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maandag 4 april 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, anarres info: LEONARDO DI CASELLE TORINESE'DE BLOK | Turin and its surroundings (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 This morning, a group of anti-militarists unfurled two banners reading "Against

the war and whoever is arming it" and "Let's break the wings of militarism" atthe entrance to Malanghero road in Caselle Torinese. ---- Today, the flow ofworkers to Leonardo's former Alenia factory has been blocked, while the flow ofdrivers into the city has slowed to convey the meaning of the blockade to all.Many showed solidarity. ---- The traffic of workers, technicians and directworkers in the factory was closed from 7.25 to 8 am during working hours, becausethere can be no peace as long as there are those who work for war. ----Leonardo's factory in Caselle Torinese is the operational center for militarydefense and training aircraft. Since 2012, he participated in the construction oftyphoons Eurofighter, fighter-bombers that are at the forefront of wars all overthe world today. They are deadly war machines that can reach the speed of soundin 30 seconds and an altitude of 9,000 meters in one minute, built within astone's throw of our homes.In the Constanta region in Romania, a stone's throw from the Ukrainian border,the Italian government transported 8 Eurofighter 2000s between December and February.The Italian war industry supplied weapons and military equipment to both Russiaand Ukraine. Weapons produced in our country are used in battle halls all overthe world.Do children dying under bombs or fleeing wars stir your emotions?Imagine that the guns that killed them were made a stone's throw away from thegardens where your children and grandchildren play.No, it's not enough to stop the war.We have to intervene.Let's shut it down and re-transform the war industry!Let's abandon the war!Italy is at war. Although the armed forces of the beautiful country have taken anactive part in conflicts in Europe, Africa and the Middle East since 1992, mostpeople believe that the last war ended in 1945. Successive governments coveredtheir war operations with a tricolor cloak of hypocrisy. . Humanitarian missionsconcealed international police operations, sending troops to war fronts inSomalia, Lebanon, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.This summer, for the first time in four decades, a Minister of Defense hasshamelessly claimed the neo-colonial adventures of the armed forces as a way toprotect Italy's interests, on the occasion of the refinancing of Italian militarymissions abroad.Of the 40 military missions abroad, 18 are located in Africa, in the trianglestretching from Libya to the Sahel and the Gulf of Guinea. They are there to wagewar on immigrants going to Europe and support ENI. The yellow flag with the ENIsix-legged dog accompanies the flag hoisted on military vehicles.The imperialist conflict between NATO, which began after the collapse of theSoviet Union, aimed at continuing its eastward expansion, and Russia, which afterdecades of retreat decided to invade Ukraine and counterattack, saw a suddenreturn to humanitarian aid. Typical discourse of Roman governments.Since February 24, when Russia attacked Ukraine, PD warmongers have also taken tothe streets to oppose the war, sending weapons to the Zelensky government. In therevolt of Ukrainian national flags and rainbows of peace, an armed pacifism isstaged on the skin of the inhabitants of Ukraine, clearly aligned with one of thetwo imperialisms forced to face death, bombs, fear, necessity. compulsorymilitary service.The government declared a "humanitarian" state of emergency.This resolution givesextraordinary powers to the executive, which is free to manage Italy'sinvolvement in the conflict in Ukraine. Since March 2, an air transport has beencarrying weapons against the Zelensky government to Poland. Draghi decided tofurther increase military spending and send troops to NATO's eastern front. Added500 soldiers selected from Navy raiders, Colonel Moschin, Air Force SpecialForces and Task Force 45 to the 240 Alpini in Latvia and 138 of the Air Force inRomania. In the Black Sea are the FREMM frigate "Margottini" and the minesweeper"Viareggio", as well as the aircraft carrier "Cavour" with F-35 fighter-bombers.We are not there. We do not join either NATO or Russia. reddediyoruzpatrioticrhetoric as an element of legitimizing states and their expansionist claims .Antimilitarizm, enternasyonalizm, devrimci bozgunculuk, baslangicindan bu yanaisçi hareketinin mücadelelerinin merkezinde yer aldi. Sömürü ve baski, tümenlemlerde esit olarak saldirir, "onlarin" efendilerine ve "onlarin"yöneticilerine karsi çatisma, her yerde devlet siddetine ve kapitalizmingaddarligina karsi çikmanin en iyi yoludur. Sinirlar bir haritadaki inceçizgilerdir: sadece iyi silahlanmis askerlerin trajik bir sekilde gerçek kildigihiçbir sey. Onlari silelim!Construction of the Aerospace City is about to begin in Turin, a center ofexcellence for the aerospace war industry backed by munitions giants Leonardo andSubalpine Polytechnic. The aerospace city, which will rise between Corso Franciaand Corso Marche, has been nominated as the headquarters of an innovationaccelerator in Defense and the European regional office of the Defense InnovationAccelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA). NATO facility.Turin is investing everything in the war industry to stimulate the economy. Aneconomy of death.To prevent the birth of a new pole of research, design and construction of wardevices, to prevent NATO's base from being in Turin, is a concrete commitment to war.Fight for the state of emergency, for increased military spending, for theshipment of weapons to the Ukrainian government, for the withdrawal of allmilitary missions abroad, for the shutdown and recycling of the war industry, forthe opening of borders to all refugees and migrants. It is a concrete and urgentfront of struggle.No, it is not enough to stop wars. We have to intervene. Starting with our city.General strike, boycott and blockade of military bases and factories of death!Saturday, March 26, the savasa ve onu sabah 10.30'dan itibaren Porta Palazzo'dasilahlandiran kisiye karsi antimilitarist garnizon - alan banchi delle shoesSaturday, April 2 rally Withdrawal ofItalian troops abroad against all wars and those who arm them Shutdown andtransformation of war industry Enough military spending! Let's break the borders!Solidarity and welcome refugees from all wars 2.30 pm Piazza Affari - MilanSaturday, April 9at 15.00Anti-militarist demonstration in TurinTo contact the Antimilitarist Assembly, Turinantimilitarista.to@gmail.commeetings are on Wednesday at 21:00 at corso Palermo 46https://www.anarresinfo.org/blocco-alla-leonardo-di-caselle-torinese/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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