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zondag 8 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #MEXICO #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Mexico, FAM-IFA - Regeneración #8: A LIFETIME OF STRUGGLE - TO THE MEMORY OF LIBRADO RIVERA (1864 - 1932) (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 There are characters in the history of humanity who live their lives with such

consistency with their ideas, that their passage through existence is writtenwith letters indestructible by time, based on an indelible ink, proof ofhistorical oblivion. One of these characters is our dear companion LibradoRivera. Born in Rayón, San Luis Potosí on August 17, 1864, he graduated from theNormal School for teachers of San Luis Potosí; he is a teacher by profession,anarchist and revolutionary by conviction. ---- In 1901, as a member of the"Benito Juárez" liberal club of San Luis Potosí, of which he has been a membersince the previous year, he attended the first liberal congress, organized by the"Ponciano Arriaga" liberal club in the same city of San Luis Potosí. In thiscongress he will meet Ricardo Flores Magón, beginning a friendship that, fueledby ideological affinity and the fight against tyranny, will last until Ricardo'sdeath, assassinated at the hands of the United States government in 1921.On the eve of the second liberal congress, in 1902, Librado was arrested andimprisoned for the first time along with thirteen more liberals, including JuanSarabia and Camilo Arriaga, in the middle of a session of the liberal club towhich they belonged. Librado will spend about twelve months in jail, upon beingreleased he will move to Mexico City, where he becomes part of the editorialstaff of the newspaper "El hijo del Ahuizote", in the company of Ricardo andJesús Flores Magón. The Porfirian repression against the Liberals and theirnewspapers is so great that Librado and his companions from the "Hijo delAhuizote" end up in prison; This being the first of many more stays in prisonthat Librado Rivera and Ricardo Flores Magón spent together.By 1904, given the circumstances of total censorship and repression of theregime, the liberals of the group of the Flores Magón brothers, includingLibrado, found it necessary, in order to continue the fight against thedictatorship, to emigrate to the United States, but as the money the group has isnot enough for everyone to go to the United States at once, Librado tellsRicardo, referring to Santiago de la Hoz (who was only 21 years old at the time)."This is an enthusiastic young man, I give him my place, after all I'll leavelater", showing the great character he had. A year later, in 1905, he joined themin Saint Louis Missouri; where the creation of the Organizing Board of theMexican Liberal Party (JOPLM) takes place,It was the Organizing Board of the Mexican Liberal Party, of which Librado was apart, that gave direction and theoretically nurtured the armed uprisings of 1906and 1908, as a prelude to the 1910 revolution and led the workers' struggles inCananea, Rio Blanco, Orizaba and Puebla. The JOPLM did not stop with thepropaganda and the revolutionary organization through liberal clubs, many timesorganized in a secret way and through newspapers; not only feedbackIn 1910,before and at the time of the revolutionary uprising, the JOPLM had at leastseven newspapers, in several of which Librado's pen contributed. Released fromthe Arizona prison in August 1910, Librado Rivera, along with Ricardo FloresMangón and Antonio I. Villarreal traveled to Los Angeles, California, torepublish Regeneración . By the end of September 1910 in the pages ofRegeneration you can read: "Earth, Bakunin shouted; Earth, shouted Ferrer; Earth,shout the Mexican revolution... Land and freedom! Librado and his companions arebringing the people closer to the anarchist aspirations that they professed.Unfortunately, by December 1910, JOPLM and Mexican anarchism suffered the loss ofPráxedis G. Guerrero, killed in combat in Janos, Chihuahua. On September 23,1911, a manifesto signed by Librado Rivera, Anselmo L. Figueroa and the brothersRicardo and Enrique Flores Magón was launched, where they made theiranarcho-communist aspirations clear to the people. The period between 1911-1916was an arduous pilgrimage from prison to the streets, to release new issues ofRegeneration, and back to prison. But without giving up for a single moment.In August 1918 Librado Rivera and Ricardo Flores Magón were sentenced, Librado tofifteen years and Ricardo to twenty years in prison for the publication, in thelatest issue of Regeneración , of their manifesto to anarchists and workers ofthe world , where you can read: "That every man and every woman who loves theanarchist ideal, propagate it tenaciously, stubbornly, without appreciation formockery, without measuring dangers, without paying attention to the consequences." This