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dinsdag 9 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT: Why there are several «CNTs» in France? (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

There are several organizations in France that call themselves «CNT»:
the CNT-AIT (the French section of the International Workers
Association, AIT-IWA), the CNT Vignoles (because its Parisian office is
located at 33 rue des Vignoles; this group is been a member of the CIT
since January 2024 ) and the CNT-SO (SO for «solidarité ouvrière»,
worker solidarity) .
Vignoles and SO are the result of a split in the CNT-AIT that they
provoked in 1993.
This split essentially concerned two questions:

- a question of strategy: Can revolutionaries participate or not in the
management system they intend to destroy - by participating in
professional elections and representative bodies?

- and a political question, from which ultimately arises the first
question: what is the political identity of the CNT? Is the CNT an
anarchist organization, that is to say whose purpose is anarchy?

For the CNT-AIT, the answers are simple and clear:

- Yes, the CNT-AIT is an anarchist organization, that is to say whose
purpose is anarchy (whether you call it libertarian communism,
anarchism, anarchosyndicalism).

- Consequently the CNT-AIT does not participate in electoral masquerades
(whether in professional or political elections, and it makes no
alliance with the political parties whatever they are that it rejects all.

CNT-AIT France

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