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woensdag 18 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #MEXICO #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) México, F.A.M. - Regeneration #6 MayJuly 2022 - Editorial (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 First of all, I must say that governments disgust me. I am firmly convinced that

there is not, nor can there be, a good government. They are all bad, call themabsolute monarchies or constitutional republics (1) ---- This year 2022 marks thecentenary of the assassination of Ricardo Flores Magón, revolutionary Anarchist,tireless fighter until the last of his days, with the firm ideal of building afree society, without political or economic oppression, an inexhaustibleconviction that led him to his death as a sign of courage and rebellion withinhim. ---- Ironically, the current government of Mexico, headed by the donkeyAndrés Manuel, with the forgiveness of the donkeys, in communion with parasiticbureaucrats from San Lázaro, declared this year as the year of Ricardo FloresMagón. Such an act is an insult to Ricardo's memory, since during his lifetime henever accepted any government post due to the rectitude of his walk with respectto his ideas, and they even offered him the vice presidency.Rebellious to the bone, Ricardo did not hesitate to describe the government as atraitor if it took the lead, whether it was a Porfirista, Maderista revolutionaryand derivatives, etc., he always stood against them, from whom he did not accepta favor, from whom he did not ask for a permit, to which he declared himself afervent enemy as well as capitalism and any form of exploitation orsubordination. And now, on his centenary, we see how his memory is insulted,initially declaring it his year, as if he needed such a thing from someone whowas always evil, who, in addition to being the enemy, brazenly embraces theexploiters of the people to which he always belonged. and the one who alwayswanted free from those chains. It is an insult that traitorous bourgeoisie, whomhe did not tire of pointing out as such, use him as a government image.A nefarious act that is added to that of stealing the name of regeneration forhis partisan newspaper, which was recovered by the hands of anarchists from theFAM, who from the governmental power symbolically serve to dismantle the unrulycharacter of Ricardo and the newspaper, show a portrait of a revolutionary whoserves the government, an image without a stubborn character, therefore antisocial.That is why it is important that we anarchists remember Ricardo just as he was, atireless fighter, a rebel to the core, an anarchist in every sense. That with thememory of him we spread the true character and with it the libertarian ideas thatcharacterize him and us. It is important to stain for the government the image ofhim, sifted by the parasites of the foursome, of the true character of the greatRicardo, let's remove the reformist veil that his enemies seem to give him.Let us remember that with his nimble pen he would establish the deepest enmitywith the current government, and any other like him did in life. And with hisactions he would turn anyone who wanted to govern him upside down.https://mega.nz/file/VrAHEQ4D#IL_aS3NG0UbEh8jyh0C_Z5Q_TgN7Fnm_9t0csnlBHc4_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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