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woensdag 9 september 2020

#Anarchism from all over the #world - WEDNESDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 2020


Today's Topics:

1.  ciudadreal.cnt: CNT takes its first picket at Bar El Galeón
      (ca, it, pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2.  A-Radio Berlin Belarus: The August Rebellion
3.  [USA] 14th New York Virtual Anarchist Book Fair, September
      25, 26 and 27, 2020, By ANA (pt) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4.  Greece, Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki: March in
      solidarity with the Occupation of Terra Incognita 
      Tuesday 5/9,
      19:00 in Kamara. [machine translation] 


Message: 1

This weekend, the CNT union has begun its battery of union actions against Bar El Galeón in Alcázar de San Juan. Several pickets have
approached the vicinity of the Bar at different times to inform the population of the open conflict and, as a novelty due to the pandemic,
limiting people to a maximum of five and with the relevant security measures. With the reading of the explanatory statement of the conflict
and slogans such as "Galleon, pay what you owe" or "Give me a pinchito, and a settlement", the union central has wanted to extend the
conflict to all citizens, who have been interested in the claim, approaching to ask throughout the weekend. Another novelty with COVID has
been that leaflets have not been distributed to avoid infections.

The union has initiated this conflict due to the non-payment of part of the settlement of a cook from the bar, who is owed half a month's
salary, alluding to the lack of advance notice in her discharge, which, according to the advice of CNT , does not justify the debt. The
worker was employed with a one-year temporary contract, which according to the union is a fraud of the law, since the job is an essential
part of the operation of the establishment and, therefore, the temporality is meaningless.

The anarcho-union has emphasized once again the situation that the hospitality sector is going through, with continuous delays in payroll
payments, excess working hours and not respecting weekly or inter-shift breaks, black jobs and on occasion even verbal abuse, a situation
that has become even more precarious with the pandemic. For this reason, CNT assures that it will continue working to improve working
conditions in the sector, starting with the payment of the debt that originates this conflict, and persisting in its demands with the
complaints that are reaching the union.



Message: 2

Dear all, As Anarchist Radio Berlin, we gladly present this interview with an anarchist in Belarus on the current situaton in the country.
For weeks people have been in the streets in the aftermath of the last election. In the interview we learn about underlying reasons and the
built-up to the current protest movement, as well as the role of alternative media and the current state repression. ---- You'll find the
audio (to listen online or download) here: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/belarus-rebellion-against-dictatorship/ ---- Length: 56 min ----
You can find other English audios as well as all issues of the monthly anarchist show "Bad News" here:
https://www.aradio-berlin.org/en/audios-2/. ---- Among our last audios you can find: ---- * An interview about tactics and challenges in the
ongoing social uprising in Slovenia:
* A jingle mobilizing to the resistance against the eviction of Syndikat
in Berlin-Neukölln:
* An interview on the new anarchist-run videohosting platform Kolektiva:
* An interview from The Final Straw Radio with a translator of the
Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran about the political context and
ongoing struggles:
* An audio from the Channel Zero Network with advice on how to improve
your safety at street actions:
* An interview from The Final Straw Radio with an anarchafeminist about
the political and social situation in El Salvador:
* An interview with an organizer of the first feminist Congress in
Wroclaw, Poland: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/feminist-congress-in-poland/

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: We are on Mastodon and Twitter! Please feel welcome to follow us at
ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a
hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into
English as well as people able to do voice recordings - in order to
amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at


Message: 3

The New York Anarchist Book Fair will be held virtually this year, with some limited external events. Our website will host print, live
digital conversations and workshops, pre-recorded lectures and round tables, a film festival and archival materials from past events. The
deadline for submissions for the New York Anarchist Book Fair from September 25th to 27th is August 31st. ---- (You can still submit your
ideas after August 31, but we may not be able to accommodate the September 2020 event. If that happens, we may contact you about future
opportunities on our one-year schedule.) ---- Parallel worlds: creating autonomous communities ---- When we build parallel worlds (worlds
guided by different logics from consumerism, accumulation and hierarchy), we lay the foundations for a viable anti-capitalist life, free of
police and prisons, hunger, property, money and systemic violence against physical, psychological, spiritual health and community of all beings.

