, it, fr, pt)[machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3.  [USA] Philadelphia, PA: Report on police terrorism protest
      and tribute to Delbert Africa By ANA (pt) 
      [machine translation]
4.  [France] Attack on the Belarusian embassy in Paris By ANA
      (pt) [machine translation (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5.  UFPR students create Front in Defense of University Autonomy
      By Popular Resistance Student - Paraná (pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

anarchism , gender , Gender and Anarchism , Lesbian Anarchists , LGBTQIA + , Struggle for Decent Life , organization , Lesbian Visibility
---- August is an expensive month for the LGBTQIA + struggle in Brazil. Date of the Levante do Ferro's Bar[1], in the city of São Paulo, in
1981. The bar was a meeting place for "entendides" in the city. In the context of the Military Dictatorship and on the eve of the AIDS
epidemic, defamed as "Gay Plague"[2], the place was often the target of repressive and moral forces and morals. ----            In 1996,
also in August, the first National Lesbian Seminar (SENALE) took place in the city of Rio de Janeiro. At the meeting, lesbians and bisexuals
from different regions of Brazil, discussed actions and influence on culture and the construction of specific public policies that respected
their rights, their dignity, their sexuality and their loves. These remarkable occasions established, respectively, the 19th, for Lesbian
Pride and the 29th, as the National Day of Lesbian Visibility, celebrating stories of resistance, plurality and love between women against a
misogynistic and patriarchal society.

            However, approximately 20 years after the events, although more visible - and self-represented than in previous years - it is
still necessary to "rain in the wet" and give vent to what is in the plots; despite the progressiveness of previous governments, Brazil
remains the country that kills the most LGBTQIA + people in the world, with one death every 19 hours[3]. These types of violence are
categorized and expressed as "[...]financial, economic and patrimonial violence, discrimination, neglect, torture and other cruel treatments
or punishments, slave labor, human trafficking, institutional violence, physical violence, psychological violence, violence sexual and other
(such as cyberbullying ) "[4].

Recently, manifestations of violence and murders against these populations were mapped by Ferreira Souza, Feliciano and Sampaio (2020), in
the "Territory of Death, Fear of Resistance LGBTQIAP +", made based on data collected by NGOs and collectives, which traditionally performed
the task, in the absence of the State (Grupo Gay da Bahia and Grupo Dignidade).

             The data in this document demonstrate that large capitals, such as Brasília, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and
Salvador are strong territories of resistance and guarantee relative dignity and organization to the LGBTQIA + population. The capitals of
Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, Piauí, Maranhão and Rio Grande do Norte are territories of fear, to be shared with Amazonas, Ceará, Rondônia,
Roraima, Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraíba. In other words, relative security is associated with large centers, but it is not a guarantee. Nor
of notification in inland cities. It is still necessary to complex the analysis and question about the effectiveness of the assistance and
treatment by the authorities - often with more aggression, disrespect in the act - and which methodology is used for data collection. However,

             No caso das lésbicas, ao sermos assimiladas, permanece a hierarquia perversa do sistema que elege o perfil de lésbicas brancas,
magras, jovens, de classe alta, ou seja, identificadas com os signos da feminilidade ocidental. Não somos verdadeiramente respeitadas, mas
toleradas e hiperssexualizadas. Enquanto as "camioneiras" sofrem agressões de "retificação". Nossa sexualidade permanecerá promíscua
enquanto discursos de ódio forem mais difundidos do que nossa expressão de gênero desviante do padrão feminino; do que o fato de amarmos
verdadeiramente mulheres cis e trans e não um par opositor e complementar à masculinidade hegemônica cis, hétero e branca. Nossas demandas
por respeito permanecerão inalteradas enquanto a criminalização da LGBTQIA+ for um paliativo, e a educação das relações de gênero não for
norma; enquanto as religiosidades afrodiaspóricas forem perseguidas e o fundamentalismo cristão for a mesma lei que nos castiga nos lares.

Each letter of this acronym is a body: lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, transvestites, intersexuals and asexuals[5]. At the
intersection of black bodies and native peoples, in an admittedly genocidal regime, a painfully specific and rectifying violence is
addressed to the elitist norm said to be universal, white, cisgender, heterosexual and Christian. This demonstrates that, however great the
attempt to assimilate the citizenship models of heterosexual patriarchy is: by marriage, adoption and construction of a mononuclear family
(although it is the desire of many to have them); incorporation by the capitalist system, as consumers; reinforcing a white standard of race
and class; governance in Brazil remains incompatible with the dignity and life of LGBTQIA +. Despite timid initiatives, the national
institutional political project is conscious and supports the violence of crimes via the State,

             All of these situations are aggravated during the crises of the capitalist system and consequent instability in the oppressors'
way of life. The COVID-19 pandemic was no exception. With the economic crisis, many are forced to return to homes where we are not welcomed
and respected, or we lose our homes and are left to chance. We are workers, often precarious subcontracted, because of our appearance. We
are also mothers and grandparents, who need income to care for those who depend on us. We also aborted. We are also victims of domestic
violence (it must be said) and in the neighborhoods where we live.

