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dinsdag 3 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #SICILIA #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy, #Sicilia Libertaria - #Sicily: + 50% (ca, de, en, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 According to the official figures provided by INAIL in September 2022, compared

with the same period of 2021, fatal accidents in Sicily have increased from 44 to49, while the overall picture of accidents at work shows an increase in reportsof 50%, in terms net 25,789 cases, compared to 17,129 last year. During the sameperiod, commuting accidents, i.e. traveling from work to home and vice versa,increased by 16.5%, going from 2,283 to 2,661. ---- In the industry and servicessector there is a +54.6%, in agriculture a +7.6% and a +60% in management onbehalf of the state (various public services). Entering the sectors, that ofhealth and social services recorded an increase in accidents of 84.2%, that ofconstructions of 41% while that of transport and warehousing (logistics) even of310%.Reports of occupational disease, INAIL tells us, have gone from 804 cases in 2021to 944 this year, most of them related to the agricultural sector (+ 82%).Mind you that we are considering the official figures due to accident reports toINAIL, therefore concerning workers under contract in some way. It appearsevident that, in an area strongly afflicted by precariousness, undeclared workand gray work, another part of accidents is not reported; it cannot be quantifiedor improvised, but certainly these are substantial figures which are not takeninto consideration. The employers' associations and INAIL itself, in commentingon the official data, complain that the application of workplace safetyregulations is still incomplete; and thank goodness that they refer to companiesand businesses that report, therefore that are somehow up to date with theirhiring. But how much does irregular work affect total employment in Sicily? Andisn't it easier to think that where there is irregular work, accident preventionregulations are not fully applied?And what about invisible workers? The thousands that escape any calculation, onwhose exploitation sectors such as construction, personal services andagriculture are based? Invisible are the migrants, largely without permission,employed in greenhouses or in seasonal harvesting; invisible are the thousands ofmale and female workers who manage to make ends meet without any contractual,social security and, obviously, safety protection. How many cases of injuredworkers, abandoned in emergency rooms, are recorded in the case history ofaccidents at work? How many people go to work despite being injured or ill, inorder not to lose their wages, not enjoying any protection? How many retirees arestill forced to work and if they get injured they are not officially registeredas workers? Finally, it should be remembered that not all deaths or accidentswhile traveling are recorded as such, but under the generic heading of "roadaccident".The complacency of the employer system with a situation of exploitation that isconvenient; the deregulations signed by trade unions; the cuts in labor costswanted by bosses and CGIL-CISL-UIL with the excuse of reviving the economy; thedismantling of the prevention services, which has left a few dozen inspectors inall of Sicily, without having sufficiently insisted on its strengthening, are allelements that confront us with the picture of a wild and corrupt market, withwhich they coexist "regular" sectors where, however, safety seems more and moreto be an option, a cost item, a slogan to be flaunted at conferences andanniversaries. The official figures say it clearly. The much more serious,unofficial ones, which unfortunately we cannot provide, represent an inexorableaccusation against the bosses and their institutional and trade union accomplices.Free Sicilianhttps://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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