Covid-19, despite the personal and social tragedy that continues to trigger, still opened up a potential (as well as an urgent need) to live
differently. He revealed the profound inadequacy of the white-supremacist-heteropatriarchy capitalist and sent government structures to a
spiral of crises that occurs once every generation. Facing a global health crisis, climate catastrophe, economic impoverishment and
relentless state violence, the Black Lives Matter movement and the formation of autonomous zones that it unleashed intensified the demand
and began to create new forms of coexistence outside the oppressive systems inherited from colonial structures racist, sexist and classist.
We are with them in the fight. The revolution is now - we are building the worlds we want to live in.

We invite our comrades, fellow travelers, allies and friends to participate in the formation of alternative autonomous systems. We are
particularly interested in hosting workshops, conversations, artworks and films related to topics such as: community care / mutual aid
networks, decolonized futures, black liberation, anti-capitalist / non-profit medicine and healing systems, food autonomy, money savings
zero, organization of resistance (especially indigenous, immigrants, black lives are important and other groups oppressed), environmental
regeneration and anti-capitalist media.

Participate, integrate, build new possibilities of life in solidarity.

>> More infos:  anarchistbookfair.net

anarchist news agency-ana


Message: 4

Not a step back against state repression! ---- Early in the early hours of Monday 17/8 a plethora of police forces evacuate the Occupation
Terra Incognita. The occupation was located at the junction of Olympou and Taskou Papageorgiou streets. The abandoned building, until it was
occupied, was owned by the AUTh. From 2004 until today, the Occupation of Terra Incognita was a very important center of anarchist struggle,
a militant center of the revolutionary anti-state and anti-capitalist struggle. During the occupation, there was a printing house, a gym and
a library, while open social events and discussions often took place. The infrastructure of the printing house, the gym and the library, as
well as the equipment for the demonstrations (flags, helmets, masks), which for years were used by many collectives and comrades of the
city, were confiscated by the cops.

The evacuation of Terra Incognita Occupation is not just a blow to the anarchist space. It is another act of the state's attack on the
movement, another attempt to undermine the militant mindset of the oppressed and exploited, and as such is ultimately a blow to the broad
social majority as a whole. The evacuation of Terra Incognita Occupation adds to a number of many evacuations that have taken place in the
past. It is a complement to the basic political goal set by the ND government from the beginning, to serve the reactionary triptych "law -
order - security" and to satisfy its conservative and reactionary public, as there is no other way to detach social consensus towards
government policy.


At a time when, in combination with the devastating consequences of the state management of the Covid-19 pandemic, the impoverishment of
society is deepening, unemployment rates are soaring and employment relations are completely deregulated, in the time following the autumn
of A new memorandum of extreme austerity, while geopolitical rivalries in the Eastern Mediterranean are currently intensifying for the
delimitation of EEZs and hydrocarbon extraction on behalf of multinational giants accompanied by a belligerent and chauvinist climate in
Greece and Turkey. against the internal enemy, against the anarchists. Disorientation and ostrichism are a regular practice of all bourgeois
governments, when they find themselves in the dark with the management of their internal and external affairs. The counter-insurgency
campaign is a key part of state policy in view of the sharpening of material class antagonisms. The state bets that by suppressing,
persecuting, imprisoning, spreading fear and ideologically manipulating the masses (always with the help of paid and mandated regime
"journalism") it will prevent the impending social explosion.

We may have lost a battle, but we certainly have not lost the war, nor are we going to lose it, because we are part of the social majority,
which is struggling to gain class self-consciousness and organize its counterattack. We are the ones who have a just cause and we are proud
to be on the right side of history, on the side of the oppressed who oppose every form of power, every relationship of exploitation and
artificial separation. The state deceives itself if it thinks that the anarchist movement is institutionalized and trapped in its
occupations and that it will suspend its activities due to the evacuations and the intensified state repression. As long as there is class
exploitation and oppression, the struggle of the anarchists will continue unabated, until the case of social and class emancipation is

The times we live in are hard and will become harder. We must by no means endure the crushing of our class with zeal and fatalism, nor, of
course, should we entrust our fortunes to charlatan rulers of capitalism. To unite, to organize and to fight collectively in the direction
of the community of our class interests and with the axis of the revolutionary overthrow of the state and capitalism. These are the
imperative tasks of our days for all the oppressed and exploited. On the road of struggle our answers will be given!






TUESDAY 5/9, 19:00, KAMARA

Liberal Initiative of Thessaloniki (member of the Anarchist Federation)




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