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donderdag 5 januari 2023

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, apoyo mutuo, Colectividad #8: Lessons from Zapatismo - Prepared by compañeras (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In this brief reflection on Zapatismo, there is barely room for a few

brushstrokes of the learning that they have given us. Their walk is also that ofthe indigenous peoples, who did not allow themselves to be conquered, who stillresist, who know that they are part of us, of a common territory to inhabit, carefor and defend, as the "guardians of Mother Earth" who are . We are not going tonarrate the history of the EZLN, nor to explain how it is possible that amovement like Zapatismo has managed to be a beacon for the counter-systemicstruggles from below and on the left. Time will tell if the obstinacy ofthousands of revolutionary indigenous people from the Mexican southeast,determined to create "another possible world", traces a real horizon in which thecapitalist world-system has been destroyed and what is built places life at thecenter. and not death. At the moment, after almost 40 years of walking, the EZLNcontinues to be a hope for the world.We could write about many issues, sendingobeying, the construction of autonomy, its conceptionof practice and theory, their anti-patriarchal struggle, theZapatista principles, etc., but on this occasion we wantfocus on walking asking questions and celebrating the difference. From its beginnings, the EZLN shows us an example of what it means to learn tolisten to the other and to walk asking questions. That small group of insurgentsthat arrived in the mountains to create a revolutionary vanguard army, did notimagine the transformation process that it would undergo until it became the armyof an indigenous resistance movement. In the words of the late Sub Marcos: "Wereally suffered a process of re-education, of remodeling. As if we had beendisarmed. . As if they had dismantled all the elements we had - Marxism,Leninism, socialism, urban culture, poetry, literature - everything that was partof us". "What allowed the EZLN to survive and grow was accepting that defeat. Ifthe EZLN had not accepted it, it would have isolated itself, it would haveremained small, it would have disappeared".Could it be that our struggles remain small because suchmaybe we don't know how to listen? In these moments, when thepolarization erodes and tears apart our movements,It seems difficult to learn to ask questions, to be able to open our trenches toother perspectives, other voices, to be able to "celebrate the difference" andaccept that diversity is a wealth, that without it it is difficult to build abroad-based organizational process that can overcome the rigidity of the dogmasand ideologies that separate us.As the indigenous culture that permeates theZapatismo, listening is not the same as hearing, it meansestablish a dialogue between equals, with respect, withouthierarchies, without dogmatism. It means being willing totransform on the way. "Contrary arguments and,not infrequently, contradictory to ours, we have not beenconvinced, true, but they have helped us to understand thatthere are different positions and different thoughts, and thatit is reality that sanctions, not a self-erected tribunal,be it in the academy, be it in the militancy. provoke thethought, discussion, debate is something that we,we Zapatistas value it a lot." For this reason they havededicated great efforts to generate spaces ofpolitical and cultural exchange, to weave networks betweendifferent struggles in the world, always from the perspective of "everyone in histime, in his way and in his geography".The Zapatista struggle has been building its autonomy, withouta preconceived plan, although yes, with a horizonof course, reviewing their steps and always willing to change. Perhaps we shouldgive ourselves the chance to go a little further along our paths of struggle andaccept change, before giving up if the drift of what is being built does notmatch our expectations. Perhaps we should prepare for collective defeat insteadof pursuing personal victory. Perhaps this would be a first step towards theconstruction of "a world where many worlds fit".For all this legacy, thank you compas! Zapata lives, thefight continues!https://apoyomutuoaragon.net/download/colectividad-8_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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