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zondag 1 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: Safe work national network: out of slavery, equal life expectancy health and well-being for all * (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Founded on 26.5.2022 on the impulse of the historical nucleus of railway

engineers, the NETWORK starts from four fundamental points: a) to help guaranteeeveryone the same hope of health, life and well-being regardless of theprofession carried out (in fact unfair disparities remain and worsen related tooccupational risks and income) b) with respect to occupational disease and theso-called "accident", arriving the day before and not the day after c) countingabove all on the ability and strength of the workers by cooperating with theprevention technicians but without proxies and with the practice of "consensualvalidation" d) questioning the way but also the object of production. Thestarting point is tragic: in a context of continuous growth of slave labor ofwhich immigrant or native workers are victims in many production sectors(agriculture, logistics, construction, riders, manufacturing, etc.) productionactivities have always been marred by worker massacres in all or the world fromTyssenkrupp of Turin (6 December mobilization for the anniversary) to Tunisia,Turkey (Asmara), Qatar (6500 dead according to reliable sources for the WorldCup); the institutions have invented the slogan "ethical logistics"; slogan, inthe meantime belated, but which reveals the false conscience of the bosses: isthere a working sector in which ethics can be disregarded? The question isrhetorical; worldwide (source: WHO/ILO) there were two million deaths at work in2016, with 90 million years of life lost! collective massacres are associatedwith the daily dripping of deaths (only in Italy 1400/year, the "official" ones)and acute non-fatal but serious events; we speak of "acute events" also todistinguish them from occupational diseases because we want to avoid the term"accident" as it was proposed to avoid the definition of "white deaths" which areactually "black" like the plague; "accident" means "lack of luck" but here it isabout something else: behind every single event there is no lack of luck butthere is always a gap in the DVR (risk assessment document) or an open violationof the measures safety and prevention; from this we deduce that the workers mustget hold of the DVR (today almost clandestine), criticize it and, if necessary,be able to propose/impose improvement actions; on this ground the NETWORK islaunching practices and synergies throughout the territory for try to arrive theday before the events capable of compromising psychophysical health; we cansupport the self-defense strategy with the knowledge of the prevention operatorswho have been collaborating for some time with the historical nucleus that gavebirth to the NETWORK, without neglecting the role of supervision that theinstitutional structures must carry out; many workers are skeptical anddisappointed with the work of public supervision (AUSL and Inspectorate) butthese bodies can and must make a greater contribution than that given up to nowand must be called (if necessary) to be less "dormant" and to carry outeffectively their role, all the more the more the balance of power between theclasses is unbalanced.The NETWORK's contribution will increasingly materialize in the ability tosupport workers in information/training and in the elaboration of improvementactions to be imposed on work organizations that today come to deny the mostelementary prevention rules but even physiological needs with the imposition ofexhausting shifts, violation of circadian rhythms, work overload and distress;without mentioning the widespread moral harassment (mobbing) of which workers arevictims on a daily basis;a recent WHO observation shows that there is a "pandemic" of deaths (heart attackand stroke) from overwork in the world: 750,000 deaths in a year with a 29%growth in 2016 compared to 2000; it is a more serious "phenomenon" than all the"official" mortality at work, also because these are completely unknown deathseven at the insurance level; and here we come to another "bubo" that the NETWORKwants to burst: extinguish the Inail and pass the skills of the evaluation of theprofessional etiology to the supervisory bodies; In fact, Inail (with the supportof the confederal trade unions and "political decision makers") has always actedas guarantor of the master interpretation key in risk assessment: we are at thepoint that Inail often even denies cancerous pathologies (also) from asbestos,sometimes even mesotheliomas by blatantly denying the evidence.The main road remains prevention (prevention is better than cure!) but we cannotavoid dealing with the damage that workers have already suffered: this is alsowhy we have activated the "health/work desk", for now in Bologna but you can workremotely anywhere; the "Bologna counter" confirms the forecasts: the majority ofthe workers it contacts, unfortunately, has already suffered damage; this is thesign of the times and it is still necessary to work on this although the work forcompensation is, but only apparently, "secondary"; in reality it is not a"rearguard" job, it pertains to the field of "social justice" and remainsfundamental because if the bosses manage not to pay the damages, they will moreeasily continue to abuse workers' health (and also to devastate and plunder theenvironment). IT IS NOT A CASE THAT THE MASTERS ARE OBSESSIVELY ADVANCED THEREQUEST for a "PENAL SHIELD", a shield unfortunately well "tested" during thepandemic affair (however with some cracks that we are trying to widen); in trutha PENAL SHIELD THE MASTERS IF THEY ARE ALWAYS, MORE OR LESS, GUARANTEED (seeasbestos trials, Viareggio massacre and many others), ONLY THAT TODAY THEY WANTNOT IMPUNITY OR ABSOLUTION BY PRESCRIPTION BUT THE PREVENTIVE PENAL SHIELD whichin effects on the COVID affair (failure to prevent biological risk, Guariniello'sobservations) managed to secure themselves.Against these degeneration of slavery and slaughter, we are trying to build abarricade to which, as a NETWORK, we will make our modest contribution.Modest because the most relevant one comes from the workers' struggles, which arenot uncommon today if we think of GKN, the workers of Trezzo (Beretta contract),CMC CARGO railwaymen and...many others.Prevention will not come from the master's science (industry 4.0, sensors,robotization, exoskeletons) which is aimed not at the common good but atincreasing profits; prevention will only come from the strength of the workersand from workers' science and knowledge.ZERO DEATHS AT WORK, LIFE HOPE, HEALTH AND WELL-BEING FOR EVERYONE: FOR WORKERSAND THOSE SEEKING TO SURVIVE ALONG A DANGEROUS MIGRATION ROUTE.Vito Totire, spokesman for the NATIONAL SAFE WORK NETWORKhttps://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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