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vrijdag 5 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE - ANIMALS - Network for Animals - How Network for Animals’ supporters helped animals in March.


This is how Network for Animals put donations into direct action for animals in need worldwide in March.

Dear friends,

In March, your compassion helped change the lives of terrified dogs and cats in war-torn Ukraine and the Middle East, sick and disabled animals in Thailand, bruised and broken equines in the Balkans, and suffering street cats in North Africa.

Here are the animals our supporters helped last month.

Bethlehem, Palestine 

Rushing ten dogs in Palestine to safe new homes in the United States

In Bethlehem, Palestine, many local people consider dogs pests, leaving countless animals to endure hellish lives on the streets. These helpless animals survive on little more than scraps and suffer from terrible abuse, disease and starvation. Our longstanding partner, the Animal and Environment Association (AEA), is the only animal shelter in the West Bank and is overwhelmed with unwanted, sick and hungry animals. To make matters worse, the war has made it extremely difficult to provide food and care for all the animals at the sanctuary. 

We managed to secure loving forever homes in the United States for ten lucky dogs, but we urgently needed support to transport the animals to safety. Thanks to your generosity, we raised enough funds to cover the shortfall for the transportation costs, and now, ten rescued dogs from war-torn Palestine are safe and happy in their new homes! Thank you for helping us ensure the success of this relocation and for giving these canine war victims a second chance at a happy life. 

Read the original article here.

Credit: DAWG

Rabat, Morocco 

Conducting a mass sterilization program to help street cats

In Morocco, street cats are breeding at an uncontrollable rate. Local communities often turn a blind eye to their suffering, and with each new kitten born, another helpless animal is condemned to a life of disease and suffering. A single unspayed female cat can produce up to five litters each year, starting when they are just five months old. This means that kittens are having kittens, causing the uncontrolled and explosive growth of cats fighting for survival on Morocco’s streets.

Our partner, Kawthar Cats, feeds over 100 cats and kittens daily and is constantly rescuing sick and injured felines. The team is doing life-saving work, but the only way to ease street cat suffering long-term is through the initiation of an urgent mass sterilization program – and through your support, we have done exactly that! Thank you for playing such a pivotal role in alleviating the suffering of Morocco’s street cats. 

Read the original article here. 

Credit: Kawtar Douhaoui

Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand 

Building new enclosures for sick, disabled and unwanted shelter animals

In Thailand, where animal neglect is sickeningly common, helpless puppy Fudge dragged her broken, infected legs behind her on a busy street for weeks before anyone helped her. A good Samaritan finally picked her up and took her to our partner, Rescue PAWS, but sadly, they had to amputate Fudge’s legs. Fudge is just one of the many tragic cases Rescue PAWS. takes in every month, with a special focus on paralyzed and disabled animals. 

Almost no one will adopt a disabled or paralyzed dog in Thailand, so these animals are destined to live out their days at our partner sanctuary. But the shelter urgently needs new, larger premises if it is to take in more dogs like Fudge. 

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to make a sizable donation towards the building of additional enclosures for our partner’s sick and disabled animal residents. Thank you for giving poor souls like Fudge the support and care they so desperately deserve.

Read the original article here.

Credit: NFA/Debby Querido

Zagreb, Croatia 

Campaigning to end barbaric horse log-pulling competitions

In Croatia, beneath the cruel guise of “tradition,” horses endure unimaginable suffering – chained, terrorized, and mercilessly beaten for barbaric log-pulling competitions known as straparijada. This relentless torment is nothing more than a grotesque spectacle for human amusement and gambling profits, and it must be stopped immediately. Our partner, Animal Friends Croatia, has a strong track record of successfully campaigning to legally end animal abuse and neglect – and is committed to enforcing a complete ban on these horse competitions within a year. However, they desperately need support. 

