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vrijdag 13 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CZECH #ANARCHISM #WAR #UKRAINE #RUSSIA #News #Journal #Update - (en) Czech, AFED, Existence No. 1/2022: Defiance of invasion (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 A new issue of the anarchist magazine Existence has been published, which deals

with Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent reactions of the anarchistmovement. ---- We originally wanted to address this issue of Existence in thesituation in Belarus and in how Alexander Lukashenko's dictatorial regime crushedthe anarchist movement through persecution, torture and long-term punishment. Inthe end, however, the current events caught up with us when Vladimir Putinlaunched his imperial invasion of Ukraine. So we didn't think for a long timewith the intention of reacting a little more extensively, and we chose "defianceof invasion" as the topic of Existence . Of course, the question is how much someof the information, observations and opinions will be current at the time thereaders get to them. And don't worry, we don't forget our Belarusian friends, inthe end the chosen topic is related to them, because the hope for the defeat ofPutin is also their hope for the defeat of Lukashenko.Although we did not want to admit until last minute that Putin would attackUkraine to such an extent, we had to accept this fact quickly, analyze thecontext, pros and cons, confront our anti-militaristic principles with reality,and take a stand on that basis, as well as act. In this issue of Existence , wetherefore deal with how anarchists in Ukraine and Russia react to the warsituation, as well as how they receive support from their friends from abroad. Wepublish a thorough analysis of the development of the anarchist and anti-fascistmovements by Ukrainian anarchists, which was published before the invasion began.And we are also trying to bring closer the motivations of those anarchists whohave decided to defend the invasion with weapons in hand, including foreign fighters.The reactions of the international anarchist movement are one of the mainsubjects of our interest. It is in them and their analysis that we see a certaintimelessness and it will certainly not be out of the question to return to themsometime in the future and to reflect on them at a distance. After the invasion,many groups issued anti-war statements. However, it is clear from them that thereare different approaches. Some see the war as a duel between two empires and callnot to participate in it, while others reflect the need to fight for Ukraine'sindependence against Putin's invasion. Some emphasize anti-militaristicprinciples, others the real thinking of a specific situation. We also approachedthis new thinking, which is true to the dynamic nature of anarchism, in theintroductory text, where we address the need to listen to anarchists fromUkraine, Russia and Belarus, the question of the goal that is currently to beachieved (repelling the invasion), questions of the future of Russia and Ukraine(and the anarchist movement that operates here), as well as the rest of Europe,all without naive ideas and empty slogans, on the contrary, with questions ofwhat we can help ourselves. We then try to compare the existence of differentapproaches with the dispute in the anarchist movement at the time of the outbreakof the First World War, where different attitudes collided, represented on theone hand by Malatesta and on the other by Kropotkin. And again, knowing thatsimilar comparisons are lagging behind and that the starting situations are notthe same. We then try to compare the existence of different approaches with thedispute in the anarchist movement at the time of the outbreak of the First WorldWar, where different attitudes collided, represented on the one hand by Malatestaand on the other by Kropotkin. And again, knowing that similar comparisons arelagging behind and that the starting situations are not the same. We then try tocompare the existence of different approaches with the dispute in the anarchistmovement at the time of the outbreak of the First World War, where differentattitudes collided, represented on the one hand by Malatesta and on the other byKropotkin. And again, knowing that similar comparisons are lagging behind andthat the starting situations are not the same.On the following pages of Existence , we present a more extensive essay by oursympathizer entitled "Out of the Law", to which we could make some partialreservations, but this does not affect the fact that it is often stimulating. Wealso return to the police killing of a Roma man, Stanislav Tomáš, where he wasfound lying by a racist police force. But it is difficult for Stanislav Tomáš tosee justice in the foreseeable future. From the history of the anarchist movement, we recall the figure of AnatoniaSota and the almost unknown but significant uprising in Patagonia, from which ahundred years passed last year. This year we commemorate the 150th anniversary ofthe Congress of the Anarchist International in Saint-Imier. It is in this Swisstown that a large anarchist meeting should take place in 2023. We rememberpersonalities who have recently left us - because of illness and age, as well asthe attack of the far-right or in connection with Putin's attack on Ukraine. Wededicate a separate text to Jan Zajíc, who burned himself in 1969 in protestagainst the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia and the deepening apathy of Czechsociety.We recall the not-so-distant successes of Chilean feminists or the resistance ofKurdish African people who resisted 58 days of attack by the technologicallyadvanced and second most powerful army in the North Atlantic Alliance, in which1,500 fighters, fighters and civilians fell. In one international anarchistdeclaration, we return to the covid-19 pandemic and there is a section on theactivities of the Anarchist Federation, as well as the events that took placewithin the Czech anti-authoritarian movement in the past six months, includinganti-war ones.As always, readers will find texts from the last six issues of the A3 wallmagazine on the outcome of parliamentary elections, rising energy prices, theanti-Vaxist movement, the suppressed Kazakh uprising, government conservativespeeches and the context of nationalism and war. Finally, there are severalreviews not only of publications published within our movement, such as books byPetr Kropotkin, the memory of life in Christiania or the work on wine production.We wish you inspiring reading.64 A4 pages, recommended contribution to cover costs CZK 70.PDF to download HERE .Version for e-book readers and similar devices: EPUB or MOBI .Internet distribution: Roleta39For those interested in Slovakia, we recommend ordering at: Salto Mortale(sust[a]riseup.net)List of distribution points HERE (publications of AF Publishing House usuallyappear with a delay at individual distribution points)https://www.afed.cz/text/7651/existence-c-1-2022-vzdor-invazi_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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