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donderdag 4 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT: Anarchosyndicalisme #185 - DO WITH THE SCHOOL FOR OUR ANARCHIST PROJECT (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

During the last school year, on the CNT-AIT website and in issue 183 of
Anarchosyndicalisme!, comrades severely condemned the School (understood
as the state institution claiming to educate young people from
kindergarten to high school ) considering it solely as a place of
formatting, indoctrination and social reproduction. Even if I share the
ideal of libertarian education in a society without schools as
formulated in particular by Ivan Illichii, I think that today's School
(and in particular the workers who act within it) do not deserve such a
vehement charge...

1) First of all, for the sake of truth and without excusing or ignoring
its other shortcomings, we must recognize that School has become
"democratized" since it now offers education for all young people of
each age group, of all origins (including minors without a residence
permit), of all social categories and of all educational potential, no
longer up to 13 years old (law of 18/3/1882 known as the Jules Ferry
law), 14 years (law of 9/8/1936) or 16 years (the legal age of
compulsory education today since an order of 6/1/1959) but in fact up to
18 years, or even more since On the one hand, it has the obligation to
train each young person until they reach the age of majority and, on the
other hand, higher education is open to all high school graduates.

As a result, we note in particular that, from now on, almost 80% of the
members of an age group obtain the Baccalaureate and that today half of
25-34 year olds have higher education qualifications, all things which,
on the one hand, now place us very far from the elitist school of the
19th century and a large part of the 20th century, which reserved the
pursuit of studies beyond compulsory education, with some exceptions, to
young people from the wealthiest families, and, on the other hand, must
make us admit that social reproduction no longer takes place within the
School, but essentially outside it: choice of wealthy families to
educate their children in elitist private middle and high schools
promoting social interaction and instilling the desire to achieve and
"succeed" in capitalist and consumer society (through the eager quest
for first places, diplomas, power, having and appearing through access
to so-called prestigious professions); majority enrollment of the
wealthiest young people in preparatory classes, business schools,
engineering schools and large private post-baccalaureate schools with
expensive and discriminatory tuition fees; network of mutual aid and
co-optation within the oligarchy to "place" its children professionally
within it, at the end of their higher education.

2) We should also recognize that the vast majority of members of
educational teams in public schools (technical and administrative staff,
teachers, health and surveillance staff, etc.) have no other goals than
to help education (transmission of knowledge, know-how - including a
taste for learning and discovery, critical thinking and freedom of
thought - and humanist values), the development, emancipation and human
success of young people in school, acting in this sense with kindness,
empathy and dedication in favor of their students, outside of any
elitism, any discrimination and any desire for indoctrination to one
cause or another.

We must think above all, as anarchosyndicalists, that all these
personnel are not our class enemies, but our equals, workers like the
others, many of whom share most of our ideals (and not only in terms of
humanist pedagogy , even libertarian, but also in their aspiration for
an egalitarian, mutually supportive, pacified, anti-authoritarian
society, etc.), therefore potential comrades in the struggle, whom we
will never rally to our anarchist project by insulting them with
arguments unfair, unfounded or anachronistic.

3) As for the role of indoctrination and formatting attributed to the
School (To make young people in school the future docile citizens of the
French nation and of our fallacious democracy, because it is indirect,
parliamentary and statist, just like the consenting slaves of the
capitalist oligarchy and consumer society), I also believe that our
traditional anarchist statement must be nuanced and updated. On the one
hand, by reading the Official Instructions which came to replace Civil
Instruction with Moral and Civic Education (EMC), this teaching a priori
supposed to be the most capable of targeting the indoctrination and
political formatting of youth, we can only admit that today's schools
are far from subjecting students to any dehumanizing, nationalist,
xenophobic, totalitarian brainwashing favorable to economic liberalism.

In fact, among the common values that the EMC wants to transmit to young
schoolchildren, through active pedagogy and not in the form of a
dogmatic catechism, what do we find? Dignity, freedom, equality,
solidarity, secularism, the spirit of justice, respect for the person,
equality between women and men, tolerance and the absence of any form of
discrimination, moral sense, critical thinking, the aptitude for
thoughtful behavior and the exercise of citizenship, individual and
collective responsibility, to which media and ecology education will
soon be added...

On the other hand, even if some of us judge that these official
instructions still organize reprehensible formatting for the benefit of
representative democracy and the 5th Republic, everyone should recognize
the failure and harmlessness of this formatting.: more and more French
people no longer vote and loathe the ruling political class; others, the
majority of voters, support with their votes parties described as
extremist and non-republican by the servants (self-proclaimed
"government" or "republican" parties, conformist media and
intellectuals) of the oligarchy; many demonstrate peacefully or
otherwise to oppose the political and economic system; some are calling
for the establishment of the citizen initiative referendum (RIC)... and
as for us, the School did not prevent us from becoming anarchists, or
even contributed greatly to our becoming one...

Frédéric B. (Lille)

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