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donderdag 11 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL - 1 year after Sainte-Soline "I will come back and I will be millions"* (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 1 year after Sainte-Soline, Serge, seriously injured, chose to testify

in a report by the online media Off Investigation and the Reporterre
website. A political and human assessment, and perspectives of struggle
to share without hesitation. ---- See online: the original interview on
"Off investigation" ---- 1 year after Sainte-Soline, Serge, seriously
injured, chose to testify in a report from the online media Off
investigation and the Reporterre website. A political and human
assessment, and perspectives of struggle to share without hesitation.

Here is the full interview with Serge taken from the documentary
produced by "Off investigation" and Reporterre:

Sainte Soline, autopsy of a carnage

On Reporterre you will find it with the full transcription of the interview

On Reporterre there are still testimonies from other injured people:

And on the Camarades du S Blog their latest press release

* "I will come back and I will be millions!" is a remark attributed to
Tupac Amaru II Inca rebel of the 18th century. See on this subject the
article by Nedjib Sidi Moussa in issue 3 of Brasero - counter-history
review published by l'Echappée

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