Thanks to your donations, we are supporting critical ongoing efforts to end this cruel sport. Our team will continue to lobby the government, amend animal welfare laws, and create a massive media campaign exposing the shocking abuse behind the sport to both locals and the tourists upon whom the Croatian economy relies. Thank you for launching us forward in this crucial fight against barbaric practices that have left countless horses bleeding, bruised and broken. Your support is their lifeline.

Read the original article here.

Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic


Rushing emergency food and medical supplies to animal victims of war

Amid the devastating war in Ukraine, countless animals on the frontlines face grave and imminent danger. As Russian forces advance and donations dwindle, the thousands of animals we have been helping are in serious trouble. Our partner NOWZAD, run by distinguished British vet Pen Farthing, supports an animal shelter in Kramatorsk which, along with others that rely on our life-saving aid, face destruction. To make matters worse, everything in Ukraine is expensive as vital resources become increasingly scarce. 

We reached out to you with a desperate plea for help, and thanks to your unwavering generosity, we secured emergency funds to rush critically needed food and medical supplies to the countless cats and dogs in war-torn Ukraine. Thank you for being a friend to animals in their darkest hour of need. 

Read the original article here.

Credit: Oleksandr Ratushniak/UNDP/Ukraine

Latest Updates

Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Our new Azil Danica shelter is saving animal lives! Remember the state-of-the-art shelter you helped us establish to aid abandoned dogs in Trebinje? We are pleased to announce that just one year on, the shelter is already making a positive impact, providing a haven for animals in need and offering them a chance at a better life. In the past two months alone, nine dogs have been rehomed. Thank you for making this possible! Read more.
Lefkas, Greece – Supporting hungry animals through the winter. Through our Gloria’s Little Acts of Kindness (GLAoK) program, we helped Little Friends Lefkas in Greece with their annual raffle fundraiser! This funding will go a long way in supporting their vital initiatives, including providing food for all the dogs in their care throughout the winter season and furthering their spay and neuter efforts. Together, we are changing animal lives! Read more.
Credit: NFA/David Barritt
Ramat Gan, Israel – Sterilizing suffering street cats. We are proud to have partnered with Let the Animals Live (LTAL) in Israel, a dedicated animal welfare organization working around the clock to rescue, feed and sterilize countless animals in need amid this terrible time of war. Watch the video…
Credit: LTAL
Elefsina, Greece – Rushing food to hungry dogs in need. Adespota Mystyria, a heroic animal rescue team, has been caring for homeless pups in Elefsina since 2015. But when the local municipality stopped supplying food in May 2023, 145 shelter dogs and 200 street pups faced starvation. Thanks to your support, we rushed emergency funds to Adespota Mystyria in December and secured a steady supply of food for the pups. Read more.
Credit: Adespota Mystyria
Cape Town, South Africa – Covering the cost of Luna’s sterilization. Thanks to our Gloria's Little Acts of Kindness (GLAoK) program and together with our partner, African Tails, we were able to have Luna the cat sterilized. Luna belongs to a kind-hearted but poor man who desperately wanted to prevent further animal suffering but didn't have the means to pay to have his cats sterilized. Thank you for doing your part to help prevent the birth of unwanted kittens in rural parts of South Africa. Read more.
Credit: African Tails

In the News:

War cats: Ukraine enlists feline friends in fight against Russia. Read more.

Bullfighting resumes in Mexico City for now, despite protests. Read more.

UK cameraman exposes cat meat trade in Kuala Lumpur; Malaysians demand legal intervention. Read more.

Bullfighting 'is sadistic and despicable', says Spain's new culture minister – but can animal activists get their hopes up? Read more.

Chinese medicine ejiao facing blow to supply as Africa, Brazil move to end donkey trade. Read more.

Meet Juanita and Lola-Pearl, the human-cat amputee duo helping others through animal therapy. Read more.

Thank you for being a friend to the animals of the world in March. They are deeply grateful for your kindness, and so are we.

Donate Now

Banner credit: NFA/Mark Jordan; News item images: Image 1: Oleksandr Liashuk; Image 3: BNN news;  Image 6: AP.

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