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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GREECE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Greece, APO - land andf reedom: ASSEMBLY DEFENSE CONCENTRATION TUESDAY 26/4/2022 10 am (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 From the first week of Easter, with the schools closed and the students out of

town, the works at the Organic Hangout started again. The police had been set uparound the campus and from the first reactions of the fighters who formed arally, the aggressive attitude of the police became clear. In fact, the main betthat the state wanted to play was to legitimize their presence in the asylumpremises. ---- Most police operations, with at least seven evacuations and morethan 150 arrests, are carried out in "dead time" based on the absence of thestudent body in an attempt to establish new correlations. The STH building wassurrounded from the beginning and dozens of police squads were on campus from themorning. In fact, when the work was obstructed and the pretense of the presencewas lost, the insurers pretended to be employees, creating a scene of tension andpreparing for their permanent presence.The post-government example of universities is changing dramatically. Asylum hasbeen abolished by the left-wing management of SYRIZA and dozens of interventionshave been made inside schools, thousands of young people are left outside schoolsdue to the Minimum Admission Base, hundreds of institutions are left withvacancies and are leading to mergers and abolitions, have been abolished. ,expulsions and disciplinary proceedings against students. In addition,universities deepen their relations with state-capitalist domination. Thefinancial dependence on companies that offer unpaid and uninsured job searches tobosses is being strengthened, police programs are being set up by legal"pressures" and crackdown control systems, as well as the military industry,which is a major financier. constructing armament programs. From the invasions of the cops on New Year's Eve to evacuate the occupation"Hangout in the Organic", to the invasions to evacuate the occupation behind theChemical and the invasions of the last days for the demolition of the hangout,the state plan is clear. The aim is to suppress resistance and struggles withinuniversities. After the militant student struggles against educationalrestructuring - culminating in opposition to the creation of a university policeforce and the abolition of Asylum - managed to turn the state apparatus over itsoriginal plans, it attacks again, with a new strategy. As we said last yearthrough the occupation of the Rector's Office:"The Kerameos-Chrysochoidis law is a clear attack on the student movement and themilitants. An organized state plan of imposition, repression and violenceunfolds. Deletions, the student limit, the disciplinary attempts to change ourlives as a whole. At the same time, the establishment of a university policeforce, entry cards and surveillance systems are trying to intensify the controland repression of anyone who raises their head. The events of the first policeinvasion as well as those that the police forces wanted to attempt in their lastattempt are established as normal by the new law. (Coordinating Assembly of theOccupied Rectorate 9/3/21) "This is exactly what we are seeing today, with the cops invading whenevernecessary to suppress student struggles, squatting and radical action in general.In combination with the commercialization of the university, mainly through thelaw proposal "University 2030", the application of modern totalitarianism iscrystallized in another aspect of social reality.In the face of state repression and the attempt to sterilize the universitypremises, the student struggles will win. Already, in this difficult situation,the reflexes of the students were immediate and for two days the cops did not gothrough the university unscathed. With our weapon of self-organization, withsquatting, marches and clashes to prevent the entry of the university police thatis sworn in on May 17th.COURSES OCCUPATIONS CONFLICTS MASSIVE OUT THE COPS FROM THE SCHOOLSASYLUM BELONGS TO THE WHOLE SOCIETY OUTSIDE THE SCHOOLS COPS AND MAFIANO PROSECUTION TO THE 2 ARRESTED ON 19/4Anarchist Student Assembly / Quieta Movere threehttps://landandfreedom.gr/el/agones/782-quieta-movere-8_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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