will be the last sentence that Librado will spend with his dear friendand partner Ricardo Flores Magón, since Ricardo will not leave the Leavenworth,Arkansas jail alive. Murdered at the hands of a prison jailer.After 18 years of exile, 11 and a half years of them spent in US prisons. At theend of October 1923, Librado returned to Mexico. Without money, with his healthruined by so many years in prison, without his PLM companions; many dead, othersimprisoned and some other traitors to the cause of freedom for the Mexicanpeople. But with the same desire and the same ideas about a just and egalitariansociety. He expresses: "It would be unfortunate to spend the little life that Ihave left in contemplations and lamentations." In his head there is only room forone thing: to continue the social war. For consistency with his anarchist ideals,he rejects the attempts of the Mexican government, first to give him a pension of5 pesos a day, then to pay for the transportation expenses from the prison to thepart of Mexico that he decides. and in the end a seat as a senator or a chair inthe Normal School for teachers, to these proposals he responded firmly: "I don'twant anything from the State... The idea of abandoning the fight undertaken forso many years in favor of the poor is far from my mind ". Reaffirming his belovedanarchist ideals.After a few months at his elderly mother's house, where he recovered a bit of hishealth, full of enthusiasm for the talks he had with Jose C. Valadés, a CGT unionleader, he left for the port of Tampico. That at that time he is a point of forcefor anarcho-syndicalism, with an oil union that has close to twelve thousandadherents, with a strong and courageous anarchist element. Immediately after hisarrival at the port of Tampico, he joined the anarchist group " Los hermanosrojos" , and began to write in their newspaper " Sagitario", wrote the book "Losmartires de Texas",where he advocates for the freedom of the Magonista compañerosstill imprisoned in the United States, he campaigns enormously for the freedom ofSacco and Vanzetti, at the same time that he tirelessly spreads the thought ofhis beloved compañeros Ricardo Flores Mangón and Práxedes G: Guerrero. After thecensorship of " Sagitario ", he collaborates in " Cultura proletaria " in NewYork, from jail, if he goes to jail again!, now in Mexico, in that Mexico thatboasted of being the new country thanks to the revolution , accused of insultingthe president!, making a public apology for anarchism and inciting the people toanarchy. In November 1927 Librado founded a new newspaper, baptized " Avante",continuing with his propagandist work for anarchism and denouncing the abuses andinjustices, Librado is arrested again, the printing press where he makes " Avante" is confiscated and he is taken to Mexico City against his will. Once he isreleased from jail, continues the fight creating a new newspaper, called " Paso!" .This stubbornness, this tireless activity, is understood and justified, Ibelieve, in the words of Ethel Duffy Turner that: "When men express theaspirations of their people, they arise and rise to great heights."During the last two years of his life, Librado lives in a small room that NicolásT. Bernal has in his house. In February 1932, Librado is run over, and due to thenegligence of his doctors, he contracted tetanus in the hospital. He refuses tomake charges against the driver who ran over him since he "did not want to harm aworker who is the head of the family". In his last days of semi-consciousness, inhis hospital room, he made weak movements with his hand when he covered his facewith a sheet to prevent flies from bothering him. The nurse who was near hisbedside told him "how rebellious you still are, comrade!" to which Libradoresponded by stammering: "I always fought and still fight against the socialinjustices of the strong." Shortly after he died. The members of the Federationof Workers (the last redoubt of Mexican anarcho-syndicalism) took his body to amunicipal cemetery where not even a tombstone was placed to mark his grave (JamesD. Cockcroft).Librado Rivera left us alive, but like Ricardo Flores Magón, he has left us histhought and his example of life committed to the fight for the freedom of thepeople. Let us recover his tomb, may it be filled with red roses and black flags,may his long struggle for the emancipation of the working people serve to widenthe path of freedom where we will continue his path in building a new world. ForLibrado Rivera, for Librado the anarchist, for our partner and our beloved ideas,not a minute of silence. A lifetime of struggle for anarchy!Francisco Castañeda Mtz.Melchor Ocampo, State of Mexico.October 2022.http://federacionanarquistademexico.org/https://www.facebook.com/FederacionAnarquistadeMexico/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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