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woensdag 18 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #UKRAINE #RUSSIAN #WAR #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #326 - Not against the war, The campists with their feet in the carpet (of bombs) (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]

 Putin's imperialist aggression on Ukraine has apparently opened Mélenchon's eyes.

It was about time... But others, on the left, stubbornly defend the Kremlin,which leads them to renounce their traditional anti-war commitment. What is theirlogic? ---- We know the selective anti-imperialism of certain currents of theleft who denounce - rightly - the NATO wars, but suddenly become relativistic,uncritical, even voiceless when the crimes are the work of rival states of theUnited States. Russia's imperialist intervention in Syria? She is there as a"guest power" see! The annexation of Crimea, the protectorates in Donbass? Sheerhumanitarian necessity! State Islamophobia and colonial persecution of Uyghurs inChina? Very exaggerated, CIA lies!Unlike the UCL, which denounces all forms of imperialism, this left deliberatelyignores the imperialism of the camp it supports; in this she is a "campist". Itis not so much that she adheres to the capitalist, nationalist and policeconceptions of Putin, Bashar al-Assad or Xi Jinping. But its aspiration for amultipolar world, without American hegemony, makes it defend any rival of the"main enemy", whatever its nature. Driven by this logic, the campist lefttherefore finds itself an accomplice of "secondary" capitalist, colonialist andwarmongering enterprises. This is the case for Ukraine, whose invasion itjustifies with the essential argument that the kyiv regime is criminal, mafia,terrorist.Here then? Isn't this exactly the rhetoric of Uncle Sam to justify each of hisimperialist interventions (Panama, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya...)?The left, the war and themIn 2020, in their book La Gauche et la Guerre, Michel Collon and Saïd Bouamamachallenged the French left and far left with this very fair argument: "We cancriticize these regimes while effectively mobilizing against imperialistaggression. What is problematic is when this criticism leads to an abstentionistposition on the question of the commitment against this aggression. Two yearslater, faced with the aggression of Ukraine, the abstentionism of these authorsis, from this point of view, very "problematic"! On their Investig'action site,there are indeed a host of criticisms of the Ukrainian regime... but not oncethese simple words: "No to war! Stop the bombings! Withdrawal of the occupyingtroops!»Within this campist left, there is the same duplicity on the side of theTropiques bookstore (Paris 14th), an ordinary meeting place for the Stalinist andasselineauphile 3rd age, and whose blog coats its tenderness for Russianimperialism in a sarcastic style. Finally, the tone is much more aggressive inthe Stalinist currents, the prize going to the indescribable "red-tricolor" PRCF,which, with supporting maps, comments on the day-to-day campaign for the"liberation" of Ukraine. , and for whom the priority is to fight against... the"sacred Euro-Atlanticist, imperialist, pre-totalitarian, anti-national, evenexterminist union which is being set up with the complicity of the staffs of thefalse left, of the false ecologists and Euroformat trade union confederations".What flavor!Guillaume Davranche (UCL Montreuil)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Les-campistes-les-pieds-dans-le-tapis-de-bombes_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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