The second May Day speech of AF, which deals with the topic of tradition and
current events in Ukraine. ---- May Day belongs to the tradition of the anarchistmovement. We commemorate it every year, as we consider it important to rememberthe continuity of our struggles, which have their roots in the workers' movement,and therefore in its anti-authoritarian part, which began to be openly definedagainst authoritarian socialists during the First International. We take to thestreets on May Day so that the memory of the executed Chicago anarchists and thehard struggle for eight hours of work are not forgotten. ---- Our struggle for abetter world, which we consider not only possible, but even necessary in the faceof the climate crisis, has in the meantime taken various forms. We do not justwant to get rid of poor working and living conditions, but all forms of socialinjustice. In this we follow the tradition that we already remember today and ofwhich we thus become a part.Nevertheless, we think that traditions should not be blindly adhered to. Like thetheories put forward by someone long before us. If we did, we would make ourideas ossified idols. We believe that none of our predecessors, whom we valuevery much, would like to see something like this.We understand anarchism as a set of principles capable of responding dynamicallyto what is happening around us, not as a rigid ideology with no connection toreality. This approach forces us to rethink the coming situations, to look forour own place, to apply anarchist principles and also to find answers withinourselves and within our teams. We have no illusions that we will always take thebest position. But it is important for us to reflect on our conclusions and beable to respond adequately if they are questioned in our eyes.We are approaching the most recent challenge, which is the Russian invasion ofUkraine. We consider this war to be a clear unprovoked imperial aggression,which, moreover, shows many elements of planned genocide. We are on the side ofthe people of Ukraine, who for the most part have decided not to submit to theaggressor. Despite all the anti-militaristic views we have long held, it is clearto us that the invasion must be repulsed militarily. It is torturous, but everyother attitude means the victory of the invasion, at least a permanent repressiveregime in Ukraine, but rather a never-ending predatory and genocidal rampage ofPutin's troops and mercenaries.This attitude does not mean the support of the Ukrainian state, but itsunprivileged strata. If they manage to defend the territory from aggression, thenthey have the opportunity to organize and demand the improvement of their livingconditions. Otherwise, they will lose any such possibility. It is hard to imaginePutin enduring any protest in the conquered territory when no one in his empireis allowed to do so.Among other things, the attitudes of our friends in Ukraine, Russia and Belarushave guided us in shaping our position. We want their voices, which are soimportant to us today, to be heard all over the world. We symbolically andmaterially support their combat and civilian activities. And within theinternational anarchist movement, we decided to defend their decision. It will beunacceptable for us to downplay their positions, just to give in to the expectedanti-militaristic slogans. To passwords that face reality, they seem completelymeaningless or downright cynical.It would certainly be very nice if the world worked so that the invading armystopped bombing, executing, torturing, stealing and raping just because we wantedto. But that's not how the world works. If we do not realize this fact, we willonly be dreamers that the non-privileged classes can never take seriously. Thereal world is full of difficult decisions. But let's not be afraid of them. Letus think with our own head and perhaps even question the traditional anarchistviews on the individual issues that life brings. Above all, let us never raiseslogans above the lives of people and communities. Let us recall the tradition offighting for the emancipation of man and society, but let us always be carefulnot to make ourselves a dead tradition.Away with all forms of fascism!For a free world!Solidarity is our weapon! - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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