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vrijdag 19 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #347 - Culture, See Michel Bertrand: Living with wolves (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 An immersion in an Alpine forest is what Jean Michel Bertrand offers us,

who lives most of the year in a small cabin clinging to a steep, rocky
side. Its goal? Observe the installation and evolution of a pack of
wolves; a young couple arrived on the only territory still unoccupied in
this corner of the mountain. How will they survive, thrive, what impact
will they have on biodiversity? We follow him throughout the seasons,
noting his observations and sharing with us what his carefully scattered
cameras capture.
The film opens with a saddened observation, made in voice-over: it is
difficult to talk about the wolf without the debate becoming heated.
However, the alarmist speeches which exacerbate anger are often
inaccurate or even downright false; the wolf will destroy everything in
its path, devour all the animals in the forest... In reality, the wolf
regulates itself, and the number of young ones that survive directly
depends on the number of prey available. We even observe the opposite
effect a few kilometers from the cabin; the Abruzzo region marked by
deindustrialization has seen prosperity return and biodiversity flourish
following the implementation of a strategy to protect wildlife, and
primarily wolves...

Jean Michel Bertrand does not stay in his mountain throughout the film,
and in addition to the striking landscapes, offers us some respectful
and stimulating discussion sequences with people very concerned by the
return of the wolf; a hunter, but above all breeders, shepherds and
shepherds. These are the people who must adapt the most to the new
situation, the presence of the wolf disrupting some of their practices.
Throughout the interviews, always conducted in a friendly setting, many
topics emerge; the hardness of the job is mainly loneliness, the
relationship with the dog (having one or not), the business that it can
be (you have to buy quantities of kibble to feed the patous who protect
the herd), the pain of seeing your animals attacked. An observation
emerges, the impression of working on the fringes of a society mostly
cut off from the realities of meat and wildlife production. Calls to
eradicate the wolf are not only useless (it is now impossible) but above
all testify to a certain relationship with the living: humans are the
dominant ones, who arrogate to themselves the right to decide who can
live or who must be exterminated.

This film, which offers us so many shots of reassuring beauty and quite
a few mischievous moments, takes the exact opposite of this approach. A
beautiful plea for humility, nuance and conviviality.

Mélanie (AL's friend)

Jean Michel Bertrand, Living with wolves, 2023, 1h30.

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