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zaterdag 31 december 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #MADRID #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, CGT: support for the anti-militarists retaliated against at the #NATO summit in #Madrid and condemns the criminalization of the protest (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Among those fined is Santiago de la Iglesia, a comrade responsible for the social

action of the CGT in Madrid. ---- The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) hasshown its solidarity with the anti-militarists who participated in the act ofcivil disobedience, organized by 'Desarma Madrid', on June 28 against the NATOsummit. Several activists belonging to different civil groups participated inthis action, symbolically turning the "school of war" into a "school of peace."---- The security forces of the Spanish State, that is, the police of the mostprogressive government in history, which once again relied on the Gag Law,proceeded to sanction several of these people, including was Santiago de laIglesia, currently Secretary of Social Action of CGT MCLMEx.The anarcho-syndicalist organization has expressed, through this statement, itsrejection of these sanctions because it understands that the Gag Law is beingused again to criminalize and persecute the right to protest of organizedcitizens. In this sense, from CGT they indicate that the Gag Law, far from beingrepealed as promised by the formations of the current Spanish Government, isstill in force, limiting the rights and fundamentals of people and grantingimmense power to the bodies and forces of repression.CGT considers that civil disobedience and non-violent direct action, by which theanti-militarist movement is characterized, continues to be effective whenpointing out and denouncing the subordination of this "left" government to theinterests of NATO and industry military. CGT has also recalled in this statementthat this year's General State Budget (PGE) contemplates higher economic items tospend on the military industry.The anarcho-syndicalists will continue to demand the end of economic investmentsin weapons, and likewise, they will continue to denounce the repressive drift ofthe State through the support of whatever actions are carried out against thecriminalization of protest and social action.https://cgt.org.es/cgt-muestra-su-apoyo-a-las-antimilitaristas-represaliadas-en-la-cumbre-de-la-otan-de-madrid-y-condena-la-criminalizacion-de-la-protesta/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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