             Once again, it is necessary for some demands to be repeated, even to nausea, until the dignity and respect become permanent ...
or are taken.

Against all violence and discrimination against sexual dissent.

Against the conservative advance and for the right to the full existence of all bodies!!!

[1]    Performance "Francha com Francha" directed and safeguarded by Maria Angélica Lemos. Available at:

[2]    Iconography of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil, in the 1980s. Available at: http://www.ioc.fiocruz.br/aids20anos/linhadotempo.html

[3]    Statistics on the murders of LGBTTQIA + people. Trans and transvestite women remain the most vulnerable and exposed to crimes and
institutional abandonment. Available at: https://catracalivre.com.br/cidadania/brasil-mais-mata-lgbts-1-cada-19-horas/

[4]    VENCESLAU, Igor. Fear, Murders and LGBTQIA + Resistance in Brazil. Other Words Available in:

[5]     For more details, see the Lesbocide Dossier in Brazil (2018) and the LGBTT Dossier (2017)



Message: 2

We are sharing this opinion letter with you by email. Don't hesitate to do the same and send us your news and opinion letters. ---- Be
careful, the content exposed in this article could be shocking. ---- Hello, I would like to draw the attention of your readership to a
self-proclaimed white supremacist from the village of Saint-Fulgence in Saguenay. The individual who believes in the superiority of the
white race is also a strong supporter of the carrying of arms. This is Eric Proulx, a former leader of La Meute who had notably been the
subject of denunciations in relation to his sexual misconduct within the extreme right-wing group. Without doing his biography, I would like
to denounce to as many people as possible his propaganda inciting hatred towards targeted groups (immigrants, Muslims, racialized people,
etc.) on social networks, going so far as to apologize for terrorist acts. Please share the information in large numbers to let the
community know about it. It must stop, let's take action together.

During the Christchurch attacks committed by far-right activist Brenton Tarrant, in March 2019, Proulx had made several publications to meet
his need to comment on the events. His comments could fall into two categories which I will illustrate with examples. On the one hand, he
justified the violence committed by the terrorist by the entry of a group of people whom he considers incompatible. On the other hand, he
attributed the events to a form of conspiracy which would aim to favor people of the Muslim faith.

For the sake of keeping it brief, I will not attempt to expand an exhaustive collection of his words here. These literally make my blood run
cold. On the other hand, I will underline his comments made this week. In the latter, he glorifies Kyle Rittenhouse, the white supremacist
teenager who committed a terrorist attack causing 2 deaths and 1 serious injury during a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Posted 19 hours ago by Collectif Emma Goldman



Message: 3

Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) report on the recent protest march in the so-called Philadelphia in honor of Delbert Africa. ----
Reporting on the August 8, 2020 tribute to Delbert Africa, we wanted to share some images and videos from the event, as well as what Del
meant for Philly ABC members. ---- We corresponded and visited Del and all the remaining prisoners of Move 9 (#RIP Merle Africa - 1998) from
2013 until after his release from prison. They maintained the great physical shape for which the group was known, in the best possible way,
inside the prison for 4 decades. Delbert's normal training for most of his time at SCI Dallas included running on a treadmill that other
prisoners respectfully called "Delbert's treadmill" and set aside for his use. He laughed as he told us 'I never told them to keep it for me.'

Over the years, Del and other Move prisoners have witnessed PA DOC (Pennsylvania Department of Corrections) conditions progressively getting
worse. While funding for basic needs and important programs was being cut, there was spending on corruption and overcrowding. Del commented
on how he read an article about the laws regarding the minimum size of cages for dogs in overnight kennels in PA - whose dimensions were
LARGER than the size of a cell in which two people were put! Inmates used to be able to work / grow food locally, but around 2010, the PA
DOC instituted what they call a "heart-healthy diet", with the main distinction being smaller portions of worse quality food. What therefore,

At the same time as these cuts were taking place, Del saw an extravagant amount of money spent on new fences, new camera systems,
non-functional and disabled ion testers, a fire alarm system that doesn't work, big-screen TVs that never reached the floor of the unit, etc.

