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vrijdag 24 maart 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, anarres info: The Italian Anarchist Federation: in the struggles, for the social revolution (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Faced with the current attempts to mystify and criminalize the anarchist

movement, we reiterate what the Italian Anarchist Federation - FAI is and does.---- The FAI was established in September 1945 by the Congress of Carrara, bymilitants many of whom had participated in the fight against fascism since itsinception, in the revolution in Spain in 1936-39 and in the partisan resistancein 1943 -45, and who were forced* into exile, prison, clandestinity orconfinement by the fascist dictatorship. On the model of the previous ItalianAnarchist Union founded in 1920, the FAI is based on the Anarchist Program andits Associative Pact, documents that can be found on our websites; edits theweekly Umanità Nova, which is the oldest Italian political newspaper among thosecurrently published in both online and paper format, having been founded in 1920.Our business unfolds locally, nationally and internationally. We operate at thelatter level through the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA) to which webelong and which we helped found in 1968, convinced that internationalistsolidarity against all borders is one of our first values to be put into practiceon a daily basis .In this dramatic phase of the social situation at national and internationallevel we reject any form of criminalization of dissent, and we are committed tothe streets, neighborhoods and workplaces. We are in the movements that fightagainst war, the production and trafficking of weapons, military bases andmilitary missions abroad. We are in the struggles of self-managing andconflictual unionism against the war economy and social butchery. We supportanti-prison struggles. We participate in the struggle against environmentaldevastation and major works. We are in the movements against patriarchy andhomosexual transphobia, against xenophobia and racism, for solidarity with allthose who emigrate. We bring to these movements the perspective of libertariansocial transformation.In addition to the struggles, we are active in editorial production for thedissemination of a libertarian culture, and in mutual support practices such asfunds and solidarity initiatives in favor of the weakest, in self-management andself-production experiences.The FAI adopts a "synthesis" organizational model. That is, it recognizes aplurality of positions internally, within the Anarchist Programme, which thenflows into an operational consensus on political practices. In our organizationalpractice, in no case can a majority impose its line on a possible minority, sincedecisions bind only those who freely assume them as their own. Our organizationis formal, based on individuals and groups that have open offices and activitiesand that federate from below, first at the local, then national, theninternational level. All mandates are technical and revocable at any time. Thosewho hold positions in the structures of the Federation respond to the assembly asa guarantee of horizontality and equality of all * within the organization. Thereis no political leadership and no one receives compensation for their militantactivity.We are convinced that an organization with clear, precise and shared rules, farfrom limiting freedom, is instead the guarantee of everyone's equal access todecision-making processes and the best antidote to the formation of authoritarianpractices and charismatic leaderships. This contradicts all the vulgates thatequate anarchy with chaos and lack of organization. We think on the contrary thatin the absence of a truly libertarian organization we don't know who decides, andwhoever has more time, ability, notoriety and means can actually decide forothers *. Prefiguring the organizational models of society that we hope for, thepractice of anarchist organization is a method that serves to implementlibertarian social relations in movements as well as in personal life.We are not and do not want to be a vanguard that claims to lead the practices ofsocial emancipation, convinced that the transformation of society will be thework of the oppressed and exploited classes. The action of the oppressed* forsocial transformation will be all the more effective the more it moves outsideand against class institutions and collaboration. Insurrection is based on theautonomous action of the oppressed classes. The social and libertarian revolutionwe hope for will be their work.Referring to social anarchism, communist and organizer, which highlights theimportance of coherence of means and ends, we are for a social organizationwithout hierarchy and violence and for the application of methods of struggleconsistent with this proposal. At the same time, from our point of view it isethically legitimate for those who are exploited * and oppressed * to use forceif necessary to defend themselves against state and boss violence. Terrorism andindiscriminate violence are the preserve of armies, governments and those whoaspire to go there, in the form of war, torture and repression.It won't be the slanders that politics and the press are pouring on anarchismthat will stop our determination to create a new society based on universalequality, freedom and solidarity.Italian Anarchist Federation - FAIFAI conference on 11 March in Livornohttps://www.anarresinfo.org/la-federazione-anarchica-italiana-nelle-lotte-per-la-rivoluzione-sociale/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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