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donderdag 29 december 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #SICILIA #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy, #Sicilia Libertaria: on this side - Things of the Church (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 It took them some time, but in the end they had to pull the corpses of pedophilia

out of the drawers in the Italian church. On December 17, the CEI published "afirst report" on the abuses identified on the basis of the complaints collectedin the approximately 30 counseling centers set up within the 226 dioceses. Inother words: we do everything in house. ---- The report shows that from 2019until 2021, 68 abusers were reported or reported, with 89 minors abused. Moregenerally, the bishops communicated that between 2001 and 2020, 613 files weresent to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which refer to abusescommitted by religious since the 1950s. However, the secretary of the CEIMonsignor Giuseppe Baturi warned against identifying the number of open fileswith the number of abuses that have occurred: the latter "may be more or less,because an abuser may have committed more violence, but on the other hand, acomplaint may have ended in filing. For this it is necessary that we process thisdata". The dossier was prepared by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart(always everything in-house), which drew the following table:   most of the alleged victims are between the ages of 15 and 18 (37.1%) and 10and 14 (31.5%). As for the type of abuse, it was "inappropriate behavior andlanguage", "touching", "sexual harassment", "sexual intercourse", "exhibition ofpornography", "online grooming", "exhibitionism acts". The crimes reported referabove all to recent and/or current cases (52.8%) and for the difference to pastcases (47.2%), and these are both cases that have reached the conclusion of atrial, and episodes awaiting sentence. The analysis of the profile of the allegedoffenders leads to subjects aged between 40 and 60 years, in over half of thecases. In particular, the detail by age decade indicates that in 30.9% of caseswe are dealing with a 40-50 year old and in 27.9% of cases with a 50-60 year old.The survey reveals that they are above all priests (in 44.1% of cases), followedby lay people, for example religion teachers, sextons, oratory animators (in33.8% of cases), finally religious ( in 22.1% of cases). In 94.4% the reportedabuse took place in a physical place - parish, headquarters of a movement or anassociation, seminary, school - in 5.6% in a virtual environment.Baturi underlines that in the matter of compensation to the victims "we have notyet reached more precise determinations".It is immediately evident how the revelation is absolutely underestimated,certainly because not all the victims have turned to the counseling centres; manyhave kept the drama they experienced to themselves, others have turned directlyto the judiciary. Compared to other countries, the problem of pedophilia in theItalian Catholic Church appears to have been reduced, precisely in the Statewhich has incorporated Vatican City within itself and which historically has oneof the highest numbers of priests and religious and of structures linked directlyor indirectly to the Church, places where such crimes are usually committed.To confirm this, the churchepedophilia website comes to our aid, which has beenmonitoring in real time cases of religious pedophilia in Italy since lastFebruary; well as of today, 26 November, there are 127 officially reported casesand 465 victims. It is obvious that the presumption of innocence is valid untilfinal conviction, however, this being the same criterion adopted by the CEI, thediscrepancy between the numbers and the maneuver of the Church tending to show arenewed face which, however, hides the usual cunning of silence.The "Homemade" operation cannot always succeed, especially when those involvedare individuals who are not easily blackmailed, or who become aware of the facts,perhaps late, but are convinced that a solution can only come about outside thejurisdiction of the Church.In the meantime, the case of Monsignor Becciu, the Sardinian cardinal, a formerleading figure in the Vatican Secretariat of State, has returned to the news. anauthentic scam that he was carrying out with businessmen such as Gianluigi Torzi.The operation, thwarted in extremis, brought to light other not too clean affairsof the monsignor, his relations with the alleged agent of the Italian secretservices Cecilia Marogna, and a round of financing by the Secretariat of State tosome cooperatives and the Diocesan Caritas of Ozieri, under strict control byBecciu's nephews and close relatives.  The collaboration of the Guardia diFinanza has brought to light shady deals and appropriation of funds, with falseinvoices, which have led to the indictment, by the Vatican "tribunal", of theSardinian cardinal, and also the story of an attempt to be saved by the pope,from whom he tried to extract a statement in his favor on the eve of the 2021 trial.We continue to do our duty to report and denounce, because we do not believe inthe beneficial virtues of an institution that for 2000 years has always wallowedin scandals, conspiracies, wars, discrimination, persecutions. Even then thepopes and prelates spoke of love, peace, brotherhood. Of course, times havechanged, but the great deception continues, in different and perhaps moreinsidious forms. We don't fall for it.We close this monthly appointment with the outburst of five Northern Leaguedeputies who presented a bill, first signatory Domenico Furgiuele, to assign abonus of 20,000 euros to those who get married in church. The other signatoriesare Alberto Gusmeroli, Simone Billi, Ingrid Bisa and Erik Umberto Pretto. Wewon't stand here and comment on such bullshit, which is making so many peoplescrew up; certainly, however, the initiative, which certainly - and it is sad tosay it to radical anti-abortionists - is destined to be aborted, stems fromclerical thrusts aimed at encouraging marriages in the Church, now in free fall.They tried to throw the stone, then we'll see.In fact, however, estrangement from the Church is a widespread fact. To give justone example, in the bigoted province of Syracuse according to Istat data from2020, civil marriages exceeded religious ones: out of 870, 481 were made in thetown hall and 389 in the church. In 2005, 75% still took place with a religiousceremony and only 25% with a civil ceremony. But marriages in general aredeclining, even in the deep South; in 2004 in the province of Syracuse there hadbeen 1897, in 2020 they were reduced to 870, much less than half. It is clearthat there are not only economic reasons and work difficulties. Perhaps there isa sense of detachment from the ecclesiastical world, but also a tendency towardsfree and uncodified unions: a real fear of Northern League and clerical-fascists.Brother Doubtfulhttps://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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