Del and Phil Africa (#RIP - 2015), cellmates for many years, organized for the benefit of other prisoners, such as improvements in diet,
garden privileges in cold climates, films in SHU (Solitary) and lighting in "the dungeon "(the hole). Despite being fit and meeting all the
requirements for probation during the last 10 years of his imprisonment, Delbert was denied parole time after time. He was diagnosed with
cancer, but was kept in prison until January 2020. The sole purpose of the continued imprisonment of elderly prisoners, particularly
political prisoners like Mumia, is continued persecution.

More than 40 years of state repression, and no member of Move 9 has had its compassion and struggle broken. The organization exists to
dismantle injustice, to protect the land and life. The fight will continue in honor of Delbert. #RestInPower friend and comrade, we will
miss you.

Philly ABC

>> More photos and videos:


Translation> A. Padalecki

Related contents:



criminal-justice-system /

anarchist news agency-ana


Message: 4

A week ago, international solidarity calls were launched from Belarus, which is currently experiencing a revolt against Loukachenko[the
Belarusian president], in power for 25 years. The regime cut off the internet and landlines to prevent the revolt from being organized. The
police confiscated ambulances and public transport buses to transport their thousands of detainees, torture in police stations and shoot
bullets in the streets. Meanwhile, Loukachenko parades armed in front of the police crowd. ---- On August 12, 2020, three fellow anarchists
were arrested, one of whom is accused of "organizing mass riots" and is at risk of long prison terms. ---- A fellow spoke about the
situation in his country on the Crimethinc website:
"When it comes to strategy... the main objective is very simple: to overthrow the dictator. Participating in demonstrations, disseminating
the ideas of horizontal organization and decentralization. Even during clashes, people continue to distribute flyers to protesters behind
the crowd. There is a belief that if people manage to overthrow Loukachenko without politicians and without great leaders, it will be a
powerful blow to the country's authoritarian tendencies. It will also give a big boost to self-organization and solidarity in this society. "

"Outside support inspires not only the hearts of anarchists, but also those of everyone on the streets."

It was not possible to remain inactive. In a message of solidarity, on the night of Sunday, August 23, to Monday, August 24, 2020, we
attacked the Belarusian embassy in Paris together, throwing glass bottles filled with paint, and smashing windows.

Fear turns to anger, anger to victory!

To all our comrades of revolt, courage, stand firm!

Freedom for all prisoners in Belarus, Italy, Germany and elsewhere!

Freedom for Frantskevich, Akihiro and Nikita and all the rebels!

Translation> Estrela

Related contents:


https://noticiasanarquistas.noblogs.org/post/2020/08/18/repressao- contra-os-anarquistas-na-bielorrussia/


anarchist news agency-ana


Message: 5

On September 1 and 2, the public consultation with the academic community of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) takes place remotely to
choose the next administration of the Rectory . Two slates run for office: the slate of the situation, headed by the current president, and
the slate of the opposition, the ideal representative of the obscurantist and privatist interests defended by President Jair Bolsonaro. ----
The candidates who make up the opposition slate made several statements of an anti-scientific character (see video below), against the
policies of quotas and student permanence, against an alleged "indoctrination" present at the University and favorable to the expansion of
the already existing performance of the private initiative in public universities. In addition, he has already stated that he does not
intend to remove the candidacy from the triple list if he loses the consultation - a tradition that requires the Presidency of the Republic
to nominate the candidate chosen in the public consultation. Because of this, the possibility of Jair Bolsonaro appointing an intervenor as
president of UFPR has worried students, teachers and technicians and rekindled the necessary debate on university autonomy.

Video player

Video: Candidate for the vice-chancellor of UFPR, Ana Paula, attacks the SUS and defends the use of ivermectin and hydroxochloroquine in the
treatment of Coronavirus, which, according to her, is a virus "invented by China", which would have started a "World chemical war". The
statement was made at a meeting between the Plate and the Biological Sciences Sector.

Horácio, currently a candidate for president of UFPR, was the director of the Department of Technology when this request was made amid the
contingency in the budget of Universities in 2019.
During 2019, Bolsonaro contradicted the choice of academic communities in 43% of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that went through the
process of changing the Rectory, nominating candidates who were not the most voted in the consultations. In addition, it tried to attack
university autonomy with regard to the choice of rectors on two occasions: on December 24, 2019, it published Provisional Measure No. 914,
which excluded the possibility of candidates who missed the public consultation to withdraw their candidacies from the triple list sent to
the Presidency and which made the adoption of the 70/15/15 model mandatory (in which the vote of teachers is worth 70% and technicians and
students are only worth 15% each) in the votes for Rectory. As it did not pass a vote in Congress, MP 914/19 was terminated, but shortly
thereafter Bolsonaro published Provisional Measure No. 979 , of June 9, 2020, which allowed the Minister of Education to choose "temporary"
rectors in the IFES during the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the negative repercussions, this MP also ended up being revoked.

