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woensdag 4 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CANADA #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Canada, Collectif Emma Goldman - Literary chronicle: "Defend yourself. A Philosophy of Violence" by Elsa Dorlin (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 I stumbled across Elsa Dorlin's book "Defending" by pure chance while reading at

an independent bookstore in Chicoutimi. Published in France in 2017 by LaDécouverte editions, I liked this work of philosophy and I am taking the time towrite this column to briefly present its point of view which might interest you.For me, who have practically no academic background in philosophy, the bookseemed quite erudite to me, but it still kept me spellbound because of theauthor's astonishing ability to link her explanations with multiple historicalexamples. It's a militant book and it raises a lot of questions that callmilitant circles to a reflective posture.More specifically, Dorlin calls on movements that challenge systems of dominationto question their relationship to violence, that is, "what one does in / of /with violence[Dorlin 2007, p.164.]". As dominated political subjects, weexperience violence in ways that go well beyond physical beatings (but alsoinclude them). One could say, for example, that submission to the injustice ofthe parliamentary circus, or even electoral partisanship, is violent since itcontributes to this social order. When we resist this violence or when we comeout of this state where our own power to act becomes foreign to us (dirtycare)[IDEM, p.177], the dominants, to defend themselves, have a whole prerogativeof devices legitimized to do violence to us until we disappear. We can retaliateby using violent or pacifist means, but as the anarchist Voltairine de Cleyreexplained, even in "non-violence", this form of action represents a violence doneto the dominant by its manifest refusal of submission.[IDEM, p.209-210]. Thismeans that we cannot escape violence if we take into account the unequal socialrelations that run through our society. Dorlin looks at the political movementsthat have chosen to defend themselves. These questions, in all their complexity,are a thousand leagues away from the reductive discussions opposing the so-callednon-violent and violent means of struggle. The book goes through a range of veryinteresting descriptions including: the disarmament and resistance of slaves andAboriginals in the context of colonization, self-defense practices among theAmazons or the British Suffragettes, the resistance in the Jewish ghettos and therecovery of forms of self-defense by the Zionist State of Israel, thelegitimization of racist lynchings in the heart of white America, the break withthe non-violence of the Black Panthers, the debates raised by the self-defensepractices of communities homosexuals and trans people in the United States, aswell as the infiltration of security policies into social movements.Going on the offensive is sometimes the best defense according to thephilosopher. His analysis reminded me of an incident that took place during theblockade of the Parc des Laurentides as part of the day of action on May 1, 2015.On the viaduct that leads to Route d'Hébertville, a group of locked out of theregion's dealership garages (CSD) then came face to face with one of thedirectors of the dealership corporation in his car. The union order service ofthe blocking had intervened on the spot to force the revolted locked-out-e-s tomove away from the car of this employer's architect of the conflict, one of thelongest lock-outs of the Quebec history (nearly three years). There is reason toquestion this coercive role exercised by the security services, which forcescompliance with laws clearly to the advantage of the dominant and whichstigmatizes the actions of resistance in their own ranks. Constraining,pacifying, removing the means to exercise direct action in order to overturn thebalance of power, even in a symbolic way, contributes on the contrary tolegitimizing the claims of equality in the collective negotiation of laborlegislation in the province. We have to admit that puncturing a tire or evenoverturning the car in question would have been a very minimal form of violencecompared to all the violence suffered by the working-class families during thislong dispute in which the employer party continued to reap the profits whilestriving to stifle any fo Such a gesture of resistance would at least have openedthe possibility of a reversal of the relationship of domination through which thelocked-out represented a submissive subject, victim of a conflict, without meansand constrained by legality, by the police. and even by their own union toinaction in the face of all the violence that has affected their environment andtheir community. Such a gesture would at least have opened the possibility oftransforming them into real actors and actresses of the situation to break thechains of exploitation. Dorlin opposes a politics of rage, which allows theactors and actresses of a situation to emerge from passivity, with a politics ofsecurity. She writes: "the promotion of a security pact and its incorporationinto certain militant agendas therefore had the ultimate consequence, not only ofwhitewashing state violence[as well as employer violence in the previousexample], but also of predetermine modes of contestation and coalition, to createa certain type of militancy, a form of protectionist self-defense, harmfulbecause articulated to a trapped emotional cartography[IDEM, p.146]". Thepolitical subjects of the dominated, whether workers, the unemployed, women orLGBTQ+, racialized and Indigenous communities have historically been subjugatedby masters and the institutions under their control in such a way as tounteaching them to fight, to individualize, internalize and depoliticize theirexperience of domination. This passivity on the part of the dominated guaranteesthe preservation of the world of the dominant.Dorlin is also critical of activist circles who make the safe space an injunctionto remain in the security of one's self. She observes there an insidious controlof the contestation which brings always more forms of security in the veryintimacy of the small groups and the exercise of forms of power in betweenoneself. The precarious forms of trial and DIY justice, which aim to avoidrelying on the dominant justice, come, according to her, to contrast with theimaginary of social transformation of the groups, disorient the processes ofsocial awareness and exhaust and disengage the activists. and activists. ForDorlin, who again advocates a politics of rage, it is rather necessary to returnto the basics of the open confrontation of domination, that is to enter intoconflict with the problems and their systemic roots rather than seek to avoidthem. "The question is not to be safe in a fantasy in-between, but to build andcreate territories from which to politicize, to capitalize, from the rage todeclare and lead the struggle: 'Show me your power and I will feel proud. JuneJordan calls for the creation of other forms of community, united not on thebasis of a reassured subject, but on an enraged commitment to combat[IDEM,p.149]". On the contrary, she sees in insecurity the terrain of commitment andthe collective resumption of power by activists. "The more one protects oneselfagainst insecurity, the more one exhausts the power of what a 'community' means,solidary, united, from which to draw power and rage; the more we achieve a formof biopolitics on the scale of struggles, a biomilitantism[IDEM, p.150]".Gastro-MartineauReference: Elsa DORLIN. " To defend oneself. A philosophy of violence", ÉditionsLa Découverte, Paris, 2017, 251 p.by Collectif Emma Goldmanhttp://ucl-saguenay.blogspot.com/2022/12/chronique-litteraire-se-defendre-une.html_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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