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zaterdag 3 april 2021

#WORLDWIDE #BELGIUM #gettingthevoiceout #News #Journal #Update - ALERT: Forced eviction imminent!! 03/04/2021


ALERT: Foced eviction imminent!! 03/04/2021

Forced eviction imminent!! Brussels Airlines flight to Cotonou. Scheduled for April 3, 2020 at 14.55 SN 231 vers Abidjan avec escale à Cotonou

One of our contacts, locked in 127bis, is about to be forcibly put on a plane to Benin.

He is a Nigerian national who fled his country via Benin to find refuge in Belgium. He tells us that he is a member of a political opposition movement and is wanted by the police.

After two requests for asylum, the General Commissioner for Refugees and Stateless Persons decided that his statements were not credible. He claims to be in danger of death!

He needs support!

ACTION: phone, mail, fax to

Alexander De Croo Eerste minister: +32 2 501 02 11. Email: contact@premier.be

Sammy Mahdi Beleidscel en Secretariaat van de Staatssecretaris voor Asiel en Migratie, 02/488.06.06. Email: info.mahdi@mahdi.fed.be

Annelies Verlinden Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken: 02/488.05.11. Email: kabinet.verlinden@ibz.fgov.be

Monsieur Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers Bur_Presse@dofi.fgov.be T02 793 80 31 – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax02 274 66 40

Brussels Airlines
+32 2 723 23 45 Callcenter.nl@brusselsairlines.com
SN Brussels Airlines :
Fax : 027233599 / 02/7238496 / 027534931
Tél : 078 188889 / 027232345 /027232362
Demandez à ce que que votre message soit transmis au commandant de bord.





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