What many people do not know is that the possibility of the Presidency of the Republic choosing any name from the triple list is not new and
that respect for public consultation , despite being a tradition (or informal pact), is not required by law - in In reality, not even public
consultation is required by law. As the Front Manifesto in Defense of University Autonomy describes:

"The triple list , a mark of the weakness of our autonomy and the reason for so much controversy in recent years, in reality, is nothing new
and has always been the method adopted by successive governments for the appointment of rectors . Such a mechanism was instituted by Law No.
9,192 of 12/21/1995 and Decree No. 1,916 of 5/23/1996, which altered the rules governing the process of choosing university leaders in force
during the Military Dictatorship, and opens the door for the Presidency of the Republic choose any name from the triple list prepared by the
highest collegiate of the institution; that is, the legislation does not require the President to respect the choice of the academic
community, nor does this need to undergo public consultation ".

In this context, part of the academic community at UFPR has bet on supporting the current dictator, Ricardo Marcelo, as a way of defending
university autonomy, propagating the idea that an expressive vote would rule out the possibility of intervention in the institution. As a
result, it is forgotten that Ricardo Marcelo contributed, among other things, to the persecution and criminalization of the student movement
and to the expansion of outsourcing and Public-Private Partnerships, in addition to representing the old conciliatory discourse that he
believes is possible and desirable that the University simultaneously serves antagonistic interests, such as the interests of the people and
those of large companies and agribusiness. The defense of the critical vote , in general, alsodoes not question the lack of democracy proper
to the process of choosing rectors (and especially this specific process, which will be online ) and the lack of autonomy in other areas of
the University , which includes fundraising, administration of funds, preparation of curricula and restricting the freedom of
professorships. In the words used by the Manifesto:

"It is evident that the current process of choosing rectors goes far from what could be called democracy. In addition to being highly
bureaucratic, the consultation criteria are imposed, forcing the academic community to "choose" between two candidates who only in words and
in campaign, but never in facts, represent their interests. Students and students, an overwhelming majority and part of the academic
community most linked to the interests of our people, have a disproportionate participation in the decision - one third, but to reach this
weight it is necessary that 33% of the total students participate in the vote, which ends up for harming the category due to the large
number of voters that compose it. Thus, the student category, although it is the most numerous, usually has its electoral weight reduced.
Furthermore, this particular process accentuates the lack of democracy because it is carried out completely at a distance, due to the
Covid-19 pandemic, so that much of the academic community doesn't even have access to discussions that take place online. The very measure
of registering voters in advance to participate in the consultation is a flagrant attack on democracy and broad participation in the process ".

Regardless of whether critical support is a valid tactic in this context or not, we at the Popular Student Resistance - Paraná believe that
the moment requires a unity guided by the struggle , which opens up the fragility of our autonomy, and that is why we join the construction
of the Front in Defense of University Autonomy.

In addition to the immediate objective of mobilizing the academic community for a complete rejection of the possibility of imposing an
intervener in the institution , the Front also adopts as a guideline the defense of true university autonomy in all senses:

"Of de facto democracy, following the historical example of Latin American students who, more than a century ago, defended and conquered
student co-government (50% of votes for students and 50% of votes for technicians and teachers) in all the university's deliberative
instances. From complete rejection to privatist attempts by sharks in the business world, which now control over 90% of higher education in
the country. From the uncompromising defense of the maintenance and expansion of the free public university , like the courageous UFPR
students who, in 1968, confronted the police mounted on horseback against charges for tuition in engineering courses ".

It is hoped that it will become a broad space for organization and struggle, where students, technicians, teachers, members of the academic
community, organizations and entities of the student and union movement can come together to build concrete actions that defend gratuity,
university democracy and autonomy and that advance in building a University for the people.

Read the Front Manifesto in Defense of University Autonomy in full.
First action
The Front's first activity will be an advertising campaign that will take place this Sunday (30), at 2 pm, at Praça Santos Andrade , where
the UFPR Historical Building is located. For more information, follow the Facebook page and participate in the actions!

Banners and posters will be pasted on the Historic Building.



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