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vrijdag 12 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #347 - Anti-fascism, Macron, moving towards fascism (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Immigration law, "demographic rearmament", cult of the leader... Since
2017, Macron and his party have been embarked on a never-ending turn to
the right, walking hand in hand with the RN in the Assembly since 2022.
How do these have supporters of the extreme center become an extreme
right like the others? ---- "It is no longer only our findings and our
diagnoses that are important to you, but now our values and our
solutions", here are the words addressed a few weeks ago to Gabriel
Attal by Jean-Philippe Tanguy, president -delegate of the RN group to
the National Assembly. You only need to look at the record of the Macron
governments to confirm this assertion: on immigration, after the abject
Darmanin law[1], the minister declares that he wants to abolish land
rights in Mayotte, taking up a favorite measure of the far right .

Weak signals of radicalization
Same observation for feminist struggles: in parallel with a speech
talking about "demographic rearmament", Macron blocks the adoption by
the European Parliament of a definition of rape taking into account the
notion of consent[2]. No surprise from a president who declared that
Depardieu "makes France proud" when he is accused of rape and assault by
13 women. No surprise either from a president who managed to
successively name four ministers accused of rape, including the Minister
of the Interior. It is also impossible to forget that the current
government has six former ministers who supported the Manif pour tous, a
record. We can complete this picture with radically antisocial measures
such as the pension reform and the reform of the RSA and unemployment
insurance, or the particular vision of education which emerges from the
president: SNU, uniforms, and premises of a questioning of the single

There has been no shortage of "weak signals" of the president's
radicalization over the years: tribute to Pétain in 2018, interview with
Valeurs Acteurs in 2019, quote from Maurras in 2020, the complete list
would be too long... Upon his re-election in 2022, the elements were in
place, until his election speech where he promised to do everything so
that the French no longer have any reason to vote for "the extremes", a
plural reminiscent of Trump in Charlottesville[3], which we will savor
all the more knowing that he was targeting the reformism of Mélenchon
and LFI on the left, mounted as scarecrows.

The cult of "the strong man"

But beyond reactionary influences, there is an eminently fascist
component in the DNA of Macronist capitalism: the cult of "the strong
man", virile, rich and powerful. Barely elected Attal, we were told that
he was a superman who only slept a few hours a day, capable of enduring
sleepless nights. In less than seven years, 26 ministers and former
ministers have been implicated in legal cases[4], but these cases never
call into question their mandates: for Macron, his followers are above
the law, bearers of a mission that cannot be called into question. It is
difficult to be surprised by this feeling of impunity when we discover
that more than a third of the new government would belong to the richest
1% of the population[5]. Here we find one of the points of connection
between fascist thought and capitalism: the idea that a small caste
innately deserves to accumulate wealth and power without limits.

N. Bartosek (UCL Alsace)

To validate

[1]"State racism: Let's remain mobilized against the Darmanin-Le Pen
law", Libertarian Alternative n°346, January 2024.

[2]"The European Union renounces a community definition of rape", Le
Monde, February 5, 2024.

[3]"Strong indignation after Donald Trump's change of heart on
Charlottesville", Le Monde, August 15, 2017.

[4]"All the affairs that have affected Emmanuel Macron's ministers since
2017", Le Monde, January 17, 2024.

[5]"Attal government: investigation into these millionaires who govern
us", L'Humanité, February 13, 2024.

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