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donderdag 11 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Tract UCL, An emergency plan for all public services in 93 (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In 1998, a vast protest movement involving parents, teachers and

students won an emergency plan. Twenty-five years later,
Seine-Saint-Denis remains one of the most under-equipped departments in
relation to its population. Let's not let this happen, let's demand our
rights! ---- In 1998 teachers and parents but also many high school
students from Seine-Saint-Denis led three months of mobilizations and
strikes under the slogan: "We want means, we are not less than nothing"
. The result was extraordinary: 3,000 teacher hires and 5,000 "youth
jobs", creation of specific standards on class numbers and for the
schools most in difficulty, 5 billion granted for the renovation of

The fight was led by a "Coordination of establishments on strike" which
functioned in a general assembly in the presence of teacher union
leaders and parents of FCPE students. The current movement can produce
identical results!

But the State and successive governments have not only allowed the
school in our department to deteriorate. The entire health system is
dilapidated: hospitals, nursing homes, mental health, municipal health
centers... Thousands of professionals and dozens of reception facilities
are missing.

UCL leaflet to download
In public transport we suffer daily from dilapidated networks and
unsuitable timetables. The work that drags on to open new lines creates
incomprehensible difficulties and, with the population densification
desired by local authorities and real estate developers, we already know
that they will be insufficient when they are put into service.

Finally, in housing, the scam of urban renovation plans is now before
everyone's eyes: massive destruction of social housing, construction of
already degraded condominiums and delusional densification by eating
away at the few green spaces which were nevertheless our only hopes for
fight against global warming and urban heatwaves.

We refuse to live in a giant ghetto. We want reindustrialization for
real jobs and real salaries: enough precariousness and cheap jobs. We
want the reconstruction of local agricultural areas rather than new hard
discount chains that sell us industrial foods imported from all over the

General mobilization!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
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