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vrijdag 16 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL AL #330 - Immigration, Macron is preparing an RN-compatible return (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 While the summer of 2022 will remain one of the hottest and driest since climate

data has been measured, the government is preparing for the start of the schoolyear a major debate on... immigration ! Without regard for the ecological andsocial disaster, Macron is already counting on the LR and RN voices to pushthrough his anti-social and racist reforms. ---- The consequences of globalwarming and climate change are already being felt. The announced catastrophe willlead to a worsening of social inequalities, but the capitalists continue to denythe urgency. The summer that is coming to an end has set temperature records inseveral cities : 35°C in Toulouse, 39.1°C in Nantes, 40°C in Bordeaux and almost43°C in Biarritz. The drought that has hit almost the entire territory is themost intense that France has known since the middle of the 20th century. Thefires which have ravaged more than 50,000 hectares, sparing no region, inparticular Landes and Brittany, add to this year of all records.The forest burns and they watch their profitsWe are far from the sudden ecological awareness and the calls for the " people ofthe left ", of use during the campaign between two presidential rounds, whereMacron seemed to discover the benefits of ecological planning, taking up thevocabulary of a Jadot or a Mélenchon. The presidential agenda has shifted todayto ecological and social damage. Macron re-elected, the legislative campaign thatfollowed was led on the right, against the leftist danger that the Nupes wouldrepresent... Today 90 RN or related deputies sit in the National Assembly and theparliamentary session which has already proven that the government complacentlyrelies on far-right voices to push through its economic and anti-social measures.The governmental ways put forward today to deal with the consequences of ourdependence on fossil fuels boil down to asking individuals to turn off the lights! While everywhere the consequences of the system of overexploitation of theplanet's resources are being felt strongly and lastingly, the answer is above allnot to change anything in this system and to appeal to individual responsibilityso that everyone makes a small gesture. Private jets will continue to transportthe profiteers of this system. The essential is safe: to preserve the profits ofthe capitalist exploiters. The hummingbird policy... except that the forest isburning (literally) and it is high time to act accordingly.On the side of the FNSEA it is the same blindness. Farmers are the first to feelthe consequences of the disaster on a daily basis, but we persist in promotingFrench competitiveness on world markets. How to respond to the crisis ?Increasingly promote intensive agriculture, and rely blindly onscientific-technological solutionism to put off until tomorrow the measuresnecessary for a return to peasant agriculture that exploits neither humans noranimals and preserves our bio-ecological capital.On August 3, Gérald Darmanin announced a " great debate " as a prelude to theSenate's examination of his immigration bill. Why announce this debate onimmigration in the middle of summer when the minister was pleased at the end ofJune with an assured majority to vote for the text with the LRs (and the RN whomhe knowingly omitted to quote) ? No doubt to " speak to the guts of French " ! Atthe end of July again, Darmanin denied the lack of means to fight the fires, butwas proud of his results in terms of repression: 2,500 withdrawals of residencepermits and 70,000 refusals to issue or renew permits since October 2020 and theremoval of " 2,751 perpetrators of disturbances to public order " before a fewdays later proudly announcing the opening of new administrative detention centers(CRA).Declare your love for reactionAnticipating the anger and social opposition to come, Macron, determined to carryout his pension reform, lights a counterfire. Its objective is to establish anever more unjust system for the most precarious and to get rid of the principlesof solidarity which prevailed until then. Because it is indeed the principle ofsolidarity, fundamentally incompatible with the capitalist system ofexploitation, which the liberals attack wherever it had been promoted after theSecond World War. For some forty years now, the reforms promoted by theneoliberals have never ceased to attack and put an end to what in their eyesappears to be an aberration: promoting solidarity rather than war of all against all.In this fight, the liberals can count on the support of reactionaries of allstripes. By creating a diversion on the issue of immigration and pointing outwhat would be THE problem, Macron thinks he can do a double blow. Faced with thecrisis we are experiencing, look away from non-existent ecological and socialmeasures and unite the voices of the right and the far right.Political competitors, the liberals and the extreme right do not hesitate to allythemselves against the interests of our class. If they share the same hatred forthe principles of solidarity, they have another point in common, their love forfossil fuels. In his essay, Écofascismes, Antoine Dubiau very rightly points outthat " for the time being[the far right]remains more concerned with the defenseof the Western way of life doped with fossil fuels than with the ongoingecological devastation ". The defense of carbon energies, and by the way of theprofits that the capitalists derive from them, is to defend the " material baseof Western civilization "[1].The cynical policies of Macron and the liberals make the bed of the far right. Ithas now firmly established itself in the political landscape and it is its racistand security obsessions that now dictate the political agenda of the right-wingparties, LREM and LR. Liberals and reactionaries feed off each other, but it isto be feared that the instrumentalization of racist and reactionary themes forthe purpose of dividing the proletariat will end up permanently installing thefar right in power. The consequences for minorities and the social movement as awhole would be catastrophic. Those of our camp tempted by accelerationism shouldthink twice: the far right installed with the means of the state machine is theamplification of the level of repression.These attacks call for firm responses from the social movement. To effectivelycombat the anti-social reforms of the liberal-authoritarian Macron, unity must beunwavering, but it is not enough. Faced with the ecological and social emergency,it is imperative to be on the offensive to impose a counter-project for a social,alternative and united society. Fighting anti-social reforms in rediscoveredclass unity and brotherhood also means rolling back the racist projects of the RNand Darmanin. The social struggle is an anti-racist struggle. Let's find the pathof struggles!David (UCL Chambery)To validate[1]Antoine Dubiau, Ecofascisms, Grévis Editions, Caen, 2022https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Macron-prepare-une-rentree-RN-compatible_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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