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zaterdag 13 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL leaflet, April 1: Dignified housing for all (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Rent prices, soaring real estate prices, speculation, evictions, urban
segregation, fight against gentrification, requisitions of empty
housing... This April 1, on the occasion of the European Day of Action
for the Right to Housing, let's mobilize! ---- 1) Inventory of the
accommodation. ---- The winter break will end on March 31 in a context
more difficult than ever. Inflation and rising energy prices combine
with rising rents and make many tenants fear the loss of their homes.
With this in mind, 13 demonstrations in 12 cities are organized to
demand decent housing for all.

2) The Kasbarian law
While INSEE counted three million unoccupied homes in 2023 (an increase
of more than 60% since 1990), the Kasbarian-Bergé law was adopted in
July 2023 in a dynamic of criminalization of poverty. This law "aimed at
protecting housing against illegal occupation" in fact aims to consider
tenants as delinquents: acceleration of eviction procedures for unpaid
rent, tripling of the sanctions incurred by squatters and creation of an
offense punishing "propaganda or advertising in favor of methods
encouraging home invasion". In addition to exploitation at work, workers
experience capitalist violence even in their homes and particularly for
residents of working-class neighborhoods whose lives are increasingly
sacrificed to the profits of merchants. sleep and speculators. By having
appointed Guillaume Kasbarian - bearer of this "anti-squat" law -
Minister of Housing at the start of the year, the government, half of
which are millionaires, once again shows its contempt for the working

3) Housing from the point of view of UCL or libertarian communists
We promote direct action by those concerned to challenge private
property and the capitalist housing market. Necessary prerequisite for
the construction of a socialized public housing service. This is why we
support the action of collectives and associations fighting against poor
housing such as the DAL.

We consider that the fight for the immediate improvement of living
conditions could lead to this rupture. This is why we claim:

- Rent freezing.

- The requisition of empty housing for speculative purposes.

- A dissuasive tax on unoccupied square meters.

- Compliance with the SRU which imposes a minimum threshold for social
housing in municipalities which still remains largely unmonitored.

- Insulation of the building in order to minimize tenants' energy bills
and high environmental standards.

- Access to social housing for undocumented people.

- No eviction from slums without sustainable social rehousing taking
into account family situations.

- Reinforced control to detect and sanction slumlords.

- A real reinforced support policy for homeless people in order to avoid
leaving people on the street.

- An increase in emergency accommodation capacity, for homeless people
with or without papers, but also for women victims of domestic violence.

- One in four homeless people in France have gone through the ASE. We
need more resources for child protection, a roof over our heads and an
income for each independent young person.

Let's be in the streets on April 1 for the right to decent housing for all!

Libertarian Communist Union, March 28, 2024

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