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vrijdag 5 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL: 23 Rio militants are acquitted! Long live the popular struggle! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The demonstrations that took to the streets in 2013 and 2014 in Brazil
were marked by several demonstrations of direct action and popular
combativeness - which cannot be analyzed in a low-level and dishonest
way. It was one of the moments in which popular agendas -
transportation, combating mega-events, demands for investments in health
and education, resistance against removals and evictions, highlighted
the widespread dissatisfaction of the oppressed classes in Brazil. As
the fight progressed, state repression reached several Brazilian regions
and many protesters were arrested and prosecuted. The emblematic case of
Rafael Braga, a black recyclable material collector arrested for
"carrying" a bottle of disinfectant, exposed the military police's
policy of extreme violence, repression and racism during the period.
Officially, more than 837 people were injured by police repression (of
which 117 were journalists) and 16 people were killed during the protests.

As if all the repression suffered on the streets was not enough, we had
cases of invasion of political spaces - as occurred in Rio Grande do
Sul, with the entry of the civil police into the headquarters of the
Anarchist Federation of Rio Grande do Sul (FAG) -, the persecution and
surveillance against militants, pressure psychological attacks against
relatives of militants, among other means. In the field of legality, the
onslaught promoted for ten years by the state of Rio de Janeiro, when
seeking to condemn, through the National Security Law, 23 militants who
were involved in the struggles of the period. The tightening of state
repression and persecution during the June Days of 2013 removed sectors
of the left and popular movements from the streets, creating a political
vacuum that opened up space for the action of conservative
organizations, which repudiated popular demands.

This Tuesday, the 19th, the last trial regarding the Rio case took
place. The OSL was among the organizations present at the event in front
of the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice, where the 23 militants were
finally acquitted of the charges brought about by the repression of the
demonstrations in June 2013. All popular and revolutionary militancy
must never absent from class struggle and solidarity with those
persecuted by the capitalist-statist system.

Long live the popular and combative struggle of 2013! May greater
combativeness and organization drive new struggles and new achievements!

OSL March 20, 2024

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