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maandag 30 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GERMANY #BERLIN #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Germany #Berlin, Die Platform: Class Strike (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The right to strike in Germany is one of the most restrictive in all of Europe.

It is based on the class compromise of the Volksgemeinschaft (national community)and appears today as the so-called Sozialpartnerschaft (social partnership).Following the German right to strike, a strike should have the goal of sealingthe class compromise by collective agreement for further years. ---- Wild(non-union) or political strikes find themselves at least in a (labor) criminalgray zone - if we cannot even speak of a de facto ban. ---- That we asclass-conscious anti-capitalists oppose the Sozialpartnerschaft-compromise,including its idea of strike, results from our self-conception.Despite this rejection, we will always fight for our interests, and thus for theinterests of the wage-dependent class. We will always show solidarity with unionstruggles for the notorious (slightly) bigger piece of the pie.However, our conception of the workers‘ struggle always includes furtherpolitical and social struggles, and the abolition of the class society as aconsequence of these struggles remains the claim of our demands. The strike assuch - whether in trade union contexts or within spontaneous work suspensions -is our most important mean of class struggle negotiation, no matter whether weare concerned with a collective general strike or only with the concreteimprovement of the existing situation.The fact that state institutions, regardless of nation and constitution, have nointerest whatsoever in lifting the stability of the exploitative conditions oflabor and society out of their seams, should also not present itself to theinclined reader as a particularly new phenomenon at this point.That's why we don't give a damn about Sozialpartnerschaft and state paternalism,and fight for the right to strike ourselves.So join us in supporting the "Kampagne für ein umfassendes Streikrecht"!https://rechtaufstreik.noblogs.org/https://twitter.com/RechtAufStreikContact: streikrecht@riseup.nethttps://berlin.dieplattform.org/2023/01/17/klasse-streik/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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