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zondag 1 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #MARSEILLE #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, Webdito UCL, Whose friend is Macron? (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Marseille, Reformed Square, 2 p.m. The Kurds of Marseille, those who have found

freedom from their work or their obligations, have gathered to tell their hostcountry that they are waiting for truth and justice on this new crime committedin against them. Also to comfort themselves - several people have tears in theireyes, and may have counted people known or familiar among the victims of the rued'Enghien. And finally to express their exasperation at being targets... They andthey are joined by some supporters of the Kurdish cause. ---- After a quickspeech linking in the same breath the racist motive of the murders which havejust taken place in Paris and the interminable martyrdom of their people at thehands of Erdogan, the Kurds of Marseilles form a procession and descend theCanebière, towards the Prefecture.A few hours earlier, a near-septuagenarian coldly shot two people, wounding sixothers, one of whom died shortly after, bringing the toll of the attack to threedead. Weighted with six magazines, pistol in hand, he showered people who wereoutside the Kurdish Democratic Center (CDK-F) on rue d'Enghien (Paris 10tharrondissement) with bullets, as well as customers of the Kurdish restaurantopposite it. Six magazines is more than 70 bullets. Suffice to say that theintention of massacre is obvious on the part of this man who we know has beentwice convicted of violence with a weapon, against racialized people (includingthe attack with a saber on a camp of refugees...).The procession advancing towards the Prefecture of Marseille, as always withKurdish activists, is disciplined and dignified, singing the usual anti-fascistslogans against the Turkish regime, or in support of Abdullah Öçalan. There areno outbursts, no inappropriate words. That's not the style at all.The demonstration not being prohibited, the police escort the procession and makethe circulation. We think to ourselves that on a day like this there is no chancethat the police will rush us: there have just been three Kurdish deaths, a littlerespect...We come out at the corner of the Prefecture. The cops formed a cordon of CRS,flanked by elements of the BAC. In a minute, it's done. A comrade collapses, hishead bleeding. A gas is unloaded on the front row of the event. People startshouting, completely flabbergasted by the behavior of the police, and ask them toaccount: "what are you doing? We come to discuss and demonstrate peacefully! ".The tone rises, the cops bludgeon us, and gas again... We have to control aKurdish comrade mad with rage at having been hit without reason or explanation.Without warningBecause there was no summons, no discussion, or even a request for dispersion.We arrived at the Prefecture and we were smashed, gassed, clubbed.The agents of the BAC dislodge us with kicks, go after a wounded man who hasfallen to the ground, whom comrades cover with their bodies.The people around us are mad with pain and anger. They kill us by bullets inParis and when we want to express our pain here, we are repressed in blood?It takes all the strength and patience of the women and men managers of CDKMarseille to calm things down. A semblance of order barely returned, eight CRStrucks arrive, for the hundred or so demonstrators that we still are. Thisimmediately revives indignation and anger. Tear gas flying in one direction,stones and bottles in the other...As always under Macron, the one answer to all problems is repression. Nonegotiation, no possibility of speech under the windows of the Prefecture, ordelegation to discuss under the paneling of the Republic. In anothernot-so-distant era, an obvious instruction of humanity would have been given toall the prefectures, police stations, and gendarmeries in France: "Go easy on theKurds, they have just suffered a murderous attack. Let's not forget that it isthanks to them that Daesh was defeated. Among the protesters are men and womenwho have lost sons and daughters in Syria and Iraq. Respect their pain. ".So much for the dignity of the French state and its servants. So much for hishumanity. So much for the respect of people, and especially the Kurds: allieswhen it suits, cumbersome when the strong man of Ankara gives voice, submittingEurope to his Middle Eastern policy, or making the rain and good weather in NATO[1].Who is Macron's friend?The tone among the gassed and clubbed protesters has changed: the cops havebecome "Macron's dogs" and a new slogan is circulating: "Erdogan assassin, Macronaccomplice"... The exasperation is at its height: " To defend yourself, you knowhow to find us...", this is what we hear then, place de Rome, in Marseille.We do not know at this time but similar scenes are happening in the 10tharrondissement of Paris: we can only see the consistency of the repression of theKurdish movement.In a few days, January 7, will be commemorated the fatal date of theassassination by the Turkish secret services of three Kurdish activists: Layla,Sakine, Rojbîn. They were killed in the middle of Paris, ten years ago now, but,in particular because France refuses to lift the defense secret, theinvestigation has not advanced an inch...We know whose friend Macron is.UCL Aix-Marseille, December 23, 2022.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?De-qui-Macron-est-il-l-ami_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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